

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 17 November 2022

I am beloved. . .


I am glad to report that things have calmed down a bit now I have invested in a Feliway diffuser to calm the Big Boys down, and it has worked a treat.  Alfie actually sniffed noses with Lulu today and though his tail was twitching, he only did a small hiss to say he was boss.  L. Whale still not that brave but he is happy to be in the same room now - as long he is on a seat!  I won't leave them unattended in the same room yet, but it's going the right way.

They like to be on my lap, as you can see - Lulu was fascinated by my computer screen.

Pippi Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing.

Current embroidery project.  Tam bought me this partly sewn, and a matching one, not worked on, from a Charity shop, so I am slowly sewing these.

I have been poorly for a couple of days - the stress  (and consumption of too much Tiger Loaf that Gabby brought with lunch last week) caused an IBS flare-up, and also aching joints.  I was knocked completely sideways yesterday and just could NOT stay awake, and I was in bed at 7.30 p.m. and slept for 12 hours.  I have taken Ibuprofen today and that has helped, and I know I must just eat my own home-made bread in future.  I have a loaf baking as I write this.  

Danny and his girlfriend and her little girl are coming for the weekend.  First time of meeting his partner and child, so I hope it all goes well.  I have been to the charity shops and got a few books suitable to read to 3 yr olds, and a little playhouse and a plush teddy to cuddle.

Now I need to go and make simple non-challenging (for the digestive system) food for tea - a Cottage Pie should do the trick.


  1. Hope you feel better and that you'll enjoy the excitement of meeting a possible new grandchild.

    1. Certainly excited about that Hart. It was lovely to buy a couple of little things for her for Christmas (they are coming here for Christmas day).

  2. Not sure you need a dolls house and Teddy for the toddler with kittens in the house, will you? Might get interesting. LoL
    Glad the Feliway is working.
    Hope your tummy settles down soon.
    I have got many pieces of partly worked embroidery like that left over from my mother. I have no idea what to do with them. The charity shops around here don't want them. And I'm not capable of stitching them, I don't think now. Sad but true.

    1. I think kittens may well have to be tucked up in their crate as I don't want them grabbed and squished by an excited toddler.

      You can list your partly-done or not done embroideries on Ebay. I sold some to a Charity which gave them to their old ladies to sew and keep them busy. They love keeping busy. They do sell, and you could always donate the moneys to charity in memory of your mum.

  3. Good to hear the grown up cats are getting used to the babies - long may it last.
    Hope you have another good nights sleep to feel better again

    1. I am up on last night in the sleep stakes (e.g. STILL awake!) but I shan't be late anyway. Innards still sore but when I looked at what I ate and drank in the last week - so much nasty white bread - why didn't I give it to the birds? Plus lots of apples, two bottles of cider - well, no wonder tummy is complaining.

  4. The kittens look as if they haven’t a care in the world. I think we all need to channel our inner cat this winter - lots of playtime, exploration, stretching and relaxation. We’re having a serving of venison casserole tonight which I’ve eked out with Puy lentils and more carrots. I used a kilo of diced venison (plus bacon, carrots, shallots, celery and onion) for nine portions, including generous ones for our hungry son, and it smells delicious. Stitches (there were four of them) are now out and the nurse was very complimentary about my skin and said it had healed well and I probably wouldn’t have a scar. Fingers crossed. Even so I bought a small glass bottle of sweet almond oil from the chemist (£2.55) which I will start using in a few days. We have had a dry and sunny day today but the water meadows below us are flooded as we’ve had a lot of rain lately. From the top of Bury Hill the landscape of the Arun river valley looks like the Lake District which is perfectly normal for this time of year. Now I must away to the kitchen and I think I will have a small glass of red wine with my casserole tonight, my first drink since the excision! Cheers BB. Sarah x

    1. Don't they just? They are an absolute delight, and making me rest more as they often want to sleep on my lap in the afternoon. Oh, and help me tidy my embroidery silks by hanging from them :)

      Your venison casserole sounds delish. At Christmas I make one using an Anthony Worrall-Thompson recipe from 15 or so years ago, has orange zest and prunes in it andis divine.

      Glad you are healing so well. I'd forgotten about sweet almond oil being good for skin healing.

      Dry here too but river levels still high. Daren't drink anything bar water or tea right now. Sigh.

  5. Lulu sure has very intense blue eyes! Both are so cute!

    1. I'm hoping she keeps them, but Pippi's are turning now.

  6. Thank you so much for publishing more kitty photos. They cheer up my day!

    1. The kittys cheer me up no end too. Always fighting and no holds barred fighting at that!

  7. Hope you're back to full health soon. .

    1. You and me both Louise. Had this nearly a week now. I was getting better until the wine!

  8. So pleased to hear the cats and kittens are getting on a bit better but sorry you haven't been well. I have discovered anxiety for me causes a lot of problems digestive wise as well as my ashtma. The embroidery is lovely - reminds of me of a table cloth my mother or grandmother embroidered. Have a good weekend with your family.

    1. Feeling ghastly today - now kidney pain to add to my woes. Anxiety will not help your digestion of course, and certainly make asthma worse.

      We have had a lovely weekend, though no embroidery done!

  9. I used to suffer from IBS and put it down to stress. But I must admit eating just one slice of bread a day probably contributes. Looks like you will have another reason to go round charity shops with a little one coming to visit.

    1. "Boughten" store bread really does our guts no good - it's the way it's made. I normally only eat my own home-made bread, but I think this is a bug the way it's been reacting this weekend. Charity shops in the town not that good for stuff for little ones - need to shop further afield.

  10. Reading this made me feel grateful for people like yourself who are willing to share their lives in this way - because, you're not trying to hide your feelings and you are being very honest about the humanness of your day to day happenings - this is no small thing and helps those of us going through similar. Thank you.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It seems difficult sometimes to share certain personal things (and believe me there are an awful lot of things I keep under wraps) but if I can help some people who are also struggling with long term illness in their selves or their partners, it's all to the good. I'm Aries, so honesty comes with the territory - just don't ever ask me "does my bum look big in this?" as you may not like my reply!!

  11. Hope that your tummy is better today. Love the blue eyes. Enjoy your visit with your son, his girlfriend, and the little one.

    God bless.

    1. I've gone really backwards because I had wine last night. Stupid woman I am. I'm hoping that Lulu will keep her blue eyes. We had a lovely visit. Post shortly.

  12. Oh that's good Marlene. Hope it helps your dog - I think there are desensitising tapes to play to them too.
