

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 14 September 2023

More negatives than positives

 Sorry, I'm a bit wiped out at the moment as Keith's had a few bad days and nights, and being awake for several hours in the night does neither of us any good.  

I am hoping to get my afternoon off on Saturday, when I want to go to Tretower Court to "Meet the Marchers."  For those not in the know we live along the Welsh Marches and many different little Lordships held sway of their own individual desmesne/castle/fortified home.  If you've ever read Lady of Hay you'll know exactly what I'm on about. In her case she was married to William de Braose who was a pretty nasty piece of work, as mum would have said.  I'm looking forward to that.  Hoping Keith is better by then.

Have a lovely Friday and weekend all.


  1. I’ve been kept awake by Alec snoring, it seems very bad at the moment, although light in the matter of Keith’s troubles. Half the problem is we are away and the bed is not good! Think Princess and the Pea. Southwold has been lovely but expensive, £22 for an egg coddler in a charity shop. All packed up ready for an early start, we have to brave the M6 Ona Friday. Love & hugs Gill Xx

    1. Good grief Gill - they'll have that egg coddler a while then! Glad you enjoyed the sea air, but it sounds an expensive holiday venue. Oh no - the M6 is bad enough any time (still have memories of driving up to Scotland and back on it - only past Preston did things calm down a bit). I hope the traffic's not too bad - they've made bits of it a Smart Motorway now too haven't they? Most stupid idea out to my mind.

  2. Sorry to read that Keith’s had a few bad days and nights and hope that he soon improves. As you say sleepless nights are no good. It’s 1 am now and I’m wide awake, having fallen asleep for about half an hour at about 10.45 pm and missed the end of the programme I was watching! I must re-read Lady of Hay, I’ve not read it for years. As you say William de B was a nasty bit of stuff. Hope you get to meet the Marchers, I’ll look forward to reading about it.

    1. Hi SueJay - yup, have had that before - falling asleep on the sofa for just ten minutes or so and then awake till the small hours once you get to bed. Hope you were able to read yourself off to the land of nod. Do re-read Lady of Hay. It stands the test of time. I love all her novels and she lives near Hay I believe. Sleepers Castle is one of my favourites.

  3. I am sorry to read of Keith's difficulties. You've both had such a struggle. I hope you get some rest.

    1. Morning Debby. We both slept better last night so I hope he is on the mend again now. It's sunny here this morning, so a gardening day, continuing with the autumn tidy up, although I shall need to take a saw to the Mullein stems, which are as thick as my wrist at the base!

  4. I just have to go with the flow I'm either asleep or I'm awake one or the other. But my goodness, when I go to sleep, I go to sleep where I'm sitting. sometimes even where I'm standing. It's an absolute beggar and they've. given me a choice of I. can reduce. my medication. to make me more away. But then my tremors will return. or I can stay as I am. Hobson's choice.

  5. Sorry to hear about Keith. I loved Lady of Hay, it was a very interesting read...

    God bless.

    1. It's one of those books you can return to and enjoy again.

  6. I hope Keith is doing some better now. I'm sorry he's been feeling so bad lately.

    1. We had a bad week of things. Hoping he's turned the corner now.
