

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 4 February 2024

Free massage . . .

 Emma has just given me a treatment on my back and shoulders.  Oh my goodness - my shoulder muscles had been tied in knots so long, and were popping when she massaged me.  It's what she's done for a living and has trained long and hard for, plus being a Yoga Teacher, and doing various other Holistic treatments like Indian Head Massage etc.  She treated my stiff hips and sciatic problems too and I have to say, that felt as bad as childbirth as she has to press near the nerve!  Now I MUST get back to my Yoga again and walk more and further.   I have been told to drink lots of water to help prevent tomorrow's soreness in the muscles.

First two block attempts - top one unpicked as it was an inch taller than it was wide.

Below, a rehash with a Peter Rabbit pic, and the central block now measures accurately, though looking closely I can see the right hand strip next to Peter widens at the bottom.  Will have to remeasure and unpick half a strip and resew.  It's been 3 years since I've sewn anything.  Need to get my brain on the ball again.

T & J  will be here in an hour or so, as their short break is over.  I'm looking to finding out which churches they visited.  I need to wash my hair and have lunch, what an exciting prospect!


  1. Oh that is going to be so sweet, gorgeous little quilt! I am so pleased you’ve had a massage, that will have done you the world of good bless her. Wishing you a peaceful and cheery afternoon, it will be nice to catch up with T and J x

    1. I hope it will work out well. Emma is very experienced and could tell how uptight I've been . . . Lovely to have T&J here but not quite so peaceful as wanted as Tam helped me fill out the means test form . . .

    2. That was me above/ I forgot to sign my name! Form filling pffft it’s a horrid job, hopefully it’s done now
      And is one thing out of the way x Danette

  2. The massage sounds like bliss. Just before the first Lockdown I went for one session of a back and shoulder massage with a reiki teacher. I remember her saying that unpicking all the knots in my back was like weeding - you just had to keep going with it! Goodness knows what my back would be like today - maybe as smooth as a ploughed field after all my swimming and yoga! One of my library books is “Edward’s Menagerie”, a book of 50 animals to crochet. My oldest and best friend is also expecting a granddaughter (i think it must be the modern way to know the sex in advance) in March and I thought Lucy the Hare using Exmoor sock yarn held double and a 3mm hook to create a dense fabric would be fun to make. I also have the Beatrix potter book of knitting - one of my mum’s. It has the most gorgeous Flopsy and Co bunny rug in it. I have kept my grandma’s rug making tools and if I ever have grandchildren I have promised myself I will make a flopsy rug! Sarah x

    1. Gosh, I had Couch Grass in mine then!! Must look up that crochet book, it sounds delightful. Lucy the Hare shouldn't take you long and looks delightful. I have a Beatrix Potter recipe book - that's a nice one. I too have granny's (Keith's) rug making tools . . .

  3. Really good to hear that you are receiving some treatments - no matter how painful. I hope they work their usual magic. You will be a new woman - well, almost!

    That quilt is going to be a beauty.

    1. It has helped - haven't been able to get my arms above my head without pain for years. Hoping to get a soak in the bath tonight. I will enjoy working on the quilt but will have to get up early to do that I think. I have two days of including "I" in my caring duties as her mum is working.

  4. Oh you needed the care! Sounds so good.

    Leave the crooked Peter Rabbit block, when it is quilted/ washed/ loved---the discrepency will be hidden or ignored. It's adorable.

    1. It really helped the slight arthritis in my neck. I need to get back to Yoga now - it got abandoned when I had Covid. I will leave the crooked block then - hopefully it won't show when the quilt is together.

  5. A good massage is bliss.
    I am inspired now to pick up my needle again and try, tremors permitting. I bought a bag of cherry stones to make some simple hand warmers for a gift. I love Peter Rabbit. I hate the faff of unpicking, is it worth it?

    1. I'd not had one for about a year - and that was the first I'd ever had. I don't count the massage machine that the Chiro uses! I hope that you can enjoy sewing something again. Another lover of Peter Rabbit here (and Tom Kitten). The unpicking was worth it as I have a usable block now and know where I'm going.

  6. Sounds like the massage was good albeit rough while being done, but if it results will do you good thats the main thing. I must walk more too.

    1. Not rough - just thorough. If there are knots there, they need removing. I feel SO much better now and am continuing to drink lots of water (needed to do that daily, I know).

  7. I've never had a massage - don't think I would like it.
    Your stitching looks fine to me - 100 times better than ever I could do!

    1. You can have them as gently or strongly as you wish. I needed my back and shoulders sorting - normally the Chiro would use an electric massager to unknot tense muscles before doing the drops on the bench to get things back in place. The water helped - just a bit sore in places this morning. Need to do some Yoga today and hopefully get a short walk in.

  8. Ohhh, how lovely that you got a massage. I have heard they can be very helpful. Your quilt is going to look lovely once done.

    God bless.

    1. The massage has helped. I didn't realize quite how much tension was in my body. Impossible to relax when your muscles are rigid.

      Looking forward to working on the quilt when I can.

  9. Glad to see you back to patchwork, you will have years of work if there are little ones around. My MIL used to make patchwork dressing gowns for the whole family, inside lined with flannelette.

  10. That quilt is going to be gorgeous, it's frustrating that you have to keep unpicking bits, but you know you won't be satisfied if you leave it as it is, although to be honest I always think a little bit of 'wonky' in a handmade quilt only adds to the charm.

  11. I know that I left a comment yesterday. Ugh! It sounds like things are beginning to settle for you, and I am glad to read it! I hope your visit with Tam is wonderful!

  12. Massage is a wonderful thing and imho we could all do with a bit more of that sort of thing in our lives 😀
    Alison in Wales x
