

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Thank God for Friends and Family

 On a slightly more even keel today, as all your kind comments an support and phone calls from friends who I have known all my life, and popping out to see my friend Pam t'other side of town and having a good offload there have made me feel a bit brighter.  My family have been wonderful, as always.

I am still tired, but have washed up, washed my hair and am about to sit down and see if I can find Long Lost Family on ITV.

Car is booked in to have new wotsits on Friday.  I can only think of flame throwers which is NOT what I ordered at the garage today!  The diesel version of spark plugs anyway.  We are going to try those first before the steeper step of leaving it down there to have the starter motor taken out to be bench tested . . .  Fingers crossed the flame throwers work anyway!

No baking for my quilting group tomorrow - I just couldn't face it.  I am hoping to pick up Gabby's quilt which I know was being machine quilted over the weekend.  I am just going to take in some hand quilting, as my brain not up to anything more complicated.  I am going in early to Carmarthen to get some darker gold cream gilding to use on the horse picture frame, and a nightie for my holiday, then seeing my dear friend Nikki again, before going on to quilting.  Looking forward to it.

Tam has just sent me a link to a textiles group (spinning, weaving, dyeing etc) in Crickhowell, so I am going to get in touch and see what's what - looks good on line.

Right, tv time now.  Thank you ALL so much for your kind words and help.  I haven't been this low since losing Keith.


  1. Diesel injectors.....a recon starter motor ( the usual way) might cost less!

    1. Glow plugs - £18 each apparently. Didn't know you could GET a recon starter motor, so thanks for that.

  2. It is not unusual in the slightest to find yourself being hit with the grief of loss up to a year or even longer after we lose our loved one. You have been keeping yourself busy, but it sounds as if it's catching up with you. When my Mum lost her Dad, she was fine for six months, but it finally hit her right in the middle of watching a film in the cinema, six months after he died. Time to look after yourself now. You need it.

    1. I am hit by it pretty well every day. If I am tired, it is much worse. When I've slept well I can cope better. I am having a "me day" tomorrow, so that should be very beneficial.

  3. Me days and more of them were recommended to me when we lost our daughter. It has been 35 years and while I don't cry as often there are still days that I do. Grief comes in waves. Be gentle with yourself.

    God bless.

  4. Physical exhaustion weighs heavy on our ability to handle our emotions. Everything seems more awful when you are worn out. I am glad today was restorative.

  5. You do seem better today. Kind family is such a help. I know nothing about automobiles, so flame throwers sounds about right.

  6. You are amazingly resilient and strong, and yes, blessed with good friends and family. I'm excited to see Gabby's quilt finished, but a bit concerned about you out and about w the unreliable car. I know nothing of diesel engines, not used here in the US much if at all, but I know about being stranded with a non-functioning car. Stressful and even frightening. But I do so admire your positivity, how you just keep going and never give up. Best wishes!

  7. I LOVE the idea of your car being fired up each day with 'flame throwers' you would be brilliant going down hill with all that power. I'm glad you remembered that they are actually called 'glow plugs' as I was wracking my brains and getting nowhere!!
