

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 18 July 2024

Pippi is a ratbag - official!

View from Malvern . . .

 Yesterday started off with me needing to be in Llandod Hospital for an 8 a.m. appt. with the Physio for my foot.  I have some exercises to do now to help it - I have to scrunch my toes over as if I am trying to pick up paper for 1 minute a day.  That strengthens the little muscles in the big toe.  Then I have to stand on tiptoe 10 times.  I go back in 3 weeks so she can check on progress.

I managed some long-overdue tidying up in the garden, mainly up on the bank, which was a positive.  I went to collect Keith's Nutricrems.  He's not mad on them, but he does eat them, as long as I mix some water in so they're not too thick.  It has to be water and not milk I use - perish the thought he should actually have EXTRA nutrition. . .  I had a walk for half an hour in the Groe, where it is flat.  The Physio said to avoid hills at present as that puts more strain on the toe (which is what I already knew anyway).

I baked two cakes - a Banana cake to use up black bananas, and a Lemon Drizzle Cake as we have friends coming to visit on Friday.  

Then I had a VERY stressful evening.  I had bought an Oximeter, the thing which goes on your finger and measures your Oxygen levels and pulse.  Keith was on 93 for the Oxygen, which indicated he should still be on it (he removed it in the night . . .) but the worrying thing was his pulse - normally 60 - 65, was 134!  He was in a lot of pain with his neck and I think that must have caused it as when he had a Diazapam, it settled back down to normal levels. That really got me stressed though.  Meanwhile, Pippi had sloped off for HOURS and I searched for her all around the triangles of land and the trackway up to the big house next door.  I called and called and called and rattled the little bag of Dreamies that they would normally sell their soul for.  No Pippi.

There had been the Amazon delivery van here earlier and I became convinced that she had gotten in it (a habit of hers) and ended up jumping out at their next stop, which might be miles away and the other side of a main road/railway line/river . . .  You can see the way my mind was working from being stressed over Keith.  Then my imagination had her eating rat poison, being stuck up a tree out of earshot, being knocked by a car and crawling away to die. After the last round of searching, I trailed disconsolatedly back to the house, thinking I would never see her again . . . She was sat on the front path, looking at me as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.  What a RATBAG she is!  It was 9 p.m.  She has "form" for this having done it last summer, but not for so long.

Anyway, Gabby was here at 10 p.m., having dropped everything and headed over straight away.  We watched Poldark and had a couple of glasses of wine - much needed for my nerves.  Today Danny is covering for us with Keith, and G and I are going to Berrington Hall, over the Herefordshire border about an hour from us.  I can't wait. Keith and I used to love to go to properties like this.  I shall buy the booklet about the house so he can see what it's like. 


  1. You managed to pack a lot of 'fun' into your day! Hope that cat stays around today and you have a good trip out

  2. Oh I am glad you are watching Poldark. I have rewatched the entire five series twice now and it never fails to console. Also Berrington Hall. We stayed in the Triumphal Arch Easter 2002. I remember it well because it was the Queen mum’s funeral and the children were cycling and scootering all over the Estate during closed hours and we would sit on the steps under the colonnade in the evening sun having an aperitif. We all had a wonderful time visiting all the National Trust properties (Brockhampton at Blossom time!) and doing Easter Egg hunts at every property - the children could not believe their luck. I am a Life Member of the NT and the children were junior members from the age of five to 18 and I had the foresight to buy T Life membership in 2013 when he was working at Polesden Lacey and he got a 30% staff discount and I am happy to say he uses it often during his trekking and camping holidays including most recently on his trip down to Cornwall the other week. I am limiting myself to half hour bursts in the garden and it’s amazing how much I achieve in one concentrated burst instead of faffing around for hours. We visited Vann yesterday afternoon. A beautiful William and Mary house deep in the Surrey Hills at Hambledon but only 20 mins drive from here cross country. House and garden are both listed and there is an acre of cool shady water garden laid out by Gertrude Jekyll but even with two gardeners working there yesterday it was very wild and woolly which made me feel better about my wild garden. When we got home and after a cup of tea in the garden I set to with my long-handled shears and tidied up all the edges which will dry and I can scoop the cuttings up today and compost them. Not sure what today’s 30 min task will be, perhaps hoeing the veg garden as it’s supposed to be hot and humid but so far it’s just a lovely summer’s day here in the South Downs. Yesterday was a perfect summer day and it was crowned by going to church in the evening for Film Soc. We’re in the middle of a country house season of films and last night’s offering was Jane Eyre from 1943 with Joan Fontaine. Oh it was wonderful, so of its period. Good you saw the physio about your toe. I do knee and ankle exercises multiple times every day including standing on tip toe ones with my heels on a fat book even though I am now pain-free. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water too and keep reminding yourself that stress and worry are a waste of your time and try and use that energy more positively. I have recently started a fair isle knitting project which requires much concentration and is so soothing to do. I’m using five colours of Jamieson’s 2-ply Shetland wool bought from my local wool shop and the pattern is Roosty by Ella Gordon. As for Pippi, she was probably mousing, leave her alone and she will come home wagging her tail behind her. Often thinking of you BB and sending love and light your way. Sarah x

  3. Enjoy your outing. You certainly deserve it!

  4. Some cats are just sent to worry us aren't they. I hope you have a nice few hours out at Berrington Hall. xx

  5. We used to have a dog that jumped into vans and boots. Some of the things he got up to warrant a book! Enjoy Berrington Hall. You deserve it.

  6. "ratbag"---lol, I learned a new word.

    Guest coming? Is that good or bad? I truly do not know how you manage what you do. Enjoy the guests and outing.
