

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 14 April 2024

Time is in short supply


Emma and I went  to visit Tam and Rosie yesterday, and we all had a lovely walk together in the spring sunshine.  Tam is lucky to have a network of footpaths and bridleways literally on her doorstep.  I am envious as it's much flatter than round here!  We could see a pair of Ravens flying round this hill and the field below.

Long valley views and an inviting path leading into the distance.

Emma and I both had long baby-cuddles whilst she slept and Tam was able to finally get the shower she'd been trying to get for days! If she's allowed to drive, she will visit us next weekend.

I managed to get out in the garden today, and potted up a couple more plants and sowed red Spring Onion seeds, and also a couple of packets of Verbascum and some home-grown Hollyhock seeds.  About 40 of those went in a tray and probably 40 more sprinkled along the herbaceous border. It was good to potter.  I pulled out spent strawberry plants from last year - 3 yrs old now so time for fresh ones which I ordered from Ebay last week.

I also had a books offer come up in my email.  I went to check out one title and of course bought it.  Ann Hayward's "Where the Saints Came From - on Pilgrimage in Wales and Beyond."  Thought it had my name on it.  

Just off to bed now.  


  1. Tam is very brave to plan a long drive with a newborn. I remember being horrified/ terrified when I had to take a days old newborn with me a couple miles to the local pharmacy for an urgent RX. Then husband took no paternity leave and commuted to the city hours away. I'd bring the infant carrier thing/ carseat insert? into the bathroom while I d have the world's fastest bath.

    Your day sounds so wonderful and you even got to do some gardening!

    1. That about sums my kids up - they have grit, all of them. They first came over wo see us when she was just a week or so old, but Jon did the driving then. It's a long way too, and through the mountains (Cambrian, if you want to look them up). She's sensible though, and won't do anything she's not comfortable with. Jon took two weeks paternity leave - from a new job too. They were good to him.

  2. Everything is so green where you live. Love the scenery pictures.

    God bless.

    1. Wales is always green - we get so much rain, and this winter has been no exception. The hedgerows and trees are colouring up now, and it's heart-lifting to see.

  3. A nice visit. Good to be useful too

    1. It was lovely. Emma did a stack of washing up, we babysat, I gardened a bit. All helps.

    2. Doing things together. That's good

  4. Baby cuddles and a book with your name on - sounds pretty good to me!

  5. Time seems even shorter when your heart is so joyous. Seems like a good day all around.
