

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 1 June 2024

Around the garden (to be continued)


I knew the name of this rose yesterday, but lack of sleep has robbed me of it today.  The name keeps coming and going, so whilst I remember it, it's Lady of Shallot.

This was going to be a long post.  BUT.  Struggling here, as Rosie awake much of the night and Tam in tears from exhaustion.  I'm on my own with caring for Keith as D&E in Brighton for the weekend.  I've been awake since 3 as too hot in bed and Keith's bed has a noisy "motor".  As soon as I have Keith back in bed - that will be a struggle on my own - I'll have Rosie for Tam, so she can get some sleep. Why do the Council think it's OK to let people struggle waiting for them to put Carers in place.  Keith has been out of Hospital 2 months now.  Had to leave message for D. Nurse to come and attend him later too.  Sigh.


  1. It is wrong that you have to fight hardest when your resources are lowest ((hugs))

    1. I am very glad I have a feisty daughter to do the fighting for me and a son who is helping me every inch of the way. If only I had carers in place for when he & E are away.

  2. Oh dear BB, you cannot go on like this. I guess Tam is there to help cover for D&E but she needs rest and looking after too. Is the rose Bathsheba from Far From the Madding Crowd? Will always think of Gray’s Elegy in a Country Churchyard when anyone mentions FFTMC. I had to get out alone yesterday. We bought a laptop on Thursday and had a lovely time in Chichester in warm sunshine and I bought a pair of New Balance trainers to replace a pair I have had since 2005 and we handled some Roman pottery as there is an archaeological dig in Priory Park this week - still tingling from that! Anyway moving from the sublime to the ridiculous yesterday morning I set up the laptop using my Apple ID and everything from my system transferred over seamlessly and then I created a new gmail address for S as I need to wean him off the old cranky desktop and his work email so I can easily access his ‘stuff’ and after an hour of resetting his Apple ID and doing all this I had had enough and just had to be by myself in a green open space so I made a sandwich and escaped to the birdy place. So glad I went there as it was freezing and I ate my sandwich in a hide watching the swallows wheeling. Also saw baby nuthatch chicks for the first time. Home via the farm shop and then an hour in the garden deadheading roses and pulling out unwanted selfseeders from the woodland edge and picking asparagus, strawberries and lettuce for supper and after all that I was ready to come in for a cup of tea and prep our supper and relax in front of Springwatch and have I got news for you. S and I now invariably sleep in separate rooms. He is so restless in bed and I know he sleeps better if he isn’t worried about disturbing me and can wriggle to his heart’s content. Oh PD, what have we done to deserve this? Take care BB and give yourself a break today. Sarah x

    1. Well, I HAVE to carry on - there is no option. I am often awake at 3 a.m., don't sleep again and am up at 5. As last night, but at least I managed to cut and piece and sew another4 blocks before breakfast, when my brain has to concentrate on more mundane things.

      Well done with sorting out the laptop and gmail address etc. I rely on the kids for such things! I looked up the New Balance trainers as I could do with a new pair. They look good. I have developed callouses on the sides of my feet from wearing the really Comfy Hotter slip-ons I got from Ebay. Like boats to wear, but feet don't appreciate them. Right now though, the damaged foot won't take a proper shoe.

      Ah, the thrill of handling something 2,000 years old. I know that feeling well. Tam and I were set to clean a huge broken amphora which TimeTeam had discovered on their Dig at the Roman Fort at Dynefwr Park. We had a rainy day and had finally cleaned everything and were set to clean this (used as a Pissoire up on the Ramparts, but fortunately 2,000 years of rain and mud had rendered it smell-free!) Imagine our delight at finding the potter's thumb print inside it - couldn't resist putting my thumb in that 2,000 year old dip.

    2. P.S. Bathsheba is more yellowy buff and I have her growing in the lawn in front of the kitchen sink window. She's the one inside the rose pyramid, weighted down with 28lb coal weights to stop it taking off!

  3. If your Council is the same as ours, they're broke! People deemed "fit for discharge" were/are being held in hospital waiting for an impossible to find care package {due to the Council finances and dire shortage of carers}. Then the patient, through no fault of their own, is labelled as "bed blocking". Our social and health care system, once the envy of the world, is in tatters.

