

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The last day of a sad year

 2024 was a very stressful year for all of us, with Keith's steadily worsening health and subsequent death.  The birth of Rosie was about the only positive thing to have happened. I can only hope that 2025 brings some happiness back into my life .  

Looking back towards Aberedw Hill.

I felt that I needed to start my only New Year's Resolution (to walk more, and walk further) a day early - indeed, heavy rain is forecast for the morrow.  Today it was just very windy.  I only did a short walk yesterday, up to my friend's house, but today set off resolutely up the long and steeeeeeep hill which will lead you to the Epynt range or you can turn down through the woodland bridleway onto the bottom lane.  I did about a mile uphill and managed it better than I thought, though I did stop and take a few photographs.  It was good to end the old year with a brisk walk.

This, believe it or not, is the roof that covers our water reservoir. . . .  No comment.  No wonder the previous owners never took a photo for us before selling us the house!  All I can say is, thank heavens for the UV filter.

A neighbour's farm.  Fairly typical of the ones in Wales. An old farmhouse, range of old but useful outbuildings, and some more modern barns.

A glimpse through the sheep wire at one of their trees brought down by Storm Darragh, and providing firewood for their wood burning stove.

Looking along the line of the hill where the sweep of Aberedw continues above the River Wye.

Moelfre hill.

Looking in the direction of Rhayader - with a goodly few hills inbetween us and the Elan valley.  You can just make out a climpse of white van which is on A483 road heading into Builth.  It's 1/3 way into the photo from the left.

Where it's been mild, you can just make out the first heart-shaped Celendine leaves.  Indeed, whilst Tam and I were heading towards the Old Railway Line Garden Centre this week, there were Hazel catkins out in their full yellow lamb's tail glory.

Plenty of clusters of Cow Parsley to be found as well.  Let's hope spring comes early this year.

I was idly looking up x-stitch patterns today and saw something on Etsy which I instantly thought, oh that's gorgeous!  The pattern was reduced and downloadable, but then I found another in the same range and couldn't chose between them.  Oh dear . . .

They cost less than £4 the pair, BUT oh my goodness, VERY detailed charts and one by the time I've taped it together, is going to be the size of a double quilt!  A bit too daunting perhaps . . .

You can see why I was drawn to them, I'm sure.

I intend to start the first block of my Heirloom quilt tomorrow.  However, I do need to get 2 metres of cream fabric, so I will have to go to Doughtys in Hereford for that, and some Liberty fabric for a little frock for Rosie . . .  Their New Year sale  will be on . . .  I am going to use a little frock Rosie had for Christmas to draw the pattern from and see how I get on.  They should be open again on 2nd January.

First though, I have just found I have to deal with abscesses on both the boys - Alfie on his face by his ear, and L. Whale at the base of his tail.  I saw ginger and white fluff outside and saw there had been a dust up this week . . .  Blardy farm tom cats that will be.

Back to mydoable x-stitch now . . .


  1. I am sure that the coming year will be a good one for you m'dear, i feel it in these aching bones of mine x

  2. I was admiring those same patterns this week. They are beautiful, but more detailed than I'm willing to attempt!

  3. Hoping you will have A Very Blessed and Joy filled 2025.

  4. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy year ahead. You have an exciting trip to Petra planned so that is one fabulous thing for 2025 already. Life is a roller coaster isn't it. The year our grandaughter was born I had two emergency major surgeries and my brother in law died from a freak series of events. Four years on the birth of twin grandsons was within weeks of our dear son in law dying. Oh how we all held onto those babies for comfort. The grandchildren are a joy and blessing but I really hope no more births just in case other things get upended again. The parents say absolutely no more so hopefully we are OK. It has taught me to seek out joy even if it is a simple walk. How good they are for the soul. Now I must throw on some clothes and do exactly that. Warmest thoughts.

    1. Babies are a joy and a blessing and Rosie is SUCH a dear. Sorry your arrivals were tinged with the grief over departures.

  5. Not a year to repeat for sure.
    Wishing the best possible for you for 2025 and good luck on that stitching - it looks terrifying.

  6. I’d walk every single day if we lived in such an amazing space. I’d consider the cross stitch project too. It’s been years since I picked up needles and yarn. Ditto for knitting and crocheting. Sometimes I miss creating with fabric, including sewing.

    Happy stitching! Happy New Year! Be well.

  7. Oh my those cross stitch patterns are gorgeous. I can see how you were drawn to them.

    God bless.

