

Jennie's recipes

Monday 5 February 2024

A full-on Day!!

 E is working a couple of days and of course D works from home, so I have been in Granny mode today - doing jigsaws with "I" this morning, and we baked this afternoon.  I can guarantee nothing keeps a 4 year old more absorbed than letting it loose with sprinkles and small  tubes of rainbow icing! We made Cat's Tongues - I got D a vintage 12 bay eclair  tray for Christmas - we used to make Cat's Tongues together when he was young, and now "I" is enjoying doing the same!  He and Emma bought me a lovely book of cat-themed baking recipes last year, and this recipe was in there, but we didn't put paws and whiskers on them - just melted some chocolate and then "I" decorated them as I washed up.

I had thawed out a tub of stewed apple last week and it needed using, so I cracked on and made our favourite Apple Gingerbread cake.

Now I am absolutely weary - she's been as good as gold but giving a child all your attention for 9 hours is hard going when you've had a break of a good few years!! Tomorrow we have a re-run, without baking!  It's just a temporary situation until E can set up her business here.  D is brilliant with the little one - he never had anything to do with any children until he and E met.  He has taken to being the father figure like a duck to water.  We're very proud of him.  It helps that E has brought her daughter up nicely - she has her melt-downs, as do all little ones when they are tired, but has always been good here.  D's just put her to bed with a story and peace and quiet reigns.

The forecast is for heavy snow on Thursday night, so I am going to add a few essentials in a quick shop before then.  Don't want to run out of milk or cat bics. Plus Pippi's had a bit of an upset tummy so I've got some stuff from the vet - which she hates and I have to plaster it round her chops!  I will get a change of cat food for her as got some mixed recipe Felix and I think it was that that affected her.  

Forget the quilt - sewed one block this morning - spotted a huge error - so more unpicking and I will get back to it when I am not looking after "I"!!


  1. I love kids that age---arts, crafts, baking, reading, but I am not sure with all your hard work and focus caring for your DH, that you need/ are able to also mind a preschooler 9 hours a day. A bit shocking! When the family came to stay w you I never realised that you were also going to be the child's carer w her parents working full time. Maybe a playgroup or a baby sitter/nanny is needed?

    Too bad about the quilt project. I usually set aside mistakes and go on making correct blocks. It is mentally easier to do the picking out when you have a big stack of Successes!.

    1. No, not full time. Just two days a week whilst she transitions her business up here. The trade off is that Danny helps with Keith mornings and evenings - like having a carer in - and that takes a HUGE amount of stress from my life, so I can cope with the little one, though it's a busy day!! HOW she loved the baking yesterday and was so proud of her decorating, just HAD to show mum :)

      I had a lightbulb moment in the night and am going to have a central "fireplace" block and applique the motif on so it's completely centred, whatever size it is. Phew. Just been across to Ebay and found JUST the small pink pretty prints I wanted, in 5" squares. That was the sort of thing I was looking for at the quilt shop, but nothing really took my eye. Should have lingered longer in the fat 1/4s I think. I agree with you about the big stack of successes!

  2. Well, "I" should be well over the Terrible Twos. Be thankful for small mercies. Wonder if Pippi's condition has to do with all the new faces and disruption to the routine?
    Sorry about the quilt, it will get there.

    1. She played happily, was quiet first thing watching "Bluey" and didn't create when it was Keith's turn for the tv. She is VERY good at jigsaws and those kept her amused all morning.

      I tried new mixed-flavour cat food, and some had kidney or liver in it and it didn't suit her. Or she'd eaten something she caught!

      Quilt will come together now.

  3. Sounds like the perfect day. Enjoy, I have heard grandchildren only stay small for a little while, just like our children.

    God bless.

  4. my daughter and i have stopped using felix cat food it got some bad press a while back xx
