

Jennie's recipes

Monday 23 October 2023


Stormy skies at Malvern.

    So much for resting yesterday.  It was a marathon.  Followed by another marathon.  Parkinsons meds don't work when you have an infection.  Keith was stalwart and wanted to be downstairs but was tottering, needless to say.  Things came to a head at teatime when he needed to go upstairs to the bathroom and couldn't get there, but it was dealt with (we had a Commode here from January when they all swung into action as he was bad then).  I will spare you details but my son is a blardy HERO, for supporting Keith about the house, lifting him into bed - hell, practically carrying him there.  Keith for once, drank and drank and drank, but of course that was offset by the Covid so no huge benefit.  He needed the glass held to his mouth but swallowed well.  He must have had 4 1/2 pints water, plus tea etc.  His appetite remained good too.

    Today everything will have to be put in place for Carers, hospital bed etc.  I've left a message for the Parkinsons nurse, saying we need the hospital bed pronto. I have spoken to 111 and got a message through to the Covid Team for anti-virals.  I need to speak to the GPs shortly and then arrange for the Domicilliary service to be involved (carers) full time.  Danny cannot stay here permanently and needs to go home to his little family.  Emma and "I" went home yesterday and I managed to drive them to pick up their bus connection.  I have a list of phone calls to make . . . and yet all I want to do is lay down on the sofa and let it all wash over me.  No chance of that.

    T & J popped over to bring Keith's anti-biotics - Aberystwyth and Newtown are the only Welsh Boots shops which open on a Sunday - and to drop some stuff off for storage.  They move into their new home in the next few weeks.  We all wore masks and kept 6 feet apart.

    Right, need to go up to Keith and then start the round of phone calls.

    Updated to say off to pick up anti-mucous meds prescription shortly (meds gone on order for tomorrow though) and then Llandod at 5 with Danny to pick up anti-virals for Keith. P.H.E.W.


  1. I hope you can soon get everything organised - sounds like help really is needed now. Sending positive ((vibes)) to keep you going while you are getting it sorted.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated. I hope that everything falls into place quickly for you, which needs to now. I know that out here in the ether we can't do much to help, but we can listen.
    Sending prayers with healing light and love.

  3. You are a hero Jennie. But be like our late Queen and sit down when you can and never refuse a cup of tea. Feeling for you. Sarah x

  4. Thinking of you in what must be very challenging times for you all x
    Alison in Wales x

  5. Accept all the help you can get and arrange for carers to come in as soon as possible. From the sound of it you should be on a priority list. There are organisations that will not only help with care for Keith but will also arrange for you to have some respite time. Take care, look after yourself and make sure those kit kats keep you smiling.

  6. The positives seem to be that T and J will be moving into their new home; and that care for Keith, which will to some extent relieve you, is being arranged. I'm sorry for so many things in your situation, but not least that you don't have the 'leisure' just now to rest and recuperate from your own bout of illness.

  7. Oh Jen you are all having such a difficult time. Sending love and thinking of you all. Xx

  8. You are so strong, so amazing. Thank you for finding time to keep us, your blog friends, updated. Sending carefully distanced hugs --and prayers.

  9. Oh my goodness, you must be running yourself ragged. Yes, sit down some and take a break. Lie down in bits of time, too. Thankfully Danny is there for now, and I hope you get a carer soon.

  10. My best thoughts to all of you. I am glad that Keith is drinking fluids. That should help some. Getting help in is going to be a real game changer for you. All positive things. Now REST!
