

Jennie's recipes

Sunday, 16 February 2025


 Those were something we took regularly only when the children were smaller.  We didn't have much money, and stayed with family or friends.  When the money situation improved, we went camping, including up to Scotland (Aberdeenshire), and to Skye as well. Down to Dartmoor, down to friends in the New Forest. Mum was at home to look after the cats for us - with 9 of them, we couldn't just up sticks.

I've not done much travelling abroad.  A business trip to Belgium (can't believe I drove my car over there - the mini roundabouts - oh my goodness, I'd never seen them before and only passed my test the year before! Everything that Charlotte Bronte wrote about the Belgian people she met rang true . . . I've sailed in a friend's yacht to the Channel Islands and France, fishing for herring on the way.  Flown to Guernsey from Bournemouth - no sooner up than coming in to land! Tam took me to Florence (somewhere I had always wanted to go ever since seeing a version of Romeo and Juliet filmed there) about 9 years ago.  It was amazing and I would love to see a lot more of Italy.

When mum had died we didn't get much opportunity to get away.  Keith and I were going down to North Devon and then Dartmoor, called in to see our little Itsy pony who we had (foolishly) loaned to a forum friend down there.  I didn't like the way she was being starved (because she was "too fat" - no, she was Section C and they are built like tanks) and so we had one night down there before coming home, and used the holiday money to bring her back home.  Money was tight - and Itsy's care took priority.

Keith and I managed a few nights away down around the moor around 2018 I think it would have been.  Not long enough but it was lovely to visit our old haunts.  Then he became ill, and Covid came, and I've been nowhere since. I always wanted to travel abroad, but Keith wasn't keen - ok for him, as he'd travelled the world when he was in the Army . . .

So Jordan really IS the holiday of a lifetime.  I am slowly coming round to the idea it really IS going to happen. To me - who never thought I would go there in a million years.  The Isle of Man seemed about as exotic as it was likely to get . . .  I have a mental list now, of places I'd love to go, but with 4 cats, it would cost a fortune to have them in a cattery, and the boys would have to have jabs (the girls have them annually).  At least I can plan some more lengthy days out this spring and summer.

I hope it is sunny there - I need a bit of sunshine more than anything.  It has been grey and gloomy (and often wet) for so long.


  1. Is Tam staying to look after your cats? I used to put mine in a lovely cattery near us, but now we've moved have found found a lovely lady called Emma who comes to your house however many times a day you want to feed, play and empty litter trays. Will also put the bins out and draw curtains. The charge is about the same as the cattery and she came highly recommended by daughter. Have a fabulous holiday, we expect to see lots of photos. Xx

    1. Yes, Tam and Rosie here. One day they have to go back to Aber, so Danny will come up and cover for her then. Jon here a couple of nights and they are having friends from Hay (who also have a baby a similar age to Rosie) over at the weekend. You are lucky to have found Emma. My friend Pam would come and do the same for me, I'm sure, but it's not the same as a family member who really knows the cats. Alfie has "stranger danger" which even includes Danny - who he grew up with and who lived here for 6 mths last year!! - and goes and sits outside ,even in the pouring rain, so it is a worry. I have realized I will have to transfer ALL of my photos currently on the computer onto my external hard drive before I can load the 100s I will take on holiday . . .

  2. I've never been an easy traveler--trying to sleep in unfamiliar places is worse than confronting insomnia at home. I would have liked to visit places in England and Scotland, but not as a packaged tour. Think country-side walks, out-of-the-way villages, some of the places I've read about or where my maternal ancestors lived so long ago.
    Day trips or a weekend visit have been, until recently, fairly manageable. At this point, staying home is good!
    I'm hoping you have a lovely trip, no travel glitches, decent food and beds!

    1. Well, if I say I am debating whether or not I take my feather pillow with me, you will know I don't sleep easily elsewhere either! At the moment, a package tour to destinations is the only thing I can cope with but like you, when in a normal state of mind, would like to be a free-range explorer. You and I could have such fun exploring!

  3. Yes, you are going on that trip and are going to have a wonderful time. Enjoy and take lots of pictures to share with us please.

    God bless.

    1. I shall be pinching myself when we are there! Couldn't do it alone, so huge hugs for daughter Gabby who is my organiser and protector. Oh, there will be photos, never doubt!

  4. Family holidays (like Mothers Day) were the times when I ended up working harder than usual!!
    I don't really like tourist type travelling, I like seeing a place like the locals do.

    1. When we were camping, I never slept the first night. I agree with you about the mum working harder than usual! I am quite happy to have a guided tour at the moment, as nerves can't cope with much else.

  5. Be open to it. You may find opportunities arising that you can't foresee right. I am anxious to hear about your trip to Jordan.

  6. Lovely to remember holidays. This one coming will certainly be one to remember!

  7. I will be fine once I'm there, I have just been tied to the home for so long now, that travelling out of the country seems a huge ask.

  8. We had many holidays when the animals were younger and were happy to stay in the wonderful kennels in Wales or family came to stay on the small holding. We had a few the other year when we made good use of one of the pet sitting services that twin you up with animal sitters who would like to stay in your home for a holiday, in return for minding the animals. Then we had a year when my son came to stay for a week so we could get away. But now with Mavis being on so much medication we can't leave her in anyone's hands, so the last holiday we took they both came with us ... Ginger loved it.

    They are a bit of a bind our elderly animals, but we love them so it's worth it for a while. We are determined to have a couple of animal free years, if we can bear it just so we can get travelling out of our systems.

    I hope you enjoy this lovely holiday while you know your cats are safely being looked after at home. Oh, your poor pony, I'm glad you brought her back home, you must have been so sad when you saw the state she was in.
