

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 24 March 2024

Things are happening

 Just spoken to Tam and her waters broke yesterday, so she will hopefully be in labour soon.  If not, she has to go in to be induced tomorrow morning, and that is just what she DIDN'T want.  As I told her you can have made all the best plans in the world but the baby can change all that at a whim! SO, very exciting times and it will cheer Keith up no end to hear we're finally grandparents.  I have decided I didn't want to be version two of "Granny C" as per Keith's mum.  I have opted for the Devon dialect word for grandmother, which is "Grammer".  May shorten it to Gram!  So there.

One of the many beautiful Magnolias in bloom at the moment.  This one is at St Bartholomew's Church at Vowchurch, where I stopped on the way home.  Post in the morning.

Keith now off anti-biotics, and on slightly less oxygen, but the scan revealed a blood clot (forgot to ask where, but imagine it's in a lung?) and so he has to be on blood thinners for 6 mths.  He can't come home just yet, but I am hopeful for the end of the week, fingers x'd.   I phoned the hospital and asked that Keith be told that Tamzin's waters had broken so baby would soon be here.  That should cheer him up no end. The first thing he asked me this morning, was had the baby put in an appearance yet.

Back in the morning.


  1. Good news for K, except that random bloodclot. And so exciting for Tam and entire family. Like Tam my water broke before labor and days later I was told I should have gone right to the hospital at that time . Some nonsense about sterile environment, hahaha. I was at the beach---a hundred miles away, well 50?, 4 AM, no way. Went when I got back to the city and was in mild labor, really too soon. Took days...ah memories.

    1. Gosh, that sounds like a long labour. I was 24 hours with Tam, and 18 hrs with Danny - cord around his neck - so perhaps he wasn't in a very good position to come out. Gabby was the swiftest and I was the fittest. In hard labour only 2 1/2 hrs with her.

    2. P.S. Smiling at the thought of you in a bikini with bump, on the beach but I'm sure it wasn't like that!!

    3. It really was. August beach is a priority! Was body surfing all day. Hurricane waves! Labor was long. First baby. Water broke Monday night hospital Tuesday evening. Baby born Thursday 6 a m No pain meds given.
      Left hospital Friday to beat the beach traffic took my little beach baby home

  2. Special best wishes to your daughter, I hope the baby decides to get a wriggle on. Exciting times for all of you! This will do Keith a power of good - and whatever you decide you want to be called, I hope you are soon able to give that baby a cuddle. Really happy for you.

    1. So hoping that the baby decides to start without intervention and will be swiftly born. Little "I" dreamed last night that Tam was in hospital in labour, and had a girl - so . . .

  3. Gram is lovely! Easy to say for a little one learning too. Oh how exciting, go for it T! It’s a Full Moon swelling at the moment too- peaks at 7am I think? A good time to be born. K will be so cheered to hear baby has arrived safely x Danette

    1. I think it's a nice soft word too. Hoping that Tam has gotten going overnight without intervention as she really DIDN'T want that.

    2. I think it's a nice soft word too. Hoping that Tam has gotten going overnight without intervention as she really DIDN'T want that.

  4. Here is hoping you become a Gram and Keith a Gramps very soon.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. We will be on tenterhooks now . . .

  5. Lots of positives, and exciting times ahead for you, how wonderful. There's no Welsh in us, but I am Gan-ma - because the full word takes too long to say!! I do hope Keith makes good progress and is home very soon.

    1. When my cousin Ellen was little, she couldn't manage "Jennifer" so I was "Daffer". Hoping little one will manage Gram . . . Can't wait to get Keith home again.

    2. My friend in Whanganui is Gan-ma too..I have only ever heard that in nz

  6. So exciting about baby. I had the same plan as Tam and ended up being induced. Not the best but of course when the baby is in your arms all is forgotten. Seeing all the magnolia in bloom I wonder if that will be the baby name, You never know! Our first grandson was named after our daughter's cabbage patch doll. I am on blood thinners and I think I may have been a tiny bit overdosed as I had a massive nosebleed yesterday and ended up getting the ambulance, we live miles out in the country and I just couldn't see us managing in the car as the blood was really pouring. Excellent care in A and E. From an insider's perspective I also think Keith is getting excellent care, they are really making sure he is in the best condition possible before sending him home.

    1. Babies have their own way of organizing things. I won't know what the baby is called until they finally "decide". Tam keeps saying she has to respect Jon's wishes too . . . So sorry about that awful nosebleed and your having to go to A&E. I will have to keep an eye on Keith like that. They are very diligent in their care, but hospital is never fun.

  7. Hope the baby arrives very, very soon.
    Also hoping Keith gets home before the end of the week to save all your travelling

  8. And when your grandchildren grow up you will be called by your proper name ;). Good news mainly, glad Keith is starting to perk up. Hospitals are good places to get better but miserable for those who want to come home. Too many memories for me.

  9. Last comment me Thelma.

  10. Exciting for you and Keith that Tam's baby is on its way. I was induced both times, 4 hours with first and 2 hours with second, but had grotty pregnancies. Hope Keith is soon home from hospital and he will be so excited to hold his first grandchild in his arms. Hugs Xx

  11. I was always of a mind that whatever they called me would be fine with me. William, I think, was 'grandma' from the beginning. They tried to work it in to him that I was me-maw. It seems to have been the other grandma's idea. It didn't stick, however, and I'm delighted to say that I've always been gramma to him. Iris called me 'ama' for the first four years of her life. When she started school, she became very conscious of her pronounciation. The first time that she called me 'gramma' was a jolt.

  12. Gram and Gramps will be lovely and easy for baby to say very early. I hope everything goes well for her, and isn't it nice that Keith has something so special to look forward to. xx

  13. I wonder how many other of your readers, like me , keep refreshing your blog for baby news! I’ve kept checking today lol Danette x
