

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 9 April 2024

I've had better days


. . . this year's birthday was a rather damp squib.  Unable to go anywhere because of caring for Keith (it being a working day for both D&E), and with Gabby due for lunch, I just went to Llandod for groceries, and on to Midway Plants for some compost, and I may have succumbed to a half price blue Cut-leaf Geranium (Johnson's Blue colouring but another name) and a very pretty Vinca minor "Atropurpurea". They'll go on the next stretch of the bank.

Keith hasn't been very bright, has no appetite and only wants jelly as his mouth his dry (he's on diuretics, and that is a common side-effect.) So, that's a worry.  

Danny was going to print something off, and discovered that the printer was sitting in a pool of printer ink - which has completely ruined the top of the antique Elm Box it was sat on.  I have removed the ink cartridge, and spent ages patting a bicarb of soda paste onto the ink, letting it sit 10 or 15 mins, and then rubbing it over the ink stain.  Ink is still coming off but it's a slow old business and it will never be the same again.  Fairly gutted over this. The printer has NEVER leaked before and where it was before it wouldn't have mattered if it did.

Anyway, trying to look on the bright side:

1.  Keith managed, holding onto the hall rails, to stagger a few steps today.

2.  It was lovely seeing Gabby, who brought flowers and a lunch which will feed me a couple of days more.  Plus the cake is a nice soft Lemon Drizzle sponge and will be nice for Keith with ice cream.

3.  The ink IS coming off even though it will leave a permanent stain.  The ink on my fingers will slowly wash off . . .

4.  I can have an outing and like our late Queen, have an unofficial birthday when the sun is shining.

5.  I have two new plants.

6.  The kids clubbed together and bought me a new mobile.


  1. Happy birthday darling girl x sorry it’s been a bit of a day- what a nightmare about the blasted ink leak. Danette x

  2. Something totally off the charts like the leaking ink is the sort of dilemma that just tops off the ordinary hurdles of a day. I'm sorry it had to be an upset on your birthday. Keith's illness presents ever-changing complications, endless adjustments. I can only hope there are the occasional moments/hours even days when there is respite. Indeed, at times the cheerful and uplifting events are measured in tiny but welcome increments.

  3. Thanks Danette. I've had better, that's for sure, and first birthday since I began work that I haven't taken myself off somewhere special. I've managed to clear some of the ink but not sure if I can remove it all.

  4. Another orbit completed, and may the next be filled with laughter, peace, love, and wonderful times!

  5. Happy Birthday my dear. So sorry about the ink leak, hopefully more will be removed each time. I do hope Keith starts to eat a bit more.

    God bless.

  6. Happy Birthday and look forward to the unofficial one. Sorry to read about the ink, hope it comes out.

  7. Happy birthday! I'm sorry it didn't go better. Take a day for yourself to celebrate it. Crossing my fingers that the ink comes out.

  8. Happy birthday! Your count your blessings list is so positive and pleasing. So sorry about the antique elm piece and the ink stain. My printer is on a beautiful old blue painted six board blanket chest. I think I will put a tray under the printer
    Hang in there each day will have more good.
    Lizzy Gone to the beach

  9. I know the ink is permanent but it could have been worse. I left a candle unattended and an hour later I discovered the surface of the wax alight! The heat burned the top of a vintage unit and the heat in the top was unbelievable. I believe I only just caught it in time and spent the day trying to get the heat out of the wood!!!
    Sad to say, when people are in our positions, celebrations have to take back burner. We can only do what we can but I'm sure you'll make up for it when you can Your Majesty. We just have to look for the good in each day.

  10. Belated Happy Birthday.
    Definitely have another one on a better day

  11. Oh dear, that is a shame about the printer ink leak. When you have removed as much as you can could you conceal the worst if not all of the stain by a clever placement of one of your smaller pieces of patchwork or even a piece of antique textile that you may have hidden away. Parham, the gorgeous Elizabethan pile I am often banging on about, uses textiles in this way to protect the tops of precious antique pieces of furniture from the flower arrangements that are placed around the house. It creates a nice homely look I think. The weather is not particularly conducive to days out so don’t feel too sad about missing a birthday outing. Yesterday was chilly and blowy here with intermittent hail storms albeit very sunny and today it is just grey gloom and light rain. Oh well, I am happy to say I am feeling ‘cleansed’ after a trip to the household recycling centre (we’ve taken a couple of bites out of the van load of stuff that son drove down here 18 months ago when he was the last man standing in his rambling five-bed London house share that had been a rental property for about 20 years) followed by a swim and I’m now putting my feet up awhile looking forward to the next episode of Ripley on Netflix. It’s a series based on the Ripley novels by Patricia Highsmith and menacingly good. My favourite actor and folk singer and all rounder Johnny Flynn plays Dickie Greenleaf while Andrew Scott is Tom Ripley. More clearing out tomorrow I hope - when I get going I find having a good sort out addictive! - and the best thing is I’ve discovered our local centre has a ’re-use’ outlet for stuff that is too good to recycle. Before I forget, do try and look at the Landmark Trust Open Days for an interesting day out. Sarah x

  12. Oh, the table would be a heartbreaker for me as well! Happy birthday (belated, of course...) I think no matter how the day had played out, it would have been a hard day to navigate. You have had so much going on in your life. It will take a while for the dust to settle, I think.

  13. Aww ... I missed your birthday and I can't even say I hope you had a happy day, because it sounds like a little crap-fest. But I love that you are determined to look on the bright side and yes, like our lovely late Queen you deserve a second birthday as soon as the sun is shining and things are safe at home you can have a day of doing exactly what you want.
