

Jennie's recipes

Monday 20 November 2023

Insomnia . . . and another day of phone calls

. . . I've had four - or is it 5? - nights of it.  BIG chunks of sleep, as in 4 hours awake each night, worrying and fretting.  Had one of those fall asleep for ten minutes and then still awake at 3 a.m. nights.  Hate those. Still trying to sort out the IPA. I read online that a Social Worker can do it so I phoned them this morning.  They've just phoned back and suggested alternatives.   If they were our only choice we could be waiting months for an appointment and that won't do.  They have suggested the Parkinsons nurse - who I thought of but discounted as she was part of the Surgery team and they told me the Surgery don't do LPAs.   I spoke to them this morning asking whether Keith's appt. or medication we asked for (to slow down saliva production) could be brought forward and explained why.  Fingers x'd now - she's not in until tomorrow. I've now left a message about the LPA for her too.

    Some positive news anyway, as Tam and Jon have got the keys to their new home.  Just a little modest ex Council property in a small close of houses, but in a quiet spot near fabulous walks and they won't know themselves after being at the mercy of the vagaries of the renting market for so long.  Plus she will have her first GARDEN all of her own, so she'll be over the moon about that.  They'll be able to decorate it as they want, hang up paintings and make it their own. 

    Now I need to go and post a New Home card and her birthday card and can't wait for them to send some photos of how it's looking.  I'm not sure if Keith is up to the 3 hour return trip to go and see it, but we'll see.  He's just taking the CBD oil at night now as it makes him quite drowsy, but it's early days yet.

    I saw a tortoiseshell and white cat out in the paddock this morning, with Pippi beside her.  I called Pippi and they both disappeared through the bushes into next door's garden.  Then Pippi rushed up from a different direction, so it looks like a mum and well-grown kitten. This must have been the one that Danny saw a month ago when he went out to investigate a cat fight.  He said he saw Alfie (or L. Whale?) and other cat sat side by side, so obviously it had been noticed it was a girl, and no threat.  I do NOT need two more cats to feed, let alone two cats and a possible new litter . . .



  1. Congrats to Tam and Jon. A new home is always exciting. I hope you can get everything else sorted out and manage a decent night's sleep.

    1. Thanks JC - it's not Ivy Cottage with the fabulous 2/3 acre overgrown and once-wonderful garden and spectacular views (and big-roomed semi-derelict house - cash buyer only) but it's going to be a good starter up the ladder of house-owning. They had truly AWFUL feral neighbours at the flat they were renting, and anything they put on the floor went mouldy, so it will be good to be out of there - even though the top to bottom anaglypta and woodchip wallpapers will take some getting off before redecorating can start in earnest. Starting with the pale pink kitchen!

  2. Lovely to get positive gives a lift whatever else is going on

    1. Thanks gz. I feel so much better for it, and for having made contact with the right people today and we still have a Plan B if the Parkinsons' nurse can't do the LPA, although it will cost us £100 . . .

  3. You have so much to cope with! No wonder you cannot sleep. Would you try CBD gummies [candy], for your insomnia. I used them during Covid bec I had anxiety and racing thoughts. Sort of breaks the thought cycle and one feels calmer. If you only take one or two they should not make you too sleepy to wake up for your husband if he needs you. You can order the gummies online. [some taste horrible tho, weird citrus ginger? look for berry flavored chews.]
    And how exciting for Tam and her partner, even if rather far away from you. Best wishes!


    1. I am quite convinced that the friend who drove me off her forum in June has a dolly of me she is sticking pins in the head of and sending problems my way. Either that or I have greatly offended the Universe or suddenly my star is retrograde!

      I will check out the CBD gummies but, as my resting pulse rate is already very slow, they may make it even lower!

      All the kids are 1 1/2 hrs away but Danny & co soon to Be Upstairs, which will take such a huge burden off me.

    2. We have started CBD gummies..just a low dose, one morning one night. It won't work overnight but I think his outlook on life is lifting. My creaky bits are creaking less as well and I' m sleeping more easy

    3. I must have misread the distances for Tam's new home. And so lovely to have Danny and family there with you. Your children are such blessings, you raised them well.
      W/ low pulse, you'd have to look up CBD gummies' effects. You could even start w a half. The results are subtle but as GZ above says, they do help. You don't notice it at first, but then realise you feel better. I never took more than 1 per day tho my brand's label says up to 6. Look on amazon? I can email my brand info to you but may not be sold in UK.

  4. Visiting cats bring their own complications whether male [fighting, spraying] or female [producing kittens!] What a relief that the process has closed and Tam and Jon can get moved and settled. Here there is an obligatory 30 day allowance for prior owner to move out--which said owner can waive. In Wyoming one needed to be loaded up and ready to decamp on the day of a closing--a bit awkward if there was a delay.
    Re sleepless nights: don't know which is worse; 3 a.m. and eyes wide open or to fall asleep before midnight and be jolted awake after a scant hour. Its a life-long liability!
    Hopefully you can get Keith's paperwork sorted; there's no need for the process to be that complicated and so many agencies with their finger in the pie and wanting a fee to scratch their signature!

  5. They've already taken short "moving in" videos and vowed the first thing they will do is to unpink (pale baby pink) the kitchen! This house had already been empty over a year after the owner died, so no problems with anyone moving out.

    Rather annoyed that everyone wants our money (and this isn't a huge amount of savings we have to start with), but at least when this is done, we can try and build it back up again. I have to say though, we are paying a LOT of money for basically 4 signatures and Keith's on sheets of paper!!

  6. Nothing seems straightforward these days and as we get older there is so much more to cope with, whoever called retirement quiet was very wrong. It will be wonderful to have little I in the house. A child's sweet converation lifts the spirits no end.

  7. Ugh!! Anaglypta and woodchip, together with Artex ceilings are a redecorating nightmare! I think they will struggle even with a steam stripper.

  8. Congrats to Tam and Jon on their new home. I know our youngest son after years of renting is loving his. So sorry that you are still suffering from sleeplessness.

    God bless.

  9. How exciting for Tam and Jon! It may take a while to get it fixed up to their liking, but each improvement is an investment in their home and future. Sleep is hard to come up here as well. I hope you manage to get some sound sleep soon.

  10. Lizzie and Gz have made the point I came here to make so I won't. My gosh, but you have a lot on your plate. Congratulations to Tam and Jon.

  11. I can truly sympathise about the insomnia - I've had problems for months now. Its truly awful as no energy to do anything and I even struggle to read at times :( Congratulations to Tam and Jon and I am so pleased for them.

  12. If I lived closer we could play cards through the night! Congratulations Tam and Jon.
    Now, if you knew what my Parkinson's nurse did yesterday . . .

  13. Not sure if it’s the same in Wales but AgeUK were able to advise a friend of mine who needed to apply for LPA.
    She had to use a solicitor in the end but said she was better informed of her options thanks to them.

  14. Mollie (my cat) keeps me awake through the night, I expect it is what owning cats comes with and you have four mogs. Good to hear that Tam and Jon now have a house to call their own - may the decorating begin.