    1. There was a man with dementia in one ward Keith was in. He'd been there 6 mths, waiting for carers (he was from Powys too). There WERE no carers. I imagine just about every Council is broke - although they still mend the roads here in Powys, and put apologies signs up if a road is deemed bad. Believe me, they are nothing LIKE as bad as Herefordshire - you fall into a giant pothole the minute you cross the county line. I don't know how the NHS is carrying on.

  4. Hate the way you are being treated by the health service - please get some rest when you can.

    1. They just ignore you. Only the ones who nag and nag (as Gabby is doing on my behalf) get listened to.

  5. As here, there’s probably a shortage of carers….

    1. From what I have heard, there are none spare.

  6. How horrible for you all, do try and catch up on your sleep, easier said than done. Hope Rosie soon falls into some sort of sleep pattern. My daughter and granddaughter were both terrible sleepers, I always said it was payback time. I'm tired too, obviously not your sort of tired. Tip and charity shop runs, deciding what to keep or go, so tired when I go to bed, then my brain goes ping and I'm wide awake for hours. Sending hugs (and hope your local Council pull their bloody fingers out to help)> Gill Xx

    1. Lack of sleep is the killer, but I have to be "aware" at night too, and careful not to sleep on the ear that hears better. I imagine your move and getting ready for it, are energy sapping and I know all about the busy brain! Have you found a lovely new home now? Is it far from where you are at present? Rosie had a better sleep pattern but has suddenly fallen out of that, which is so exhausting for Tam (and Jon). She drinks Tam dry and then gets fretful as she wants MORE!

    2. Dear BB, we have found a lovely new home, 3 bed semi on a bus route near Belper, Derbyshire. We shall be 10 mins drive from daughter and she has wanted us nearer for ages. But having to downsize from a 4 bed and OH not very good at getting rid off. I've been driven to hiding stuff in my car boot when he's out and then going to the tip. He hasn't noticed anything missing YET! XX

    3. That sounds ideal and lovely to be nearer your daughter. Both mine are about 1 1/2 hours away, in different directions. Sniggering here at you carefully taking your husband's rubbishy stuff to the tip. Keith has the big Victorian stables crammed with bits of wood, which he will never use now. I shall keep the best and the rest will go to the Tip in the future.

  7. Sue in Suffolk said it. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help you.

    1. Bless you my lovely (and all my friends on here). It is a nightmare but it has to be survived somehow.

  8. Lovely flowers for a temporary lift in your spirits.

    Can Tam help you a bit moving Keith?

    What does Rosie's pediatrician say about wailing Rosie. I have never really had any experience with a child who is so difficult. It sounds terrible. One friend had a baby who who cried a lot at birth to 2, 3 weeks--turned out the baby had a broken collarbone from a difficult delivery. But that didn't last for months. Maybe Rosie needs a different formula or additional, if she is nursing?

    Could you book some help at your own expense for times no one is there? Maybe someone who is a nurse or a personal trainer etc, cash in hand. Big expense but you are desperate. I truly do not know how you continue, wish I could be there to help.

    Sending hope and prayers.


    1. I haven't asked Tam, as she has Rosie by Caesarean. Whilst she is probably all healed, it worries me. Plus, she always has Rosie strapped to her, if she's not feeding or occasionally on her play mat gym. Rosie isn't so upset now - only if she hasn't slept much and is over-tired or when she is HUNGRY! Tam's breast feeding her. Sometimes she cluster feeds and then gets upset because Tam's body can't make the milk fast enough to replenish what she's had! We have smiles now, and she is SO alert - looking round at everything and considering she is only 10 weeks, holding her head up really strongly.

      I did try booking a lady who is an experienced Parkinsons carer, but she doesn't want to come out for short periods of care as she doesn't live that close. I am hoping Carers will be on the scene soon, now that I am seeing the Social Worker tomorrow.

    2. I had forgotten that Tam was recovering from a caesarian. I hope you can find additional help very soon. Even a strong helper who is not highly trained would be helpful? Best love and wishes always.


  9. I so hoped things had been straightened out. You and the rest really do need a break from all the caring.

    The rose is beautiful.

    God bless.

    1. I am being taught patience by the Universe. I am fearing it is a lesson hard-won. I must have a respite break this week as D&E are away next weekend too.
