

Jennie's recipes

Monday, 17 February 2025

Winter and technology can both "P" off . .. a boring post


I am fed up to the back teeth of cold, grey, miserable winter days, often accompanied by rain or worse, and too many bad storms to shake a stick at and as for the regular reports fromthe Daily Express warning me of 96 hours of snow, and all the main roads between us and the airport blocked, well they can "P" off too.  I just want to wake up tomorrow morning and find spring has arrived, though stepping into summer would be an even better improvement.  Apparently we are about to warm up, as that Scandinavian High Pressure is moving elsewhere.  Hopefully not anywhere near Jordan.

I have dedicated this afternoon to technology (this morning having been dedicated to grocery shopping so there is food in the freezer at least for Tam & Rosie at the weekend.)  I've done the recycling, and that has gone to the end of the lane early so I don't have to think about it in the morning.  I have blown the dust off my good camera, given it a quick sort out, having charged it for hours yesterday.  I stopped using it because it wouldn't download my photos. Today I started from scratch again, and had to learn how to programme the clock for starters.  I take a bow as normally I would hand it to one of my children, but have put my nose to the grindstone and told myself I just have to blardy get on with it.

Then I was trying to persuade it to load up some fresh photos but no, it was everything on the memory card or nothing . . .  Got THAT sorted (it was everything!) and then had a problem with my phone - I was trying to get rid of Meta AI  which had locked on to Messenger and wouldn't let me respond to posts on there!  Google had then decided it would take control  completely (which apparently it does do) and I couldn't even  switch the phone off.  Instead it went to the mike.  It refused to turn off.  I had to call in Tam then to find me advice online on how to fix it, and she did bless her.  So I followed the steps, and then it wouldn't turn on again.  I thought I'd killed it, as the exact instructions I was meant to follow couldn't be followed as the appropriate word didn't come up, so I used a close approximation.  It took ages to come back on but now I am in control again.  It's enough to drive me to booze!

One good thing, when I went to buy some decent pencils to take on holiday to sketch with, the ones I chose ended up being half the Sale price, instead of merely reduced.  6 good Winsor and Newton graphite pencils, in a tin, for £4.35.  I'd best have a practice with them tomorrow as it's a looooooooong time since I last drew anything.


  1. A mega achieving day!
    Yes, practice now...not when you get there!!

    1. I was pleased with myself, Not so much with the sketching practice tonight though - I chose to try and draw a Green Man sculpture, with lots of shadow and several heads/ivy leaves etc. Eeek. MUCH more practice needed! Plus a different choice of topic.

    2. Start simple..that is why I'm sticking to leaves and twigs to start with

    3. I do indeed find those much easier - or copying a line drawing (cheat's way out!)

  2. I regularly need to hand over my phone to son or grandson to sort issues I can't contend with. To my elderly mind most of these devices have way more options and 'apps' than necessary. Our area [and more so the eastern part of the state] has had drastic flooding over the weekend and now bracing for snow and near zero F. temps for the rest of the week. We are fine; there are advantages to building at the top of the ridge and having a wood stove!

  3. Thank you for letting me know you're OK. I saw there had been bad flooding. Hope you don't have too much snow - and just when you are longing for sunshine and spring. Keep safe - glad you are no-where near flood water but imagine it may cause Howard problems?

  4. I usually keep my fingers crossed that I can handle things until Kris comes home. Sometimes though I have to struggle through on my own. Isn't in wonderful to have children that can help.

    God bless.

    1. Some (most!) things stump me totally. Like how to sort the off switch on my phone - for heaven's sake, I didn't even know what sort of phone it was as not written on cover, but in settings!

  5. Technology is such a pain, but sounds as if you got most things sorted.
    I always think new pencils will suddenly mean I can draw - doesn't work for me!

    1. Defo. needed Tam to help me with it though. I am taking a leaf out of gz's book today, and going back to flowers. Can do those. Horses too!

  6. It sounds like you coped admirably once you got stuck in. I'm pretty hopeless with technology when it goes wrong, but somehow I muddle through.
