Monday 13 May 2024

No internet again

 It kept falling out last week and then died completely on Friday.  Fortunately Openreach DID come and fix it this morning and so we are back in the land of the living again, just in time to check out beautiful photos of wee Rosie having found her smile!  I wish I could share, but Tam doesn't want me to share without asking.  You will have to make do with a photo of Pippi instead.  She was hiding in here because Shadow was lurking.  Normally it's no holds barred if she or Lulu spot him . . .  They absolutely LOATHE and detest him.

The sunshine has been wonderful but definitely too hot for me when I visited Wigmore Castle on Saturday.  It was quite a plod (uphill much of it) from where you have to park at the village hall.  On the way I recognized a house we had had sale details for, many years back now.  It was lovely but right by a main road, so that struck it off the possibles immediately.  We still had to wait many years to sell anyway, because of being next to the Dairy Farm. Here it is.

A lovely house.

I'll do a write up about Wigmore Castle tomorrow.


  1. As usual, when you don't post for several days i worry about dire possibilities. I'm glad you're getting an outing now and then, even if it meant plodding uphill. [I don't do that well!] Those cats! I've noted that some never cohabit peacefully even when together from a young age. That would be our Shelby aka Crabby Cat who swipes at any feline walking past her.
    How lovely to have little Rosie's smile to lift your hearts!

  2. I knew you would worry. Tried to get Facebook up on my new phone, but it wouldn't let me in so will have to get Danny to sort it out for me.

    The trouble is, Shadow doesn't KNOW he is a cat - he was taken from his mother at 2 weeks old (she had rejected him as he was ill - testicular cancer. Could she smell it?) Anyway, he has never had to get on with other cats and don't think he ever will. Shelby is obviously a natural get-out-of-my-space type!

    Rosie is a joy. Wish they lived nearer.

  3. A parcel arrived yesterday! Thank you, but you are very naughty as you are busy enough without wrapping and sending things!
    Lovely to hear about Rosie smiling, hope you get to see her again soon. Now nearly all my grandchildren are at school I don't see so much of them - so make the most of the pre-school years.

  4. Oh, you know how much I love a ruined Welsh castle so cannot wait for your post. Is it near Hereford, in which case I think we visited many years ago. Tam is quite right to keep Rosie’s first smile within the family. My friend sent me a photo last week of her newest granddaughter smiling and she was born on the Sunday before Rosie so I can imagine. I sympathise with the uphill plod in the heat. On Saturday evening I was panting up the hill to the cathedral from the car park down by the river (having dropped off S and me with my painful housemaid’s knee too!). Arundel was heaving with day trippers and it was an obstacle course weaving my way through all the alfresco diners and drinkers. The concert including Faure’s Requiem was lovely but the walk down the hill having been sitting for two hours was even more painful - and raucous! I could not live in a town. The black and White House is very handsome. My mum was a Shropshire Lass, born on Castle Street in Shrewsbury and evacuated back up to the Shropshire farm for the duration of the war. Must get back up to Shropshire soon. The roses are blooming here and I picked a spray from R. Vanessa Bell yesterday and put her in a studio pottery vase given to me by T. The fragrance is beautiful. Terrible night here last night and we haven’t had a bad night for a long time. S was very disoriented and woke us up three times so even more reason to take it easy today. He went cycling with a friend yesterday so he may have overdone it and got a bit dehydrated - that’s what I’m hoping anyway. Heavy rain here overnight too and I’m hoping to plant out half a dozen each of chard and spinach seedlings while sitting on my new garden kneeler/stool. Have a good day BB and let’s make sure we look after ourselves by doing little and often. Sarah x

  5. Yes I was a bit worried to but that is a negative thing to do, also considering how the internet works. It looks an interesting house, is it National Trust?

  6. Glad you are back online. Wigmore Castle is wonderful so atmospheric :) We've visited quite a few times now - it has a Mortimer connection too :)

  7. Aww ... the first few smiles are lovely aren't they, but we will make do with the photo of Pippi, even if she is looking very sullen. My youngest grandson is fifteen this Sunday, so the days of him smiling at much are few and far between, he is a very serious young man most of the time. He has a brain full of maths problems and no doubt other more important teenage issues.

  8. Do you suppose that your issues had anything to do with the solar flares? Glad all is well.

  9. My internet goes out often, isn't it annoying!

    I have never posted pics or names of my children online and years ago [just babies practically] they asked me not to mention them---so like you I rely on my pet, Pug Baby Mo, for family warmth on my blog. So I do understand no Rosie pictures, just enjoy your sharing if you are able. First smile!
    The village-y photo is beautiful--what a lovely house, must be spring there!


    gone to the beach....

  10. What a lovely house. I am glad you are up and running once again.

    God bless.

  11. how we have come to rely on t'interweb. however did we do without it, and before it?
