

Jennie's recipes

Monday 8 April 2024

How to have fun when you're over the hill. . .

. . . when the highlight of the week is an optician's appointment, hastily organized after your reading specs go missing (little "I" likes to hide important things and deny all knowledge . . .) and you are completely lost without them.  Fortunately I managed to get the appt. this afternoon which I had cancelled on Friday (which had been Keith's appt).  I will have my eyes checked (due next month anyway)  and then choose a new pair of specs and hope they are here soonest.  "I" away at her granny's, so I can't find out from her where my current specs may be.  That's going to be £100 plus I hadn't reckoned on this month. . .

We had a lovely day yesterday with Tam, Jon and Rosie visiting.  Danny and Emma did all the cooking of the meal and I hastily rustled up a Manderin Orange Cake to fill the corners until Danny's Chilli was cooked.  Keith was delighted to meet his little grand-daughter and had a cuddle.  As you can see, he lost a lot of weight during his hospital stay.  Tam was quite upset to see him looking so gaunt. 

Happy families.  It was lovely to have a houseful.  We think baby Rosie may have a good few of Keith's genes being passed on as she has a little Elfin ear like Tam, and also a strawberry mark on her neck just where Keith has one.  

This morning Keith has sat out for a little while by the window, and together we looked at the first half of the huge tome of a catalogue for an antiques sale at Chatsworth House in 2010 - the contents of the Attic Auction indeed!  Blimey, I wish I had stuff worth £100,000 in MY attic (it was a beautiful mahogany extending table). He had to sit out on the shower commode with his thick anti-pressure-sore cushion, as we couldn't get the riser chair up the stairs - it's slightly too wide and there is a bit that juts out on the left of the stairs which prevents us getting quite normal sized furniture getting up there, and certainly anything BIG.

I'd like to get out and sow some more seeds in the greenhouse so hopefully late afternoon I'll get the chance.  I need to pot on the two boughten Tomato plants I bought recently too as they have made good growth, as well as the Cucumber seedlings.


  1. Thinking about you yesterday and hoping the visit was going well--what a very special event! I hope that Baby Rosie will have her mother's beautiful hair--I'm guessing that didn't come from Keith!
    Perhaps you'll have to keep your new reading glasses on a chain around your neck!

    1. I will definitely be getting a chain for new specs. I'm a devil for putting them down somewhere . . . They turned up, would you believe, next to Keith's specs but UNDER two hand-strengthening grips (which hid them completely). Tam phoned up to tell me that's where they were . . . Anyway, I did need a spare pair and the new ones are nice metal-rimmed ones with diamonte design on the side bar. Why not?!

      It cheered Keith up no end to meet his new grand daughter. Both my girls have long dark hair - mine used to be, back in my 20s. We shall see who Rosie takes after as she grows.

  2. How lovely to see Keith at home and with his new little granddaughter. And how very special that she shares his little strawberry birthmark, that's a real family link.

    I don't know how I would manage without my reading glasses even for an hour or so. I have three pairs dotted around the place so I can grab them when I need them. Still it won't do you any harm to have a nice new pair, as long as you can hang on to them.

    1. I'm trying to feed him up now. He asked for cheese on toast at teatime (without crusts) and managed that, which is a relief after being relegated to pureed food in hospital.

      I am lost without my specs. Today's order are an investment.

      How's your mum now? We have been told no carers or physio until K's name comes to the top of the list as we chose not to go to the community hospital. I still think it's the right choice as Keith is SO thin now and we just HAD to get him home.

    2. Thanks for asking. A hospital bed was delivered the day before she was discharged and the carers began their four visits a day, arriving for the first visit before the ambulance had even brought her home! At the end of next week we will have to start paying for the care package which will reduce to three visits a day, as she's finding four too intrusive, although she really does need them. She does wear an emergency pendant. Like you we are having to feed her up gradually, she has lost a LOT of weight while in hospital, she is now eating like a sparrow. She asked me to bring 'very small sandwiches' with us last week, so as a bit of fun I made her usual two rounds of small Hovis, but then cut out the sandwiches with my 2" biscuit cutter, she managed one and saved the other one for her tea.

  3. Keith looks absolutely thrilled to meet Rosie, your very precious granddaughter. OH has been busy sowing seeds into the electric propogator, even though we have the house up for sale, thought it would look nice to have something in the raised beds and greenhouse. Dreading the packing up and getting rid of as we have been here for 30+ years, but want to do it while we still have our marbles and mobility. Take care. Xx

    1. Oh Gill, he was. It bucked him up no end. Rosie is indeed, so precious to us. In my early30s I thought I would never have children - and then met K and we had 3. Then Tam felt the same after two failed long-term relationships, so I know just how she feels.

