

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 12 March 2024

A Day from Hell

 4.30 a.m.  Sat here worried sick about Keith who may well have pneumonia.  I got him anti-biotics to go with the decongestants yesterday but they will take a while to kick in.  I am on antibiotics too and they have helped my chest and I slept better.  

"I" no trouble yesterday, but I was dashing about with her between the GP's and the pharmacy, morning and afternoon.  Up and downstairs to Keith, who was eating fine but his breathing sounded awful.  Like when he had Covid.  We had a Parkinsons crisis around 6 p.m. with him shaking so badly, and crying out in pain and thrashing around. (His meds don't work when there is a virus or similar in system).   He managed to get it out that he wanted a Diazapam which he had beside our old bed.  He refused to let me check if this would be ok with his other meds and insisted, as best he could.  He was in such a state that it was worth the risk.  It relaxed him but he fell asleep with his warm top on and when the other two came back we had to strip him off as he was melting, poor man.  We've been up to him every two hours - he's cool now but his breathing is awful and I will be calling the GP at 8.15 for a home visit as I think it's Pneumonia.  Danny had set his alarm for when I woke up for the loo, and we got lots of water down Keith, and another antibiotic

I tried to get emergency carers but once again got passed from pillar to post - the GP can authorise them, but wouldn't and the last I got told was to contact his social worker. I will try again today and give someone hell - it is a struggle to be superwoman on ALL fronts.

My evening meal last night was a bowl of dry cornflakes.  I shall soon be at 10 1/2 stone now.  Just a couple of pounds away now.  

So, Reiki, prayers, good wishes - whatever you can summon, it will be welcome.

Update: he is sounding much worse this morning and we are going to call an ambulance.  What I'm coughing up is the colour of the green paint on the shed, and I imagine he has similar.  He's got very much worse overnight.  I think it's Pneumonia.  I hope he can go to the cottage hospital at Llandod.


  1. You are all on my Reiki distant healing meditation including all doctors and nurses involved. Sending light and love 🤲🙏

  2. Sending lots of hugs and I hope that today is better.

  3. Oh Jennie, so sorry to read this, the lack of help from GP is just awful.
    All power to you for getting help today -lots of these positive (((vibes))) sent

  4. I am so sorry to read about this and how poorly Keith is. I really do feel for you especially when you are so unwell yourself. I hope he can go to the cottage hospital. Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts.

  5. Oh J I’m so sorry to read this x maybe a spell in hospital would ease the pressure on you all a bit and enable you to really rebuild your strength up for when Keith came out. Sending all my love x Danette

  6. That is awful that the services are so uncoordinated. Hope you can get Keith in the right place ASAP to get treatment

  7. I can hardly believe how unhelpful your medical practice is. There is a specific drug called Madopar for Parkinson’s patients in extremis. It is dispersible and very fast-acting and we we now have it in our arsenal. Thankfully we have not needed it yet. Diazepam is a muscle relaxant used for severe pain. Why would it be prescribed for Parkinson’s, especially the severe form your husband suffers from. I despair at the situation you find yourself in Jennie and just hope you have the strength to continue nursing K at home. Today try and keep him warm and comfortable and hydrated and fed and keep the humidity levels in his room high which will help with breathing. A wet towel over the radiator is very effective. Meanwhile you must eat proper nourishing food. And breathe, preferably in through the nose, out through the nose and feel your heart centre (the solar plexus) open and relax to receive all the love and light coming your way. Sarah x

  8. Aw Jennie, hugs to you all. You have been going through the wars. I hope you let have someone have it both barrels this is blooming ridiculous. Am sending Reiki to you both. Keep off anything dairy - it thickens the mucous in my experience. Have also found Lemon and honey (particularly if it has been fermented) is also very soothing topped up with hot water but if you have Lemon, honey and some thyme and a little sugar added it may help soothe things down a bit. Honey is a natural expectorant in any event. Drink regularly. Love and healing to you all Tricia xxx

  9. So sorry to hear all this, sending positive vibes and best wishes for Keith and hope you improve soon, too Blods xx

  10. Thinking of you all, sending prayers and hugs. Xx

  11. This is dreadful! Any words I could write would be mere platitudes. I pray for fortitude for all of you, moments of peace in this very real storm.

  12. I don't often comment, but wanted to say that you and Keith are in my heart and my prayers. I have many Thoughts and Feelings about the runaround you've been getting from healthcare providers (though I use the word 'provider' very loosely in this case) but that would be unhelpful.

  13. Oops..sorry for the Anonymous...Melanie

  14. I am so sorry to be reading this. It sounds terrifying! I will be anxious to hear an update on the both of you. Debby

  15. So sorry, it sounds like a nightmare. Prayers and thoughts from me x
    Alison in Wales x

  16. Sending lots of love to both of you.

  17. Thinking of you all and wishing you well, J .P.

  18. As with everyone else, sorry to read this. I hope you have managed to secure a place at the cottage hospital for him. Sending you all my very best wishes.

  19. Sending healing thoughts. Pls let us know how you all are when you can. Pls have yourself looked at too, by a medical person, as you may have pneumonia too. Much love, wish was there and could help, if only to care for I and the kitties, cook a simple meal...but ocean away.


  20. Sending you healing vibes, positive thoughts, best wishes for Keith and for you.

  21. I missed this post and was quite shocked to read the next one. Praying for both of you.

    God bless.
