

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Keith's coming home tomorrow!!

 Yippee!  Lots of straight talking and string pulling today.  At one point Keith spelt out Solicitors on his alphabet sheet! and he was definitely not going to be deterred from getting home, any way he could.  I put it across that Keith's next move would be digging an escape tunnel, to try and lighten the discussion.  Anyway, a very helpful OT lady came and asked questions and said she saw no reason why Keith shouldn't come home and have bed rest until everything else was in place.  I have been told that the Hospital have applied for carers for Keith, so that is in place too.  The relief is a bit overwhelming.  Just waiting for Danny & Co to get home and then I will start relaxing.

Anyway, here are a couple of photos of the finished quilt - with no close-ups to show the endless mistakes!

I hope we all sleep better tonight, knowing Keith will soon be home.


  1. Oh, that's good news. I am sure you will both feel less stressed when he is back home.

  2. Oh, that is good news. The quilt is a beauty, Rosie is sure to love it.
    Wishing you (and Keith) a really good refreshing sleep tonight. Busy day tomorrow.
    Very best wishes to all!

  3. Lovely news, am so pleased. It is just getting to speak to the right people at times. The quilt looks lovely, made with love and a little heirloom. Well done sweetie, now hopefully Keith will start to recover. Love to you all Triciaxx

  4. Oh that is good news, east west home’s best. The quilt is perfect for a Rosie Posie baby. Hope Tam is feeling less tired and that night and day are becoming more defined for all. Hope you sleep tight tonight too. Sarah x

  5. Jen that is so beautiful and even more so knowing you sewed it under such intense stress. It’s going to be treasured. Wishing for some easier and gentler days for you all now. It’s been a hell of time. Much love Danette x

  6. It's so good when you have someone who listens!

    Nice log cabin patchwork quilt 🙂

  7. Oh what wonderful news! This has gone on for far too long!

  8. Such good news about Keith coming home.

  9. A beautiful quilt and good news too! I love that he threatened them with legal action.

  10. Gorgeous quilt. I am sure your daughter loves it and your granddaughter will treasure it.

  11. Glad Keith is homeward bound. The little quilt is lovely, made with love.

  12. What wonderful news!!! I am so glad that Keith gets to come home. Love the quilt.

    God bless.

  13. I can sense your relief from here! There will continue to be challenges but it seems that things are being put in place to make life easier for all. Putting paid to the daily hospital round trip will be a blessing. The fabrics in the quilt are perfect for a girl baby named 'Rosie.' I expect it is the first of many beautiful things you will be making for her.

  14. Such good news for Keith! Your quilt is gorgeous. Any mistakes ( I'm sure there aren't many), are part of getting charm of it being hand made with love.

  15. The quilt is gorgeous. Well done! All the best for Keith's return home. Bed rest makes me a little nervous. Have OT and physio given you excercises for Keith to do while confined to bed? Even in bed he must change position frequently to relieve pressure and keep blood flowing plus work on his chest muscles to keep his lungs clear. I'm a worry wart so forgive the questions, I expect everything is in order.

  16. Oh! You will have "Keith is coming home" whirring as a song in your brain. Sleep well, tomorrow will be a busy day. The quilt is lovely, such warm colours, and I didn't notice a single mistake - just much love.

  17. Good news indeed - hope it all goes to plan today

  18. That is good news and I am sure Keith will feel much better once home and in his own surroundings. Plus no more long hospital trips for you. The quilt is gorgeous :)

  19. Things are starting to look up, good news that Keith is coming home. Pretty colours on the quilt it is lovely.

  20. That is brilliant news, it must be a huge sense of relief for you both. Mum's second hospital were great and snapped into action arranging a hospital bed to be delivered to her bungalow, carers to come in 4 times a day for the first 3 weeks after discharge, and lots of other little things that have meant she was out of hospital and back in her own four walls.

    Her first day out was terrible though, so be prepared for Keith to suffer a sudden dip in everything before rallying again. I was told by one of the nurses that visited Mum at home, when she looked like she was a death's door that this is a regular occurrence in 60% of discharged people, but they recover and are so much better after another day. I just thought I would share this in case it happens to Keith.

  21. That is such good news and the quilt is beautiful x
    Alison in Wales x

  22. Oh, .That is such good news for Keith and you. Home is best for healing and rest. Lovely quilt.

  23. Good news on Keith coming home. I'm sure he'll be much happier. Beautiful quilt.

  24. Thank you all for your kind comments. Sue - glad your mum is sorted, and will definitely look out for him taking a dip in everything. I know how that feels - having been holding myself together for so long and then when you let go, exhaustion really hits.

    Susan - the hospital OT phoned me today to tell me the exercises he has to do and he has a hospital bed and an air mattress so that should ward off the worst of any attempt by pressure sores to appear. I have two different creams to deal with problem areas, plus a little spray which I use before the thick cream if a sore should develop.

    Sharon - glad you like the quilt and now it's all together the worst of the wonky bits fade into the background!

    Sarah - Rosie is still a demanding feeder and waking every hour and a half, then taking an hour for feed etc and to settle again. Oh gosh, how I remember those days!

    Glad you all like the quilt and thank you all for being such a great support system the last few weeks, and of course, prior to that too.

  25. Better an imperfect finished quilt than a perfect unfinished quilt and I bet theres only you should can see the imperfections, everyone else will see a beautiful quilt, made with all of Nanny's love for her first Grandchild - it will become a family heirloom Anne xxx

  26. What a perfectly lovely quilt! One sure to be well-loved, well-used, and treasured by Tam and Rosie.
    So good to hear Keith will be home soon.
    Wishing you all the very, very best!
