

Jennie's recipes

Monday 25 March 2024

Things are happening II - and update

 Tam went in to the hospital today, in early labour, but they induced her anyway to speed things up.  Had a message via Gabby from Jon that Tam is in strong labour now, so baby should be born today.  She's doing well with her breathing exercises.  I am on tenterhooks now.  Update: She's about to have a C-section . . . Hope to goodness they get the pain relief appropriate, given her track record - tooth removed with no pain relief as amount given didn't work for her and another occasion for an operation too.  It's on her records, but a worrying time . ..  Poor lass, this is everything she DIDN'T want to happen.

Not very clear - sorry.  Hope you get the idea.

I am absolutely exhausted today - Keith not very bright, but still improving.  His oxygen levels are 28, and the norm is 22 or 23, so getting there.  The physios (who are brilliant) listened to his chest and said it was almost clear of crackles, so got him out in a chair which can be moved into reclining position etc and he was sat out for an hour and a half, but by then I could see he was very tired.  I was feeding him, reading bits from the paper for him, cleaned his teefs (this never gets done), helping him drink etc.  Saw the dietitian again too, and between us we persuaded him that even if he didn't like the high-protein milk shakes, he had to drink them anyway as he was on half the calories he should be on.  He wasn't best-pleased that I'd joined ranks with the Dietitian, but it is essential for his recovery.

I will confess to another trip to Doughty's to look for deep red patchwork material to edge or make new curtains in the Summerhouse.  I bought 4 fat quarters I liked, then found a clearance bag of half a dozen (no, 8) suitable reds for £5 at the counter, so they came home with me too.

I'm off for a lie down now.  D & "I" have gone swimming.  I need a nap.


  1. How exciting! And if baby arrives today it will always be Xmas Day 9months later lol Rest rest rest and am sure you will get a wonderful phone call soon. Glad Keith is improving and he absolutely has to listen, nutrition is vital and he needs to move past the ‘don’t like it’ stage , the priority is that he builds up strength and that will improve so much for him xx Danette

  2. Fingers crossed Mum and baby come through happy and healthy. So glad you got to do some retail therapy. I love the colours and patterns. I hope you got a solid nap.

  3. You have found a good assortment of materials! Nice glowing colours.
    Babes arrive when they want to... although sometimes they need a heavy hint!
    Steady good news about Keith...Pirate has the same view when we "gang up on him"...I'm just relieved that the nurses and myself agree!!

  4. Keeping everything crossed for Mum and Baby to come through happy and healthy. Thinking of you all. Hugs Xx

  5. Hugs sweetie, sometimes you have to gang up on them to get them back onside. Glad to hear that things are improving and that he is more comfy. Fingers crossed everything works out on all fronts and that there is a little bundle to cuddle soon xxx hold on in there sweetie xxx Tricia xxxx

  6. Update..sending hugs. Daughter had an emergency C section with her boys

  7. Exciting news for Tam and baby. Sending lots of good wishes to them and you all.
    Good if K will drink the protein shakes. They are somewhat improved by being very cold.
    Very pretty fabrics.

  8. Like wizards, babies are never late, nor are they early. They arrive precisely when they mean to.

  9. I've just read the two posts in reverse order, I was about to ask on the next one if she was a C-section baby, as she looks so perfect. It's easy for the baby, but not so easy for Mum. xx

  10. Congratulations to you all! Especially Tam, who will be tired and sore poor girl. What a beautiful little bundle. Sensible of you to grab a rest while you can, you've had a lot on your plate. I hope the hospital takes a 'firm line' with Keith ..." you can't go home until" - that was the only thing that worked with my MIL, who was far less able than she thought she was. We were then able to be the supportive good guys while the hospital took the bad guy role.
