

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 21 November 2023

FINALLY - 6 weeks on . . .


. . . from testing positive for Covid, I feel back to normal today.  We both slept better, my brain is clearer, I have energy and what's more I have purpose.  I WANT to do things again, and have some wild foraged fruits out of the freezer to make Hedgerow Jelly with tomorrow along with a kilo of Crab Apples which were being given away in the PO.   All the time I've been ill I haven't given a sh*t about anything, and everything has just been SUCH an effort. Even going up and down stairs has made me feel like I've just run a marathon (mind you, I counted the times one day last week and it was 19 trips up and down the stairs!!)  

    Keith too has been better - speech clearer, he has walked briskly up and down the kitchen twice with his stroller, and we've been doing his Pitcherwits puzzle together - his writing was the first thing to go with this horrid disease - it just got smaller and smaller and his whole right hand side was affected with slowness. Only on a very good day can he manage some shaky capitals, so he tells me the answers and I write them in.   

    I had the energy to go up to our neighbour's again and this time he was in and came back with me straight away to change the noisy smoke alarm battery.  I have done the one in the kitchen and think we need a new one entirely for the yellow bedroom as when I tried to get the cover off it started falling off the ceiling!  I will have to get either Danny or Jon to fix that though.  

    Keith and I watched Escape to the Country and then Antiques Road Trip together (Carmarthenshire & Swansea, so some shops and countryside we knew well) and I've done some family history too.  I want to apply for the death certificates of my g. grandmother Harriet Wootton and her mother Mary Ann Fosdick.  They died age 36 and 42 respectively, but it's possible that Harriet died from childbirth complications as she had her final child within 3 months of giving birth.  Until I get the certificate I won't know how close to parturition. You can still get digital copies of the certificates for just £2.50 - I got those of my Bolt G. grandparents that way - but today it's been very slow. 

 *DEBBIE (Country Ways and Cottage Days) - it's the GRO (General Register Office).  You will need to research the death details (Free BMD will be fine) and get the Name, Place, year, which quarter of the year and that will give you a reference  (1A 7 for instance).  When you are typing up the details on the GRO site, ignore the prices for posted certificates and there will be an online option in one of the boxes where you put your person's details.  Then you go on to pay, and THEN you click I'm not a robot and have to jump through all sorts of loops if you can't include every bit of car, motorbike, bus, traffic light etc in photos . . .  Yeesh!  I would say unless you have superfast broadband, wait until the daytime tomorrow when less people online.

    FINALLY I now know - Acute Rheumatism Pericarditis. A rare form of heart failure and due to, I believe, auto-immune problems. Treatable now but of course, not then. Her poor baby was only a month old when she died and my gran was only 3. G. Grandad quickly remarried of course, just 8 months later - he had to with 6 children under the age of 10.  Not much in the way of prophylactics available THEN!  

    Her mother was young too.  Still waiting for things to load on the site before I can share her story. If I've identified cars or motorbikes or zebra crossings or traffic lights once, I've done them 20 times, and then the broadband fades out!  I shall report back later.



  1. Glad you are both feeling better.
    Now I must find out where online copies are just £2.50, for the cost has deterred me.

  2. So good to hear you’re feeling better - you sound positively perky! It’s been a cold damp dark afternoon here and I lit the woodburner before 4pm. Then I made a pot of tea and we shared a toasted teacake with lashings of butter. These are big tea cakes made by a bakery in Steyning and sold in the village shop and fill a side plate. We watched Antiques Road Trip too although I found the chatting between the two experts excruciating. We went to West Dean Garden this morning, another local HHA property, for some some winter greenhouse inspiration and I snaffled a few windfall pears which I peeled and poached for our pud. We stopped at the Goodwood farm shop on the way home and bought a 1.2kg pack of diced venison to casserole, a bottle of kefir (good for stress!) and a lump of Charlton farmhouse cheddar. No veg or fruit for sale so our supper tonight was cheese omelette followed by pears but lunch was a big bowl of ribollita soup packed with homegrown borlotti beans and spinach and homemade smoked mackerel pate on toast. Tomorrow we will go to Dykes farm shop to stock up on veg and fruit and between us we’ll make the casserole. Not feeling very inspired at the moment and probably suffering from the November blues. Once December is here I know I will be fine so I just need to pull myself through the next 9 days. Swimming tomorrow will help and I’ve just realised tomorrow will be the 10th anniversary of my dad’s death so maybe that’s why I’m feeling so lacklustre today. Wishing you a good night’s sleep and another better day tomorrow. Sarah x

  3. So glad you are feeling better. You sound so much more energetic and relieved to be past the illness. I hope you and Keith continue well. I've been hit with a bug, not sure what but COVID test was negative thankfully. Stay well!

  4. I understand the no birth control thing... We were talking at coffee one day when I worked for the Catholic Church as the Youth Coordinator. I mentioned my Dad's family of 17 people (including Grandma and Grandpa) our priest said "Oh what a good Catholic family." I answered " No good Lutheran family with no birth control." You should have seen the look on Fathers face. Lol

    Glad that the two of you are feeling better.

    God bless.

  5. Hooray for you getting some energy and enthusiasm back and for Keith moving better. Hope both continue - Don't over do it!!

  6. Glad you are both feeling better.

  7. I'm so glad to hear that you are both starting to feel better, it's been a long slow bout of Covid this hasn't it. There's so much of it around at the moment. Look after yourself and try not to do too much too soon, something all of us women tend to do!

  8. What a horrid thing this Covid is - there really is BC and AD(C) Before Covid and After Damned Covid, isn't there. I am seriously 'Immune suppressed', as a result of a lung disease, so I have to be super careful. It has limited our overseas travel (to zero!) and also the places we go locally. The cruise ship season has begun so there are places we just plain avoid - like the public garden's cafes when the buses are swarming!

    I'm so relieved you are feeling better, and Keith too. Getting your Mojo back will help Keith too. 19 trips up and down the stairs would completely exhaust me! When I was at my worst (before miracle (but ghastly) treatment set me right) I would stand at the bottom of our stairs and have to speak firmly to myself "I CAN get up these stairs!", and I did it as infrequently as possible. How you managed it 19 times in one day, when you weren't feeling well, is nothing short of miraculous.
