

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 27 August 2023

Papering over the cracks . . .

 THIS . . .

. . . was in my bath towel a couple of days ago.  However, I was not aware of this fact and gave myself a brisk rub down with said towel/spider combo before it - and a separated left leg - fell into the bath.  Reader, I was brave - I did not scream (externally that is - internally I was!) I left it there in the hope it would decide to die.  Unfortunately for the spider, it was still very much about when I came to bed and the thought of it possibly taking up home in my bed (I've been checking for any other interlopers every night since) caused me to relocate it permanently. . .  Well, it must be Autumn if the big b*ggars are coming indoors is all I can say.  It really freaked me out.  I can cope with the smaller ones but when they come bigger than the bottom of my drinking glass, they can clear off.

Meanwhile the kittens keep me entertained.  Lulu has discovered the overlap design on my duvet cover and thinks it's great fun to crawl inside, and then you have to "pounce" on her - you have to make it the right end though, or else you'll meet with her claws!

I'm still feeling very low and worried over the lack of progress with Keith.  That said, he is now walking round with his stick/furniture rather than the walker.  I suppose that is progress, and after needing to sit at the bit of kitchen table opposite the bottom of the staircase - thus cutting out the extra steps to the end of the table where he has always sat, he has gone back to the end of the table as of last night.  He still SITS all day long though and I am worried that his knee tendons will start shortening and making his balance even worse.  The neck problem from low blood pressure doesn't go away, and stops him walking far.  The less he walks, his blood pressure stays low, and so do dopamine levels which would be raised by movement.  His speech has gotten really bad too - everything comes out in a garbled rush when he is tired.  So you can see why I am in a bad place in my head.

    It worries me to leave him (as he WON'T wear his Careline pendant and I am going to phone them to cancel the contract.  Pointless paying for something which isn't being used.)

    Tomorrow I have the Bank Holiday Malvern Fair.  I am getting up/leaving extra early as they don't make you all queue until 7.30 a.m. now, so I am hoping to get in extra early and get away earlier to so I can be back for Keith.  I really don't like to leave him for long now.  I have a very busy week ahead, with visitors, taking Pam to Brecon to pick up her courtesy car, taking my car in for a repair, and preparing for the Builth Fair next weekend.  Tam will be here from Tuesday though, which is a positive.

    Enjoy the other half of the Bank Holiday Weekend folks.


  1. Yikes to the spider in the bath towel - I'm sure I would have screamed out loud!
    Such a difficult situation with Keith not moving about making things worse but it's good to hear you will have Tam's help later in the week

    1. It was a big 'un. I will confess, it met a watery grave . . . I can't wait for Tam to arrive as it's a struggle on my own at times.

  2. With Keith sitting for long periods of time make sure he does some leg exercises ie raising them with his legs straight. I'll always remember a physiotherapist in Wales telling me that you can tell when people sit for long periods of time as they begin to look like a chair ie legs permanently bent.

    1. I know this, but he just won't listen, or says he does exercises (always when I'm not in the room of course). I try not to nag him, but . . .

  3. Autumn seems to have come early. I've had one as well. What is the point in screaming when no one can hear you? I'm afraid mine met with a squishy end with the end of my walking stick. I know I shouldn't but the darn things only go out and breed and then they'll be more.
    I spent far too much time sitting as well I really must try harder but Into a nasty habit now, which was brought about by my spinal issues, rather than the Parkinson's. A shame Keith won't wear his piper alarm though, isn't it?

  4. The not wearing the alarm is for the stupidest reason too - first time he had it on he knocked it and someone answered. As he doesn't want to bother them for no reason, he now won't wear it in case he knocks it again. I said I am sure this is something that happens frequently, and they don't mind, but . . .

    My spider found it was no match with the force of water . . .

    We had words this morning, but he is at least doing his neck exercise again now (you know, the one he always does when I'm not in the room).

