

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 3 February 2024

Need to get my brain back . . .


Leave a box around, however small, and it's a cat magnet . . . isn't it Pippi?

. . . It's gone walkabout.  Not helped by having to get figures  and details for means testing form for Council - great fun that was! Then I need a technical rethink on the quilt blocks.  i.e. I need to make a little window template for the centre of the block as each of the little designs is different.  Don't think I can use the thinner ones at all due to the spacing of the designs on the fabric. . . . . attempt one aborted.  Plan B . . .

I could go for a walk to clear my head, except my legs don't want to work AT ALL.  D, E & I sampling the delights of Llandod.  Keith reading the paper and feeling a bit Lurch because he had his Covid jab yesterday.  It's affected his balance of course, but at least he has coverage for a few months now.

On the positive side the 2nd pair of shoes (new) I ordered from Ebay arrived this morning.  They are Hotter Instinct and cost me about £16 inc postage (instead of £59).  Good around the house shoes and short walks in summer.  I love the memory foam inserts.

A relief that if I need help with Keith, I have it now, and I am looking forward to an afternoon off soon.  I think I shall go to the Priory at Abergavenny and look at the Jesse Tree again.  Perhaps go and have some lunch there too (I NEVER do that -just grab a boughten sandwich/meal deal.)  

Have a lovely weekend all.


  1. Hope the afternoon off happens this week and you get out and about

  2. I'm catching up on blogs. It was a busy couple of work weeks. You've had a lot going on, and it sounds like "D, E and I" are settled in now. What a lot of work for you, though, helping with the move in. I hope you can get some respite from caregiving now,to take some time for yourself. A lunch out sounds like a lovely treat for you. Go for it!

    1. Yes, the house feels more alive now of course. Danny's music - he broke me in gently with some oldy stuff and then it livened up a bit!! I rested this afternoon watching racing, and then had the energy to go for a short walk, which I enjoyed. I fancy having a tasty soup and a roll for my lunch (don't eat so much these days).

  3. New shoes sound lovely. Tho I find the memory foam makes me feel unstable?

    I'd love to see your quilt fabric and try out blocks. I did a quilt years ago , a log cabin w motifs of unequal size in the centers. I put the first surround of ''logs" extra wide, then cut those starts to equal squares, so the rest of the logs could be square and equal. [email me if that makes no sense?].


    1. These aren't too bad, but gosh, my feets are hot!! BRILLIANT about squaring up the central motifs - NOW I can do it. I unpicked the first one but now I can get going tomorrow with a plan. Thanks Lizzy!

    2. I was given sherpa , like lamby fleece!, sneakers for Xmas--I asked for them for dogwalking...but yes! Hot feet! In january. Yay.

      I am so glad my squaring up method made sense and you can use the idea! Still would love to see pics.

  4. I do hope your afternoon off comes to fruition. When you do get, you really must sit and have a luncheon.

    God bless.

  5. Just an afternoon off and all to yourself will really help won't it, and I think grabbing some lunch while you are out is a brilliant idea. I love seeing cats and their reaction to a simple cardboard box. :-)

  6. I need my brain and legs back too! This is day nine and I’m still far from well. I collected some books from the library on Friday and speed-read Life Of Pi for book group tomorrow. (It was an easy read and not my favourite.) Talking of books there is a new book just published by Paula Byrne (who wrote a biography of Barbara Pym recently) about Hardy’s women. It’s called “Hardy Women” and the review in the Guardian was so-so. These poor writers being pulled to pieces and analysed, why can’t we just enjoy their writing without needing to know what they had for tea! Going to force some soup (made by S!) down now. My appetite is zero and my taste buds askew but I know if I don’t eat I will feel worse. Hope all is well with you BB. Oh, and a quick thought, is little I a member of the library? I trip to the local library might be a fun regular activity for the two of you to do together and nowadays libraries have so much going on for pre-schoolers too. Sarah x

  7. I am glad that life is starting to sort itself. A massage sounds delightful. An afternoon away sounds delightful. That picture of your cat in the box is delightful. Your visit with Tam will be delightful too.

    Your brain will get working in no time.
