

Jennie's recipes

Friday 17 November 2023

Fresh air and freedom in the Elan Valley

This morning the weather was absolutely beautiful - clear blue skies and I was determined to get out for a bit.  Unfortunately all the jobs that needed doing, and Keith's lunch, meant I didn't get away until gone 1.30, by which time clouds were starting to appear.

I headed for the Elan Valley, because I felt a need for fresh air and autumn colours, for beauty and freedom.  For the first time since we've been visiting the Elan Valley, the dams were full and water spilling over the top.  It was quite something.  

You can imagine the noise too.

I loved the scarlet of the Hawthorn haws against the snow white of the rushing water.

The best view of all was from the back of the Visitor centre, where I had stopped to buy several birthday cards and a special Christmas card for my dear friend Rosie in NZ.

I followed the lane along past Garreg Ddu Dam, where the sun was just slipping behind the hills (about 2.30 ish then).

The lane behind me, such a wonderful combination of colours from acidy green to amber to russet, with some deep fir green thrown in for good measure.


Looking above the reservoir through the young trees this side, to the established oak forests the other.

Huge rocky hillsides behind me.

I stopped at our favourite waterfall - Danny would have got pretty wet had he decided to climb this in autumn, rather than scramble up it almost dry-footed in the summer. It was comforting to think that we have put down memories in the short time we have been here (it will be three years in January).

Looking back down Garreg Ddu, I just stopped with flashers on and took a photo out of the car window.

Those rocky hillsides are quite something and tower a few hundred feet above your head.

  One last photo of the sun lowering over Caban Coch Dam.

Well, the handyman phoned last night and apologised for being away for a few days so he had only just got my messages.  I bit my tongue and didn't say what I thought - you booked me in for 15th and then went on holiday . . . Revised timing - probably nearly Christmas!  For heavens' sake!  I found myself politely saying, "Ah well, I've only waited all my married life for this greenhouse, I guess a few more weeks won't matter . . ."  Actually, I was longing to have my greenhouse to bring tender plants inside, start off seeds which will then grow on well from autumn-sowing, and generally be able to have some respite without going far from the house . . .  and actually, I was hoping he would be here so he could fix the doorbell (needs a new battery and I can't get the cover off) and he could have replaced all three smoke alarm batteries for me too.  I will go and see our neighbour who changes my water filter for me, as he won't mind being roped in. I'll reward him with a pot of jam.

Then I had to also phone the solicitor today, to say that the GP wasn't playing ball, and did he have an alternative suggestion.  Of course he does, but it's going to be more money - judging by our research, another £350 . . .

But hey, on the upside I've had a lovely afternoon out and taken good photos to remember it by and share, feel greatly refreshed, got some lovely cards, remembered to buy replacement batteries and it's nearly the weekend. Have a good one.


  1. Gorgeous photo's . I especially like the rush water over the dam walls.

    Sorry about the handyman and his lack of being where he is supposed to be when he says he will be.

    God bless.

    1. It was spellbinding. My header photo definitely turned out the best.

      I've emailed him to mention some free concrete slabs I spotted on FB Marketplace, but they are in Leominster (30 miles away) so he might not want to go that far to collect them for me. It was something I suggested when we spoke on the phone about the job initially.

  2. What beautiful countryside you live in, it must raise your spirits to be out there. Hugs Gill Xx

    1. It is absolutely stunning. The Elan valley is beautiful whatever the season, though I don't think I will personally get there to see it under snow!

  3. You got some beautiful photos and some inner refreshment.

  4. I am so pleased for you that you managed to get out and have a lovely afternoon. How wonderful to have such a lovely time. I'm not going to mention the other stuff I had an afternoon out too. A stroll to the doctors for my vaccine.

    1. I rather think that my beak at the Elan Valley was a slight improvement on going to be jabbed at the Doctor's!

  5. You sound cheerier! Lovely photos, my fave is that gnarled tree w all the red berries by the dam waterfall.

    1. I was a changed person. A pity I had to sleep for 10 minutes and then be awake for 4 hours in the night as today I am back to sofa sleeping for an hour at a time, and being so exhausted again. The tree is a Hawthorn - lots of them round here.

