

Jennie's recipes

Monday, 30 December 2024




It had to be done.  The needles were going to start dropping in earnest soon and once Christmas is a memory, it's time to be done with it.  If I HAD to wait until 12th Night I would be tearing my hair out!  The tree is out, and all the decorations and cards put away (I re-use the cards, cut up where appropriate, for gift tags).

So that was this morning's main job, along with a load of washing, taking useful boxes out to the stables until I decide what to do with them, ironing the pile of nearly all my teatowels, and going for a walk along the lane to see my horsey friend and thank her for her Christmas present.  I enjoyed the walk, and even managed it up the hill without stopping.  The sun was out and it was mild, and so I decided to tidy up in the wake of the hedge being cut, and I emptied two planters which were just housing weeds.  I needed the compost to top up the planters at the front, once I'd weeded them.  Then I put some bulbs in.

This afternoon I looked for some 32 count linen for a x-stitch project.  I had blown the dust off some of my old Just X-Stitch magazines as I wanted to make some more x-stitch Christmas tree decorations for Rosie's tree in future.  I found a nice design with a brown-clad Father Christmas, and have made a start on that tonight.

Of course, as is always the way, no matter how many spools of embroidery thread you have, when you start a new project, you are always wanting . . . So far, two colours short but I substituted the dark gold yellow for the DMC colour I didn't have, and also had a green thread just two numbers off the one called for. However, there were tears as I was originally given the fabric by an American penpal who was an Arts teacher and she sent me a big packet of linen and Aida fabrics and x-stitch charts - this was more than 35 years ago, and it was she who encouraged me to take up x-stitch when I was pregnant with Tam.  She sent me a little chart of a brown bunny - all one colour apart from its eye and nose.  I have the worked bunny still.  We had lost touch over the years and so I thought I would check her out.  She had moved from the address she was at when we were writing, but I did find her, or rather, I found her Obituary.  She had died about 3 weeks ago.  I was very sad, and tears sprung to my eyes.  She was a lovely lady.  So I am sewing this in her memory.  For you, Joanne.

I have been watching tv and that caused more tears too. First "Call the Midwife" which is often a tear-jerker.  Then The Railway Children Return (more tears) and finally, the Christmas edition of All Creatures Great and Small.  Back to less emotional viewing now I think . . .

The weather forecast isn't brilliant and so I think the planned trip to Tam's to take part in a Treasure Hunt in the next village will be cancelled.  Plenty to get on with here.


  1. I think I may start putting Christmas away as well. I will get the upstairs done first, and at least the bell wreath outside. The garland on the stair rails outside is covered in snow so that will have to wait for a nicer day. I really like the stitching you are doing.

    God bless.

    1. I was glad to get it all down but STILL can't find a pack of special photos Tam and I wanted to show Gabby and the book I was more than 3/4 of the way through has disappeared entirely!

  2. I love that big of cross stitch you're working on. The sheep is adorable. Isn't it funny that when you have yourself a cry over something, everything that follows seems to spark a few more tears.

    1. I did until I got very sleepy this afternoon and couldn't work out WHAT I was doing with it!

      Oh yes, once you get in the weepy mode, it carries on . . .

  3. I am sorry for your loss. I found out my father's brother had died when I read his death certificate on Ancestry! No one bothered to let us know.
    It has been years since I did counted cross stitch and I have many unfinished projects. I also have several years worth of magazines from the 1980's for counted cross stitch and patchwork.

    1. Oh how dreadful to find out about your uncle that way. Had no-one in the family thought to tell you?

      I have one just-a-few-stitches x-stitch project which I really MUST FINISH in January, and get framed. Also a tapestry which is partly done and will probably never be finished so I will give it to the Charity shop. Several unfinished quilts, but 3 were bought needing to be finished off.

  4. Aww what a sad way to find out about the death of your friend. I hope you can have a calm and peaceful New Year, wishing you all the very best for the coming year. xx

    1. I was quite shocked as she was my age, but had been very overweight most of her adult life.

      Going nowhere tomorrow now as heavy rain coming in. I will go out for a paper and some LG rice first thing, and then sew.

      All the best for you in 2025 too.

  5. Ah J x that’s a sad thing about your friend. Stitching an heirloom for R will be a lovely way to honour that friendship. I wish I could de Christmas ppfftttt! Nick can’t bear it when I say it needs to come down but it’s never him doing three houses worth is my answer!
    I’d happily take it down now lol. Tomorrow is it or I’ll blow a fuse lol.
    Danette x

    1. I hope that the girls are about to lend a hand. I don't have hanging decorations from the ceiling, which helps. Just cards, the tree and a couple of things hanging in kitchen and from the fireplace.

      It was indeed sad to find that Jo had died, and so recently too. Her poor family - just before Christmas. I am struggling a little with the Father Christmas as his hat has a bend in it and I need to work out which way the stitches are meant to be - difficult to explain but my brain wasn't working it out this afternoon. Looking at the pattern above, I can see what I should be doing!