      Good luck with your house sale and finding somewhere else which fits your needs. This house ticked most of the boxes and we don't regret moving here, even though no downstairs bathroom or prospect of one due to plumbing challenges . . . We were at our old house over 30 years so know just how much you have probably accumulated!

  4. Glad to see him home and the family around him. Another lovely photo for the album. Any photos are precious. Little one is going to be "Rosie" then as you hoped. A lovely name. Hopefully Keith will do much better now he is at home, comfortable and with those he loves. It seems that "I" is full of mischief. Mind you - I cannot see well these days without my glasses and I cannot wear contact lenses so I do commisserate. Keep safe sweetheart and glad to see the family around you xx

    1. Indeed, it is a huge relief. We will make the most of the spring and summer and try and get K out and about. I am glad that it wasn't "I" playing games but believe me, she is a cheeky little madam at times!

      Keep going with your big tidy up and give yourself some me time to work on all those lovely sewing projects.

    2. Will do sweetie. Now don't forget to look after you too xxx

  5. So happy for you all BB. You definitely need a spare pair of reading glasses so I hope the ones secreted by little I turn up. Still too claggy to direct sow here. I gave my prepped seed bed another quick hoe this morning but as there is more rain coming our way that was probably a waste of time. Hopefully from Friday onwards there should be a period of warm dry sunshiney weather. So instead of seed sowing I speed weeded around the snowdrops under the beech hedges, planted three tiny dark rose pink cyclamen coum under the dark rose pink lilac, cut back all the salvias growing under the pergola and spread around a couple of buckets of crumbly leafy/grassy mulch. My reward will be the first asparagus of the season for supper tonight which will accompany the second half of the garden leek and cheese tart I made for the Hort Soc Spring Show on Saturday and which earned me second prize! I managed to cobble together 14 entries covering cookery, handicrafts (I entered my Exmoor socks - they came second too), flowers and veg. I got two firsts in flowers for primulas and hellebores and my leeks and chard were placed second. Everything else including Tulips, narcissi, orange polenta cake and even my marmalade were all unplaced! Do you have horticultural shows in your neck of the woods BB? Ours, which are held in spring and summer are very well supported - and competitive. It’s looking like it will rain any minute so I’m going to dash down to pick the asparagus and bring the washing in (clean bed tonight still to be made) and then put the kettle on for tea and orange polenta cake. Sarah x

    1. Well, the spares I had were the weaker pair I moved up from. This prescription is a darn sight stronger but hey, I have very good distance vision now so mustn't complain.

      How I loved hearing about your wor in the garden and the plantings. I spotted a really well grown pot of Rose Campion at the PO today and snapped that up. Just need to pencil in some gardening time - if it ever stops raining long enough for the garden to dry up a bit!

      Well done with your entries for the Hor. Soc. Spring Show and congratulations on your wins. Where we lived before we had a great little local show and I really upset the applecart when we first moved there, and I won first prize with my jam and chutney entries. It was BANANA JAM - goodness, that got the old biddies in the WI on their high horses and next year the entry form read "a jar of Strawberry Jam"!!! Enjoy your Asparagus.

  6. I have dozens of pairs of glasses - too many by far. Recently I've taken to wearing varifocals - has only taken me about a decade ti get used to them. But thankfully we don't need glasses to know sense and see joy and love - what joy it must be to meet a grandchild.

  7. Lovely to see Keith at home with Rosie. She is such a Bonny baby. I need to start my gardening too but it is too wet outside and not particularly inviting to even visit the greenhouse in this weather. We have had several yellow warnings for gales overnight recently. Will it ever clear up I wonder.

  8. It’s so lovely to see all the generations together. Such joy for you.
    You can order approximate Rx reading glasses from Amazon. Like 5 pairs for $15.00 you’d get them tomorrow. I keep them all over the house In addition to good Rx from optical shop. Not perfect but I really need them.
    Lizzy. Gone to the beach

  9. So good that K is home and has now met his granddaughter! Wonderful pictures. I'm sure getting home is what he needed, and hope he can build up some strength now. Be sure you get rest as well.

  10. Happy Birthday BB - wishing you a lovely day. Sarah x

  11. So pleased Keith is home and had the chance now to meet Rosie. A lovely family photo. Happy Birthday by the way. Hope you can get some new reading glasses sorted soon. I broke mine recently luckily I had a spare pair and OH is always buying cheapo ones as he is forever breaking/losing his but I only use them in an emergency!
