

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 4 April 2024


 Well, Keith is home, safely settled in bed and had a bowl of beef casserole at 9 p.m. last night - had to pass on the sirloin steak he'd have liked as chewing too difficult!  Anyway, I am the one with jet lag as I was awake 3 hours in the night, and was fast asleep when the alarm went off at 7.  Someone at the hospital was muttering about a care package and 7.30 last night.  Keith told me we wouldn't have carers for two weeks yet, but I set the alarm just in case.  I had been having nightmares about being in America, and I had taken the kittens - Pippi had disappeared and Lulu swallowed a syringe!  Not a restful night's sleep.

I am trying to get my head around the new medications regime, as he has three new pills - one's a diuretic, and there's a heart pill (he has AF) and a blood thinner.  Yeesh.

I will have to rest today as I am shattered.  District Nurse coming later to change catheter.  We know how to have fun!


  1. Keep writing Jennie, horrible nightmares and all. Glad Keith is home, everything will settle EVENTUALLY into a routine.

    1. Well, at one point I dreamed that Keith had died. Then there was a very threatening atmosphere and I was worried abut the kittens being killed, so this is obviously the past few weeks' stress still all on my mind,

  2. At last he is home and I am sure he is much happier. I expect you will be chasing your tail until the new routine kicks in but at least you will not have that exhausting drive to hospital.

    1. He is so relieved to be here, and it is good to have him home, but having woken early all I wanted to do was go back to bed and sleep this morning. It didn't happen. Meals take a long time and getting Keith comfortable and dealing with the District Nurse too. She is coming again today to look at his bed sore and change the dressing.

  3. You're lucky. You can wake up from a nightmare of being in America. I LIVE the nightmare. Hope you get some help and rest soon. Kris in Ohio

    1. Well, I was in an area where people were very poor and rather aggressive of strangers on their land, and couldn't seem to get away. A very threatening atmosphere.

  4. Thinking of you, it's great that Keith is home but of course that comes with another set of challenges x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Absolutely. Just wish I felt up to it all at the moment. He's tired out today, which is no surprise. At least he has a fresh catheter fitted, and smaller leg bag, and the clunky hospital one taken away.

  5. I had a chart for all my meds after my last op, all different times was too much to remember.. hope all will be well for him and you.

    1. I need to make up a fresh list, so I don't forget anything. He said one of his new pills made him fill unwell this morning, so I will separate the new ones by an hour and see which it is.

  6. I've got so many pills there is hardly any room left for food.

    1. It's a bit like that here at the moment too!

  7. So sorry you are worn to a frazzle. It will take a few days to get into a routine. Print up a schedule and in Big letters include rest time for yourself. Hang in there.
    Sending you thoughts of spring flowers .

    1. I don't recommend it as a lifestyle, that's for sure. Will print up the schedule in the morning when hopefully my brain will be back in residence. Thoughts of spring flowers gratefully accepted. You will be pleased to hear that Keith stood up after tea, with Danny's help.

  8. Glad to hear Keith is home. Regret you're feeling so tired and having such poor sleep. Keeping you both in my thoughts and hoping the rough patches smooth out very, very soon!

    1. Hello my dear. I think I am just worn to an absolute frazzle. Lack of sleep is just the worst thing. Would you believe, the vacancy left by Ghengis being pts, has now seemingly got a candidate as a lots of white with black (tom probably) has just turned up in the stable door. Looking hopeful for food (has probably been checking out my compost heap, where bits of food get chucked along with the veg parings).