  8. Wales is always beautiful. Whatever the weather, even on the dull grey days.
    I can see why you were smitten with those cross stitch patterns. At first I thought they were paintings they are that fine. Good luck with the stitching. How big is the hoop, btw?
    I wish you a Happy Healthy New Year 2025.

    1. Haven't checked on hoop size, but would probably frame them in picture frames instead.

  9. Here's hoping 2025 is a good one for you all.

  10. That cross stitch looks extremely challenging! Every year I complete another from the Prairie Schooler's Santa series. The company closed some years ago but the original patterns are wonderful.
    Happy new year greetings from a wild and windy Wiltshire!

  11. The scenery in your photos is gorgeous! Wishing you and your family best wishes for health and happiness as you start your new life journey in 2025

  12. Those cross stitch samplers are beautiful but require a lot of work. It is nice to greet a New Year whatever is happening. It is a time to go forward even though unhappiness walks alongside. So a Happy New Year to you and your family. xxx

  13. Happy New Year to you and your family. Hope 2025 is a good stitching and gardening year.

  14. Wishing you good things and fun times in 2025, you deserve it.
    Alison in Wales x

  15. Such a sad year for your and your family, but you somehow got through it thanks to the love you all have for each other. You are doing amazingly well picking up the pieces of your hobbies and enjoying the company of your family and friends, I hope that 2025 is full of all the good things for you.

    I went for a walk between showers this morning as I was desperate for some fresh air, but everywhere in our town there are flooded areas with the flood gates having been opened to purposefully flood the rugby ground and surrounding parkland to protect the houses. I walked along the canal which luckily was only just up to the top of the edges and not yet onto the towpath. It was good to get some fresh air, but now the heavy rain is back.

  16. Happy new year BB. I will be stitching and gardening and walking alongside you this year. As a warm up for the dress how about making a Liberty sun bonnet for Rosie (free pattern instructions including template to download from Purl Soho). One fat quarter of Liberty fabric and a quarter metre of lining fabric is all you need and it is very sweet indeed. When it comes to dressmaking I would certainly advise using a pattern as not only will it give you the right measurements and pattern pieces to cut around but it will also explain the construction. Also if you are rusty perhaps find some old scrap fabric to practise on first - dressmakers always make a toile before cutting into expensive fabric and practise makes perfect. I love your confidence but as my mum used to say, if a job’s worth doing it’s worth doing well. Here ends today’s lesson! Sarah x

    1. Thanks for that tip - will check it out. I will also get a pattern when I go to Doughtys, that's sound advice. More than RUSTY - haven't made any garments since a maternity nightie for me!!!

  17. Happy New Year. I hope that things will continue to improve. You have such a positive attitude and the support of a lovely family. Those cross stitch look amazing but very complicated. It's a shame about the cats' abscesses. Speedy broke his tooth in a cat fight and had to have not only the tooth removed but an ultrasound first (£100) before they would give him the anaesthetic as he has a heart murmur.

  18. I can recommend Pound Fabrics - an online shop - for bargainous, quality dressmaking fabric.

  19. Wishing you and family a better 2025. The views there are lovely and the embroidery patterns gorgeous. The embroidery should keep you busy for quite a while! I hope you and family stay well.

  20. Jennie, I have to tell you something. I looked at the bags you did, and it reminded me that I had two pillowcases I'd started on, years ago. I realized that my eyesight was no longer up to the task of embroidery. But since then, I've got prescription glasses instead of the cheaters. I got the things out today, and I discovered I can work the patterns again. I had a nice evening sewing and I thought of you far away, doing the same, and it made me smile.

    1. Oh wow! Glad I have been of use and you are enjoying your evenings sewing. It is very relaxing.

  21. You had such a sad 2024 and I do hope 2025 will be a much better year for you and bring you happiness. I look forward to hearing about progress of the Heirloom Quilt and hope your cats are better soon. Wishing you all the best for 2025.

    1. Thankyou. Don't go to Llandod Museum at the moment as it's closed for changing into Library (downstairs) and much reduced Museum upstairs . . .

    2. Thanks for letting me know re the museum BB.

  22. Well BB at least that year is now behind you my dear. Wishing all the very best for the year ahead and best of luck with the walking adventures, all paths can lead to somewhere special

  23. A general overall THANKYOU for your kind comments - for this post and throughout the year. I couldn't have managed without you all. I will just comment on the comments which need a quick reply. I have just poured myself a glass of wine and am going to crack on with the brown Father Christmas (that's his coat, not his ethnicity btw!!)
