

Jennie's recipes

Friday 5 April 2024

A lovely spring walk

 E, "I" and I went for a walk to our little local church today.  Due to "I"'s little short legs, I parked nearer, so we just had to walk about 3/4 mile each way.  A wind was troubling the trees, but along a sheltered stretch of trackway, it was quite warm in the sun.  "I" loved running across the fields to St David's church.

It's a Medieval church, revamped  several times down the centuries, and yet again in late Victorian times, like so many.  

"I" playing hide and seek behind the replica sculptured stone.  The original was found built into the wall of an ancient house in Maesmynis.

Winifred Woosnam who sadly died aged just 13.

The fallen of the parish.  Hugh Stanley Hughes never went abroad after signing up in May 1918, and went home to die from TB . . .

A composite chair, as surely there weren't many Minnie's about in 1610!

The font dates to the 14th C.

The pond was very full, and a pair of Canada Geese had taken advantage of what was on offer and nested on the little island.

Keith has been resting today and has been watching a great series on Amazon Freevee - Into the Wild Frontier - and I've watched bits of it with him.  A great series.  We will have to be doing what we can to help get him on his feet again though as Physio said he's on the waiting list - having come home rather than go to the Community Hospital.  Ditto carers I imagine, but I will chase those up on Monday.

Tam, Jon and Rosie are coming over on Sunday, so Keith is really looking forward to meeting the little one.  

Our new neighbour moved in today and I baked him a cake as a welcome gift.  As an architect, it sounds like he will do right by the property, which is a couple of hundred years old.  

Right, back to bed as it's 3 a.m. now.  I hate it when I wake and can't get back to sleep.


  1. Someone must have loved Minnie to make such a special chair for her. Glad you are back to viewing churches again and that the family is coming together now that Keith is at home.

    1. I'm now researching Minnie. Have a candidate but think it's a generation or so older.

  2. Lovely to have young company on a walk..and that church is very pretty.

    1. It was very relaxing. Having a little one in the house brings it alive, that's for sure!

  3. Nice to see you have visited a church again, I remember going there though I did drive along the track as far as I could. I always wondered if the church floods when the Wye floods

    1. Indeed, a couple recently. This one is our local church, in an historic spot (did Llewellyn really have communion here before meeting his death on the other side of the river?) I think it should be high enough up not to flood at this spot.

  4. I've been watching for an update. I would guess that 'normal' is a fluctuating pattern at this point, but the end of daily trips to Hereford has to be of benefit. It sounds as though 'I' is an enthusiastic walker, even with short legs.
    3 a.m.--the nemesis--could I accomplish anything useful by getting out of bed?

    1. Ah yes, the new normal. Changes day by day, but Dan and I managed to get K to the bathroom today. A long way to go as he has lost so much muscle, but he's determined. I am SO glad not to be doing the long haul to Hereford and back every day - it was draining.

      "I" walks into town with her mum too (a couple of miles). At 3 a.m., if I have been awake for two hours, I decide I may as well have a cup of tea and try and tire my brain out a bit . . .

  5. Good to hear you had a nice day out! Have a wonderful Sunday visit with your new granddaughter, Rosie! Hope Tam is doing well and getting as much rest as a new mother can.

    1. It made quite a difference to get out. We can't wait for Rosie to get here. It's put a smile back on Keith's face :) Tam sounds to be getting into a bit more of a routine now, but just hope that all her fluid retention soon goes - she's had Carpel Tunnel problems for months and now her legs and feet and ankles are really puffy too.

  6. The thing I love about churches is they have seen it all before. Every human frailty ,
    worry, love, concern and hope have been played out to their walls countless times over centuries. My mantra at the moment is from I Capture The Castle ‘ all will be well’
    It doesn’t mean it will be easy, it doesn’t mean it’s what we might want/need or hope for but at some point we will feel a calmness in us and that moment is what keeps me going in the eye of the storm because it does come. Danette x

    1. Oh indeed, the entire circle of life, over and over. I loved the little chair dated 1610. I think the seat may have been a replacement and I am still researching the elusive "Minnie".

  7. How lovely to gather all your family around you again, from Keith to "I" to infant Rosie and all the adult children too. Now you must regroup and rest yourself. I is a darling imp peeking around the tall stone, such a fun age. I didn't get to tell you lest week, your quilt for Rosie is so beautiful and perfect for her. It will wrap her in love and also be useful as a crawling mat quilt. So pretty for the baby with the very pretty name.

    Enjoy the beautiful spring, looks lovely there.
    lizzy gone to the beach

    1. Oh thank you Lizzie. The quilt is now passable (from a distance!) and I am sure will see some use. I will make a proper one for her bed later (have a few years to get it finished!) 4 is a lovely age and "I" is soaking up knowledge.

      We have had rain just about every day for months, so any sunshine is really welcome.

  8. What a lovely church to visit, and the sweetie peeking around the stone is a lovely addition.

    God bless.

  9. Hope you have a lovely family day today and get carers sorted very soon

    1. Well, it has started well as we got Keith into the shower, which he really enjoyed. Looking forward to our new family member arriving, though I know I am going to cry!

  10. She's a real attention seeker! It is such a quiet spot and the nearest lane is quite a way away - nearly half a mile. In February the churchyard is awash with Snowdrops.

    1. Sorry, that's for Jackie. Sue's comment somehow came inbetween.
