Evening tv has been Jane Austen orientated this week. iPlayer came up with a listing for a four part costume drama, "Miss Austen", which I thoroughly enjoyed. Then of course, I had to follow it up with dramatisations of Jane Austen's novels, so am enjoying Sense and Sensibility now.
With all the driving I've done recently, I have finally got through the 50 or so hours of Written in My Own Heart's Blood (Diana Gabaldon) and yesterday greatly enjoyed Poirot's Finest Cases yesterday, including Murder on the Orient Express and most of The Mysterious Affair at Styles when driving to Tam's and back.
The weather stayed mostly dry but cold and it was foggy through the mountains, so not much in the way of views. I was glad to be of use - more washing up of course, sweeping the kitchen floor, keeping Rosie entertained, and tidying up the front garden which was littered with cut branches from when the scaffolding was put up for the roof repairs. I came home laden with big bags of washing to do for Tam - they find it difficult to dry bedding on their small airer.
I popped into Charlies on the way home, as I needed a new incinerator for burning paper. My last one was in two pieces, so I will need to get that moved today. I had a tip, to put the incinerator under cover in between uses, as it won't rust through so readily then. I was very good and walked by the display of deep red Hellebores as they were £14.99 each. I will be able to get them cheaper from the garden centre near Crossgates.
I have been working steadily on blind-hemming the binding on Gabby's (huge) quilt. I will be glad when this has been done and I can get back to the Peter Rabbit x-stitch, which isn't so enveloping. I was trying to sew the other night with Pippi in the middle of the quilt where it reached the floor!
It's the middle of the night and I need to try and get back to sleep now.