

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Today's not much better . . .

Malvern Hills rambling up through the Rhodies.

New worries, as it looks like this may be a "bug" - Emma feeling poleaxed today, whilst I have been slightly better - no spinning head but my legs are still tired and don't want to do anything much.  I'm hoping I haven't given it to Keith, but stable doors and all that spring to mind. These things get passed on before you even realize you have them.  Then I didn't help my foot by kicking the weight-lifting weight we have on the bald patch of carpet at the bottom of the stairs (to deter Shadow from removing yet more carpet with his claws). Driving is now painful again.

I have read part of the 25 page document given to me by the Social Worker about Continuing NHS Healthcare.  I need to get my head around it before I am involved in the on-line Team meeting with the Panel who decide whether or not Keith qualifies.  I rather think he does but hey-ho.  I am dreading the Team meeting and think I will have to have Gabby here to help represent Keith and I - my brain is like mush these days and stress robs me of words - sometimes it's 24 hours before this or that well-known but mundane word returns to me!

I have also tried to apply for a Concessionary Bus Ticket with Powys Council - my old one was for Carmarthenshire only, and they didn't let you on the popular Swansea or Cardiff buses.  Now it is meant to be Wales-wide, so perhaps in the winter I can go on the occasional free trip out to somewhere different, and I can also use this concession on the Heart of Wales railway line.  I really want to go and visit Kelmscott Manor in the Cotswolds, where William Morris lived.  If I caught the 7 a.m. bus from here to Cardiff, Gabby would be happy to take me in her car, and I'd stay the night at hers and come back next morning.  That would feel like a proper Respite break.  I want to get the bus pass first though.

I thought I would share my bus pass photo with you as it is the only one which gives a reasonable likeness of me.  I had it taken a couple of years back though, and since I've lost weight, there are a good few lines in my face you couldn't see before, and bigger bags under my eyes from worry.  Old age is catching up with me.

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments.


  1. There is a spark of spirit in you still, such a hopeful post--all these plans to travelI imagine even a bit of daydreaming about destinations and a day or two off cheer you up. Best wishes always.

    PS It's a bit amusing that your bus pass has your best photo, usually one looks like a criminal under arrest.

    1. The merest flicker most days. The worst thing for me was having nothing to look forward to, not being able to make plans and definitely not doing anything on the spur of the moment. Being virtually housebound myself is no fun. Plotting a morning out today at Abergavenny, where there is a small Fleamarket.

      This was a very flattering photo - some of my other ones are never going to be shared in public!!

  2. I'm confused, as I thought all citizens there were entitled to NHS health care. Yes, get Gabby to be there for the meeting. I hope it can be sorted out. I'll be thinking of you.

    1. Ah yes, but this is ongoing care at home and if he was deemed to need carers rather than nursing care, the latter is paid for through the NHS, the former by the Council. Hence they have to have a battle over which camp he falls into.

  3. You look fine! At least you don't look like an escaped convict {speaking for a friend} and the All Wales "Magic Travel Card" ia very handy!

    1. GETTING the All Wales "Magic Travel Card" is a different matter though! Doing it all on line means I have to be a bit more tech savvy than I actually AM! I had to get Danny to help last night - then realized one of my proofs of ID (Council Tax bill) wasn't new enough for them. Start again then - later.

  4. Don't forget to look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself you are fabulous because you are. I've been to Kelmscott, I loved it. It is not packed with furniture but you definitely get a feel for the Morris family and the way they lived. The garden is lovely too.

    1. I know it will be wonderful, as I've wanted to go for so long and know it will be "my" sort of house. The only shame is that Keith and I weren't able to get there when he was still well, before moving here.

  5. That is indeed a lovely photo of you. I'm sorry Emma is ill which gives you the added worry of a 'germ' working its way through the household. I so hope that Keith's care needs can be sorted in a way that will give you a bit of respite. This illness of his is a long and disheartening process.

    1. Emma and I better now, so hopefully if Keith does get it, he won't be too badly affected. It is a flattering photo and being vain, I don't share such photos lightly. I've never been one to splash my photo around and feel uncomfortable about sharing this as it almost seems like I'm trying to show off.

      Anyway, we will be getting SOME help - it's mainly a case of which lot pay for it. His illness IS so disheartening, for him and us who are trying to make life more comfortable for him. Today has been a difficult afternoon (the price I paid for having a lovely morning out).

  6. You look beautiful and lines just add character to a face. There are times I swear I look like Einstein when I get up in the morning with my hair sticking up all over. I would say if Gabby is willing to be there for the meeting that would be a wonderful help to you and Keith.

    God bless.

    1. Oh gosh, beautiful's a nice compliment! I've always thought I had nice eyes. However, some mornings when I get up I think, this is definitely a make-up day!! Hoping I can get Gabby in on the meeting, or otherwise I will have to ask Danny to take an afternoon off to sit in. Can't do it on my own.

  7. You look very glam. My ID cards always look like a mug shot. I hope you all feel better soon.

    1. Oh believe me, I have some ID photos where I Cell Block H material! Feeling better today.

    2. Once I was having a good hair day, and since I needed to get a picture done for my driver's license, I put on my make up carefully and hied myself away to the driver's center to get that photo done. I walked out of there thinking, "Well, finally. I've done it...I'll have a driver's license with a good picture." The license arrived a week later in the mail, and I excitedly opened the envelope, and...there was a flaw in the film and it looked like I had a giant booger hanging from my nostril.

  8. The joys of officialdom, but you look lovely in the photo, not much different from when I saw you last which must be a good dozen years ago.

    1. Official anything has me in a spin. My hair's a good bit greyer since we last met, but I have been fortunate with my skin which is only just starting to get lines now. I get that from Glastonbury g.g. granny.

  9. Lovely photo Jen, shows your kind eyes x
    It’s beyond appalling that one gets pushed between authorities and departments at such times of immense stress. It’s a huge failing that nothing is joined up- yet if ‘they’ can’t make bus passes all encompassing what hope is there for our health services - arghh!
    Pockets of space are essential, I hope you can grab more or at least not have less x Danette x

    1. Thanks my dear. The authorities are a PITA, that's for sure. There's no money and no carers, so the powers that be spend a lot of time trying to avoid having to pick up the tab for any caring.

      Grabbed a morning off today and went to Abergavenny. Very relaxing and the scenery is stupendous.

  10. Aren't all Council documents difficult, full of nonsense - and don't get me started on Solicitors! Your bus pass photo looks great, mine looks like an explosion in a pickle factory as P G Wodehouse would say. Do hope you get your pass though. Hugs.

    1. Oh that tickled me - an explosion in a pickle factory!! Haven't faced going back to the pass or reading the document today. Will tackle it in the morning when my brain is hopefully in residence.

  11. Lovely photo on the bus pass! I look awful on my driving licence photo! Sorry you are still so stressed and tired - I know that feeling of brain turning to mush through lack of sleep and anxiety. Hope you feel better soon and haven't passed the bug on to Keith.
