

Jennie's recipes

Friday 12 April 2024

One Swallow does not make a summer . . .

 ... but it certainly cheers me up.  One of our stable Swallows has returned home.  I saw a 2nd yesterday morning, but it was just Passing Through.  Hope more of our Swallows soon arrive.  Yesterday's sunshine and delightful warmth cheered me up no end.  I pottered about in the greenhouse, and transplanted the other cucumber plants, and have sown some runner beans (Scarlet Emporor) and a packet of Sarah Raven's seeds - Rose Campion.  I bunged the Iris, Lychnis Strachis, and Paeony which I bought in Hereford Garden Centre in pots as I need to dig over where they are to live and remove grass and old house debris.  A job for tomorrow.

In between watching the racing from Aintree with Keith, I went out and finished painting two walls in the summerhouse for Emma, who was away in Carmarthen for the day.  I listened to Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone (Diana Gabaldon) and it was an absolute joy to listen to the story as I worked.

I did some weeding on the left hand side of the bank, where grass was threatening to overwhelm my plantings.  I will have to get some membrane and mulch down. 

I have found a little time to do Family History research (it's wonderfully distracting to escape into the past) and have gotten back further with Keith's Isle of Man ancestors.  Back to 1602 with his main line now. Manx records are brilliant and there is so much on line.

Today Emma and I are going to see Tam, Jon and Rosie.  I am going to tidy her back garden for her and will pot up a few Aquilegia from here (seeds from Ynyswen) so she has a nice link to our old home in her new one.  

Enjoy your weekend all.  I will try and find time to answer your comments. 


  1. What a pretty aquilegia. I have blue doubles, a deep wine red and a frilly white which I sowed from seed called I think green apple and I keep them in separate parts of the garden to try and avoid cross-pollination. I haven’t seen the swallows yet but I heard the cuckoo yesterday while gardening. Have a lovely day with baby Rosie and looking forward to seeing summer house photos. I fancied raspberry for our study but S not keen so I’m now looking at warm greens. I recently treated myself to a Loewe smart speaker and it has transformed my listening pleasure when listening to BBC sounds. Did you listen to Go Tell the Bees on Audible? I read the book for book group and loved it. Sarah x

    1. I had lots of different ones at Ynyswen but as you say, they are promiscuous (or the bees are) and you tend to get them reverting to lots of pale pinks or purples. I lost my Norah Barlows too. I was amazed to find I had this one which came as a seedling in with another pot plant from Ynyswen, and it is well established now. No Cuckoos heard here yet and I only heard one in the woodland here last year. Yes, Go Tell the Bees is on Audible, and it is wonderful to give it my full attention when painting. Sewing means I get a bit distracted and it doesn't work so well.

  2. It sounds like you are beautifully busy doing things that you 'want' to do as well as things that you have to do. I hope you have a lovely weekend. 🙂 xx

    1. It's hard trying to strike a balance. The weekend was lovely. Back to sleet and hail today (Monday!)

  3. I'll keep an eye out for swallows here but may not see any. There will be swifts later I'm sure.
    So nice to get outside with a bit of warmth in the air.
    Don't do too much at once!

    1. Well, the Northerly wind we have here today is going to be right in their beaks, slowing them down. We now have two and they are busy building up a new nest in the middle stable feed room. Don't do too much all at once? You know me too well!!

  4. How special it is when we see swallows. I’ve not seen one here yet, fingers crossed ! Danette x

    1. They make my heart sing. One year the first Swallow arrived on my birthday - best present I could have had and totally free.

  5. Good to hear that the swallows have got as far as you. I wonder how long they will take to do the next few hundred miles?!

    1. I often think when I see Swallows heading southwards at the end of summer, where they might have come from.

  6. To see the first swallows must be soo uplifting, summer and better days ahead.
    I love the rose campion/ red campion. My friend found it growing profusely in his tomato patch,. I tried to save seeds but they didn't grow. Must try again, in my wildflower pot gardens.

    The D Galbadon [sp?] novel sounds interesting. I stopped reading the series bec it is too violent for me, but did just order a free sample of Bees to try again.

    I am so happy you are having some good moments now.



    1. Yes, definitely a harbinger of summer months to come. I hope you can get some Rose Campion seeds and have them in your garden.

      This latest book isn't as violent (so far anyway) and I am enjoying it so though I don't get much chance to listen to it often enough for my liking.

  7. My Columbines are just starting to reappear. Enjoy your weekend. I am really enjoying mine so far.

    God bless.

    1. I hope that your weekend continued to be enjoyable. The Columbines are so pretty and I still remember seeing them growing wild in Dorset for the first time.

  8. Spring has definitely arrived. I hope you've continued to get sleep. It sure does help. Nice that you are getting a visit to Rosie and her mum.

    1. Ah, sleep is definitely at a premium. I keep waking up for the loo in the wee small hours and then it is 3 hrs before I get back to sleep. Not ideal.

  9. We love it when the swifts arrive, screaming around the square in the sunshine. Unfortunately there were fewer last year than ever before. We hope they will continue to come - it's a real sign for us that summer is nearly here .

  10. They are the sound of my childhood, as they used to nest in quite large numbers at the old Community Centre down the road. Every time I hear them screaming around the town, I am taken back in time.