  9. Stress is horrid so I hope you soon settle down into a relaxing restorative routine. I’ve been all over the shop since S’s fall eight days ago and tomorrow we have two separate appointments at the medical centre (repeat blood test and removal of stitches - so I may see if the blood nurse has time to take out stitches to save a journey). Have just had lovely chat with my son and an old friend came for lunch today so I escaped for an hour and a half to Parham for a walk around the beautiful garden. It’s been a dull old day today but the new spring greens are electrifying as you demonstrate so vividly in your photo above. It’s probably going to sound very selfish but you can only look after K well if you have first looked after yourself. I did a cheer me up thing today and bought myself a plant at Parham (as I get in free as a HHA member it’s the least I can do) and I chose Nepeta faassenii ‘Kit Kat’ because one day it will stop raining and a drought tolerant plant for the pergola will be appreciated! Look after yourself BB! Sarah x

    1. I just fell into a REALLY deep sleep on the sofa (all through Heartbeat). Earlier on I put some blueberries on for Keith's porridge, and then forgot all about them when I went upstairs to sit with him. Danny came down to a room full of smoke and a probably ruined pan.

      The colours are starting to delight and the green was creeping into the hedgerows more and more with every day I drove to Hereford. Thank God I don't have to do that again this week. I hope your plant will thrive. I have a pot of it - stupidly thinking if I put it in a pot it would be safer from the cats - no, they made a bed of it! Ghengis in particular. Dozo that I am.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I live in Indiana, USA and I love it. 69 years old and would not want to live anywhere else.

    1. Don't get me wrong, I have always wanted to visit the States - Rockies, the Deep South, visit a quilting store (who am I kidding, DOZENS of quilting stores!), but this dream last night was partly fuelled by some programme Danny put on - a skit on trailer living folk who were rather oddball. Mix this with a programme I saw about Ben Fogle visiting somewhere called Slab City, and I think you have my nightmare!

    2. I have also dreamed of visiting the UK.

  12. Dreams are crazy things, I go through phases of completely bonkers ones and then others that are word for word ‘real’ days. Our brains are clever things for sure. Let’s hope things settle down into a bit more of a peaceful existence for you all now Keith is back home x Danette

    1. The brain has a strange way of working things out. The nightmares I really hate are the Tidal Wave ones (dad used to get these too) which are apparently when you are totally overwhelmed by a problem/life generally. Slept better last night - after an hour on the sofa at 7 when I crashed out completely into a deep dreamless sleep.

  13. Hugs. I am glad Keith is home and I hope they get the carers in sooner than later. You would love the states but your part of the world is beautiful too. I am in the wilds of Canada.

    1. I shall chase it all up today. Just didn't have a working brain at all yesterday. Oooh, wilds of Canada. Do tell me all about it. When I was in my 20s I saw a film about Ontario - they were trying to get folk to emigrate and I was quite keen, but my then-husband wasn't.

    2. Hello Marjorie, I am from Canada too. Coastal BC sort of the midline between southern and northern coast. A two ferry trip from Vancouver. Always grumble about the ferries but it is worth it for unspoilt terrain and simple living.

  14. So very glad that Keith is home. Ouch I can only imagine that bad dream.

    God bless.

    1. It is a huge relief. He is sleeping late this morning - obviously needs it.

  15. I'm glad Keith is home but sorry you are so exhausted. Sounds like a rough nightmare. I hope you can rest up more.

  16. Yup, totally exhausted yesterday but feel a bit brighter today. Hope Keith will too.

  17. With the meds..make a meds sheet like they do in hospital, tick off the doses as Keith gets them.
    This works!

  18. I am so very glad to know that Keith is home. You've both been through a grueling time, and it will take a while for you to recover from that.

    I hope now, as things begin to settle down into the new 'normal', you will have time with that new grandbaby.

    My best thoughts to you.

  19. I'm so pleased that Keith is finally home. I hope he can now relax a bit, sleep a lot, and give you the time that you need to gain enough strength to be able to look after him again.

    Dreams are weird aren't they, I've been watching old Silent Witness programmes with autopsies and lots of dead bodies so I would expect to dream about slightly gory things, but last night it was all about slices of tomato being thrown at my living room walls and me getting annoyed. I did put tomatoes on Mum's sandwiches yesterday, which she didn't actually eat but she definintely didn't throw any of the sandwich fillings at me. :-)
