

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Well - THAT didn't go to plan


A photo to cheer me up.

Well, Keith is still here.  We waited and waited for an ambulance yesterday.  They phoned from the surgery to say it would be between 3 and 7.  I hoped not the latter.  The ambulance service phoned several hours later and said they were really really busy and people were being picked up on a priorities listing.  Sounds like K was towards the bottom.  They suggested I phoned 999 if I was worried about him.  Well at 7.30ish I did, as his throat sounded thicker again and his breathing faster.  After an hour two lovely lasses turned up (one had been a responder back in November, when Keith had choked badly for the first time).

They checked him over and found that his oxygen sats were OK and said he could come off the oxygen whilst they were there, and they checked it (ok) every 10 mins.  Whilst there was some crackling in his chest, it wasn't suggesting a developing infection, and said he could be treated adequately with the full course of antibiotics at home.  They said, why is he down to go to SHREWSBURY?  Well, that was news to me.  They then had to hang around for two hours waiting for ShropDoc to phone them back, as they couldn't change the destination without recourse to K's notes.  I began to have conspiracy theories - he was being sent there to give me respite and it was so far away I wouldn't be tempted to visit.  Or else, it was the only bed available.  Either way, it was not going to happen as Keith (and I) refused point blank.  The paramedics said that a two hour journey on a stretcher over bumpy roads wasn't going to help his bed sores either and he would end up with more.  It just wasn't in his best interests.  ShropDoc finally phoned back so they were able to progress everything to its conclusion.  I was extremely relieved Keith was staying here.  He was asleep at this stage anyway, as it was quite an exhausting evening, not helped by the appearance of two more bats, which livened up the progress of one medic down the stairs!

So, have written a note to the Dr and sent down the Medics' report and she will be making up a prescription for him this afternoon.  She hadn't asked for Shrewsbury apparently, so don't know where that came from.

Thank you for all your kind comments.  I will try and answer them later.  Needless to say I'm a bit tired and am not getting much done today, although I have bought two Christmas presents.  I shot into Llandod first thing as yesterday, when food shopping, I had seen a beautifully crocheted (hexagons) blanket in many differing colours, with a fringe, in The Bracken Trust charity shop and I knew who would LOVE it.  I just needed to be there as the door opened.  It's now home with me.  I also got Jon a big bar of Toblerone, which he loves, as that was on offer in Tescopolis.  I also fancied a casserole so bought reduced beef and have a tasty Goulash in the slow cooker.  That will do a couple of days.  I will have it with broccoli and cauliflower.

Trying to get nutrition down Keith to Fool (dble cream in that), and some Skyr yoghurt.  I got some baby food too (casserole purees) so will try him with those and see if he likes them.

Yeesh.  Just shows the Universe is still pulling them there strings . . .


  1. Thank goodness he wasn't carted off to Shrewsbury.
    Hope those carers get to help you soon, take it steady.

  2. Oh J it’s such a rollercoaster for you. Let’s hope Keith stabilises now and there can be a period of relative peace and calmness. The blanket sounds gorgeous. You are very good to have Xmas on your radar. I haven’t even sorted the girls birthdays yet and they are next weekend argg lol! Danette x x

  3. I am speechless. Thank goodness there was intervention in time otherwise had he gone off in the ambulance without anyone mentioning Shrewsbury I shudder to think.

  4. Completely crazy and look at all the time wasted by poor communication plus thank goodness first reponders picked up on Shrewsbury and figured out all the ramifications for a real patient and not just a name on the computer. What could I do to brighten your day, I know, I will moan about my healthcare situation (she says with tongue in cheek). 3 and half years with a heart condition being very badly managed with drugs. Yesterday, finally saw a surgeon who said you should have been referred as soon as you developed symptoms because the longer it's left the less successful the surgery may be. My local specialist was downright nasty when I sat in her office and demanded a surgical referral, really, really nasty. For her sake it's a good job I am at the moment speechless. Do you throw things at the wall to relieve stress, I think it might be happening here soon. On the plus side the surgeon was absolutely lovely and yet scarily young. Love the picture, it is uplifting.

  5. The NHS really needs some serious sorting out. We've had a bad experience in my family recently. It was only by following the advice of a family member who is a doctor working outside the area that we were able to get any sort of help.

  6. Thank goodness someone noticed he was being taken to Shrewsbury. I really feel for you at the moment BB and I so hope you get some help from carers soon.
    A beautiful photo at the start of the post and the blanket sounds lovely.
    Thinking of you and take care.

  7. Don't let him go to Shrewsbury and especially ward 24. My Dad went there after a fall. They successfully gave him Sepsis, and left him lying in dirty soiled sheets. They insist on putting a catheter in if they don't do a wee to order as soon as they're admitted. The nurses yell at the patients in such a disgusting disrespectful way. There is no care on that ward. We were only told he'd had Sepsis after he passed away, he wasn't given any antibiotics at all for the Sepsis. Ward 24 is hell on earth, so please don't let him go there Good luck and take care of you too Anne Shropshire

  8. Oh gosh, I really feel for you. No wonder you were having conspiracy theories, they were trying to steal your husband and banish him to Shrewsbury!! I hope things get sorted out quickly.