  5. I shake every towel I use and check my bed before climbing in every time ... just in case. And now I keep a plastic jug in the bathroom, there's more room for the long legs of the nasty Autumn spiders. If I discover one in the middle of the night it stays trapped under the jug until morning, but if it's during the day i use my mouse mat over the bottom of the jug and relocate it to the garden ... where I am in no doubt they sit and plot how to get back in again!

  6. You've got it organized. I am afraid I wasn't a soft touch when it came to liberation.

    1. Liberation backfired on me the other day, the little bar-steward came running out of the jug AT ME in the garden the other evening. I haven't moved so fast for ages or squealed as loudly!!

    2. Oh gosh, I'd have done the same! I've never been the same since one ran up my arm . . .

  7. Wimp, just pick it up and trow it out the window, it's more scared of you

    1. Yup, I'll confess, when they're that big I AM a wimp! Fortunately the kittens saved me from another big one heading towards the bathroom and killed/dismembered it . . .

  8. We had our first Crane Flies in the house yesterday..must be Autumn already! And early morning I could see across the ten miles to the Clyde, and all the river valleys were full of mist

    1. Crane flies not obvious here yet, but I don't doubt they'll soon be flying in faces. Sounds like you have wonderful views where you are.

  9. Eek to the spider. Fun to see the kittens playing. For reasons beyond my control I never learned how to play as a child (getting better at it) but I think it is something we should keep on doing. Our community had a flea market yesterday and I had a table. Another vendor had old china which is my weakness so some of my profit got spent rather quickly. My Dad is the same with his alert button, so annoying, we have tried telling him it is for our peace of mind but no good. It crossed my mind to stand in front of him and sob about it. Guilt him into it but he is a stubborn you know what so not sure it is worth the effort.

    1. Glad you had fun at the fleamarket even if you came home lighter in the purse.

      Lulu-kitten has just provided light entertainment as Keith struggled to get into bed tonight. She hid under the bedclothes and wanted me to tickle her.

      I asked Keith to use his pendant whilst I was out yesterday . . . did he heck . . .

  10. Now if that was a grasshopper or wasp I would be absolutely going crazy. For some odd reason spiders have always fascinated me.

    Still praying that Keith gets more mobile and things even out once again.

    God bless.

    1. Don't mind either of those. Folk who swat at wasps do themselves no favours. Happy with spiders much smaller than this one. Jumbo ones - no thanks!

      Keith was a bit better yesterday, then had his massage today and his neck has been very sore ever since.

  11. I'm so sorry Keith is still not doing very well and of course this has you under so much stress. The kittens are delightful and it's good that their antics bring some relief. That was a large spider!

    1. It just seems to be a vicious circle, and muscular problems in a way prevent other bits of him working properly in that they stop the medications from doing what they should. Hard to explain but it's a real balancing act.

  12. I'm not skeered of spiders, but I am not fond of insects in the house.

    1. I shall be very glad when the flies depart for the season.

  13. Good morning BB, I’m on my second cup of tea from the pot made and poured by S and so I hope you are now wandering around Malvern snapping away for our pleasure and having a lovely tie. There is a definite chill in the air and a heavy dew but I really don’t want to think about autumn until we return from Dartmoor next week. I wouldn’t have thought you would be afraid of spiders! I was transplanting white foxgloves yesterday down to my woodland edge and disturbed a baby two-inch toad. Luckily I was only using a hand fork as I have a horror of spearing a toad having done it once before at the allotment when it nearly broke my heart. Sometimes I think stubbornness is a real symptom of PD. Or maybe it is just men getting old! I know it can be exhausting so I sympathise. Good to know that Tam is coming tomorrow to help and take you out. Sarah x

    1. Yes, you were right about what I was up to as you enjoyed your tea. I had a good day but not many things really inspired me to want to buy them.

      If I can lay stubbornness at the door of PD it might be easier to cope with as his being awkward makes life difficult.

      Tam is here now, and Jon is coming to help over the weekend too. That has taken a HUGE weight off my shoulders.

  14. Conkers are meant to keep spiders out of the house. Gather up handfuls in the autumn and put them under the furniture and in corners. I feel it does generally work.
