

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

A lovely day with friends

 Yesterday was busy.  I was out of the house by 9 a.m. and heading for Carmarthen (yet again).  I stopped at Abergwili and bought two x 2 kilo bags of Russet apples (£1 each bag), a hefty cucumber (£1) - we get through a lot of cucumber here, Rosie and I; a big bag of Tangerines (£1) and some lovely vine tomatoes (£1).  I do miss have Chris Thomas' shop to buy my fruit and veg.  

Then I went on to The Range, but drew a blank at finding the gilt cream I needed for the frame.  They have reduced their stock of art supplies it would seem.  Then to Matalan where I bought some lightweight pyjamas with a t-shirt top, and a lovely deep coral knitted top for my holiday.

Then to my friend N's for tea and home-made choc chip biscuits. It was so good to see her again and we caught up to date with each other's news.  Then it was along the narrow lanes to my quilting group, where there was more chat and I hand quilted one of the borders for an old WIP.  Alex had machine quilted Gabby's quilt, so I have to crack on with the binding now as Gabby's visiting next week.  

Quarry view this morning

It was a lovely drive home in sunshine for a change.  I was more tired than I gave myself credit for though and after my evening meal, I crashed out on the sofa and slept for 90 minutes!  I have come to the conclusion that I am emotionally exhausted.  I just feel wrung out.  That awful woman at the weekend seems to have been the final straw.  

I am seeing another good friend today, who is taking me out to lunch in return for giving some valuations on the contents of her mum's bungalow (she's gone into a care home).  We expect to talk the hind legs off several donkeys!

Then tomorrow the car goes in for that relatively minor repair.  It's been starting ok again, even yesterday morning when it was very frosty.  

Now, will I sleep? I have been downstairs for an hour as I had been awake for an hour in bed.

Update: I was dreaming, when Alfie miowed in my ear, demanding breakfast.  Then I dozed off again, only to have the girls stampeding over the bed, and then Pippi yowling in my ear and bouncing all over me . . .  Message understood . . .


  1. Hi. Have you tried Rub 'n' Buff available from numerous places on line including Amazon?. Veronica

    1. Oooh, thanks for that Veronica. Will check it out.

  2. Have a lovely today and sleep well tonight. You are so busy with things that you do. Me? I do about one thing a day and that's my limit!x

    1. Thanks Rachel. I'm sure I shall. I'm glad I remembered to put the screen cover on the car last night as a heavy frost again. I have a list of "fings to do" as long as my arm. First off though, binding Gabby's quilt pronto.

      Envious of your one thing a day you have to do!

  3. Thursday morning now - so I hope you slept. You are keeping very busy and achieving lots. Hope today is equally good

    1. Well - not for long enough as cats demanding my presence at the food bowls . . .

      I could do with just doing NOTHING if I am honest, but not much chance of that, as I am off to Tam's on Saturday to help out there.

  4. So pleased you had such a lovely day after the problems with that woman at the fair!

  5. I know you don't want to hear this but the passing away of the last of my six cats meant the beginning of regular 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
    I said to someone airily the other day - oh I sleep really well.
    What I should have said is - oh I sleep really well, providing I'm in a pitch black bedroom, on my own, with absolutely no noise or any other interruption, however gentle.
    I am the Princess and the Pea!

  6. Cats are VERY good at letting you know what they want aren't they.
