

Jennie's recipes

Monday 3 June 2024

Today I just can't do it

 I am back up to bed again v. shortly.  Had to go back at 8 a.m. and slept.  Head blurry and dizzy and "not with it" - my balance is a bit off too.  Labrynthitis?  Legs feel heavy and my bad foot was hurting in the night.  D. Nurses coming this morning but D & E will have to deal with them.  I need to try and get my head together to deal with the Social Worker this afternoon.  Right now, I can't deal with anything.



  1. You've done it for so long, it's time you really looked after yourself. Going back to bed when you need to should be just the start of it. I hope you can find a way to recharge your batteries in a way that you want to. xx

  2. The nurses need to check on you as well...where are your District Nurse visits? It's their job to keep an eye on both of you.

  3. You’ve been running on empty for so long BB and you too have been really poorly this year. Let the youngsters take the strain for a bit. Don’t perk yourself up for the social worker this afternoon. They need to see the strain and the toll it is taking on you and sort out some regular care for K immediately. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I really care about you and are concerned for you. My yoga session this morning finished with a lovely relaxation. There were only three of us in class today so our teacher was giving us all individual attention so for me it was my knee. The pain has been moving all over the place - back, front, up, down - but she says that’s all part of the healing. I’ve been feeling like I’m falling apart lately so this was morning was a re-set for me. Thanks for beautiful pic of R. Bathsheba. It was our village garden trail yesterday and I fell in love with so many roses. Felt very smug about my garden though, no one else has a wildflower meadow and no one else was growing asparagus! Mice are driving me witless though! Where’s the kestrel or barn owl when you need them?Sarah x

  4. This rose is so beautiful.

    I hope you can find time for self care, your stress and burdens of labor are so difficult. Sending hope and hugs.

  5. Oh darling x x Danette

  6. You need rest, lots of rest. I know you're doing your best to get rest. Keep on with that.

  7. Sounds like exhaustion to me. I hope you got some satisfaction from the social worker. It is so demoralising when you are hanging by a thread and they show up with nothing to offer. Fingers tightly crossed they are actually doing something for you. Love the roses. I have been away from home for 9 days and my roses have all bloomed. I haven't had time to go out and say hello to them but it is on my to do list.

  8. Stress induced vertigo? Speaking from experience. TBH, I don't know how you are carrying on, but then I've been there, done that, and got the tee shirt. We just do until we can't possibly do any longer.

  9. Hugs and quick healing wishes.

  10. (((Hugs))), you have done marvelously well for so long, it is definitely time to get some extra rest. Hope all went well with the social worker.

    God bless.

  11. Well, I'm not surprised you're feeling poorly!! I feel for you. Being the other side of the world means I can't do more than encourage and pray. You have been carrying a huge burden for a long, long time. You need care for YOU, you can't care for Keith if you are overstretched yourself, so taking time for you is the best thing you could possibly do. May you be surrounded by the care you need, and may your NHS people Get Cracking And Do Something!!! XX

  12. Both gz and Sue make good points. Someone needs to take a close look at you. Take care.