  6. That is a gorgeous area where you are. I started reading your blog about a year before you moved. Time goes by fast! How nice you had a day out and added to your memories.

    1. Thank you for staying faithful Celie. Some of my old pre-move posts show you what the scenery and area were like when we were at Ynyswen. The last time I was at the Elan valley is was HOT and I was picking blackberries for the freezer.

  7. Cloudy here today but the rain didn't move in until past noon, so I walked round the loop three times. Being outdoors is refreshing even without sun and blue skies.
    As for the handman, what can one say? It appears you are at his mercy!

    1. Outside is essential for the soul. The trees were so beautiful - autumn used to be my favourite season, but as I get older, spring lifts my spirits more than anything.

      Indeed, the handyman has me at his mercy. I hope my email today telling him about the slabs, might give him a shove as I said that I was looking forward to the greenhouse so I could have some respite from caring, but still be close to home . . .

  8. Your pictures are uplifting. There's nothing like moving water, the sound, sight and smell to lift the spirits. I am so very glad you were able to get out for a while. Oh these handymen!!

    1. Taking the photos cheered me up to. Helped my creative side.

      Handyman now off my Christmas list (not that he was ever on it mind!)

  9. That shot from the rear of the visitors centre..nice one!!
    Good to have an afternoon out..and they get so short this time of year. A day out takes two day's planning ..nothing spontaneous any longer is there

    1. Not bad was it! Says she modestly :) Sorry you are in the same state of play as me, where it's hardly worth going out for all the organization it takes, and HOW I miss spontaneity . . .

  10. Lovely autumn colours BB, I’m so pleased you felt well enough to go out. I’m a bit cross with your solicitor. When he came to the house and I assume met Keith and spoke to him about his wishes with regard to the LPA it should have been clear whether K was of sound mind. Our solicitor right at the beginning of our first meeting asked S about his PD and he told her when he was diagnosed and how it was affecting him and when he finished she said, you have just passed the mental capacity test. I would have thought that any solicitor who is dealing with the drawing up of Wills and LPAs should be able to ascertain whether their client is of sound mind without making extra charges. Do think about a stair lift. Think of it as future proofing your house. It’s not just for human legs either, they are so useful for sending bulky items, like baskets of laundry, up and down stairs. Sorry about the greenhouse delay, but it will get built and hopefully in time for Christmas. Take care BB. We’re all behind you. Sarah x

    1. Well, that's rather what we thought. Happy to take our money and believe me the LPA is NOT cheap (nearly £1000!!) I think he is looking for the alternative assessor of sound mind because the Dr refused. I do NOT want to see her again or I might not be responsible for what I say. I am not able to deal with it all right now though - so much has been thrown at me again and again this month I am just totally browbeaten by it. I keep thinking, what NEXT and worrying myself something will happen to the kittens or Ghengis will need to be PTS.

      The staircase here was added later, after another way in taken out (e.g. the door to nowhere I assume, which was accessed by a wooden bridge!) It is very narrow and twists on the half landing so a stair lift not really an option.

      Hoping I will get the greenhouse put up soon.

  11. Brilliant photos of all that water everywhere. Puts the small streams and floods here into perspective!
    I'm glad you got some time out and lovely fresh hill air.
    Hope you get the greenhouse done before Christmas.

    1. Sometimes I have stomach-churning memories of when the Cothi was thundering down past our old neighbour's bungalow, going through the iron bridge and with flood water 4 feet deep behind the bungalow. This was the only route home left "open" after Police had shut all the roads to Carmarthen because of flooding. We were the wrong side of the river . . .

  12. I am so pleased you were able to get out for a few hours - lovely photos. We used to visit Elan Valley a lot when I was a child but I haven't been since then. Fingers crossed about the greenhouse.

    1. It was only about 2 hours in all, but a very welcome break. Then I lost 4 hours sleep, and then 2 hours sleep on consecutive nights so I'm back to square one again! Hoping he will come back to me about the greenhouse soon.
