

Jennie's recipes

Friday 25 August 2023

Eglwys Dewi Sant - or for English Speakers, St David's Church, Llandewi Brefi

 It's a fortnight now since my friend Gay and I visited this beautiful church. The key (to the side door) was held by the very helpful lady in the little corner shop on the opposite corner, and of course we bought drinks and choccy bars from her too, as a thank you.

I'm sorry I can't give you the history which will make this beautiful church come alive.  HERE is the best I can do.

The Dallus Dumenus stone.

The Cenlisinus Stone.

Guess who missed the Idnerth Stone!!  LINK is to a picture of all three stones.  Surprisingly, even COFLEIN doesn't have a photo specifically of it.

Sorry, I cut the end off but you get the gist.

I think this was a piscina from late Medieval times.

I am still "out of words" but feeling slightly less depressed today.  This post has been like drawing blood from a stone, and I have done it very poorly, but may come back and add some info later.

Keith, touch wood, marginally improved again today.  The under-medication with the Thyroxine has NOT helped him one iota. 

Off to get some pre-Bank Holiday Weekend shopping.  Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Don't worry about it if you don't feel up to writing a post, keeping yourself well is more important than adding extra stress. It isn't easy to try to keep everyone happy and you have your work cut out without researching and writing. Hope Keith is well enough to enjoy the weekend.

  2. Thanks Debbie. Everything has gotten on top of me rather in the past couple of weeks. Normally I love the researching, and have my mighty tomes out ready to write a digestible piece about Llandewi Brefi, but just cannot bring myself to get started.

    Keith marginally better today . . .

  3. Here I never kew you spoke the language. It looks a bit of a trek form where you are. Do like the entrance at the tower base, the insode is also nice and bright

  4. You need to look after yourself first and foremost. I know when I went to look after my Dad to give Stepmum some respite and that was only 3-4 days at a time, I was shattered physically and mentally. Hope you two have a great BH weekend and we need more of the lunatic kitties. Gill Xx

  5. Just post when you can, I hope things get easier for you very soon.

    The church I attended growing up was named after St. David. Nice to see that gorgeous church.

    God bless.

  6. I learn so much from your church and prehistoric posts. I am so excited about our holiday to Dartmoor. There is a track from Sanders straight up onto the moor. Hoping to visit Powdermill Pottery and I may book a ride at Hexworthy. Will see how I feel as the tendons in my right forearm and my middle finger are still very sore from meadow mowing this week. I mowed our half acre meadow four times on level 7, 5, 4 and the final cut at level 3. It looks fantastic though, gleaming silvery gold, and we can see clearly all the tiny vole holes and yesterday evening we went out and saw the barn owl working our meadow. One day I will get down to the crumbling Victorian brick built signal box (very steep precarious climb down) and see what’s living in there. I’m sure there must be bats roosting. We’ve been having the most terrible nights and I am seriously considering sleeping elsewhere. S is constantly fidgeting and restless, he is up and down and sometimes pacing the house as his legs will not let him settle. I ran him an Epsom salts bath last night and then massaged his legs with lavender oil mixed with almond oil and he was better last night and slept until 4am so maybe that is the answer, Today he is cycling with friends. The plan was for a circular 30 mile ride up to and along the Downs with a pub lunch in the middle. I said absolutely ridiculous and that I would meet them at the pub after my morning in the bookshop with the bike carrier and pick S up. Frankly even 15 miles of tough off-road cycling is a big ask for S at the moment and he is only able to do it because he has an excellent off-road bike and thousands of off-road cycling miles under his belt. Sometimes I feel like such a bossy boots but as we know BB it is us that carries the can. Right must get ready for work. It is my penultimate shift and my last Saturday in the bookshop today as I have decided I no longer have the bandwidth to cope with it on top of house, garden, looking after S and I am exhausted. So far I get no help or assistance at all so I must begin to explore my options. Have a good bank holiday weekend BB. I did all our food shopping in the village shop yesterday: South coast landed sea bass fillets, a whole chicken plus all the usual essentials and spent only £30 as the garden is providing all our veg and fruit needs. Sarah x

  7. I would not push myself either! You have a great deal on your plate. I just watched a program that talked about the life of St David and toured St Davids Cathedral and the monastery.

    Tend to yourself. We will be here when you're ready!
