Powis Castle - I must visit again this summer.
I chose what to wear on holiday today, ironed it, and packed it. Turned out to be mostly my "best" clothes that rarely get worn. I'm getting there. Still cold today but meant to be warming as the wind heads round to the South - instead of EAST!
Here we had a little sunshine, and I forced myself out into the garden for an hour or so. I began to clear the moss from the stone chippings of the yard, and the moss, weeds and grass from the cobbles. I've not got very far yet - my back began to complain about all the bending double - but it's a start.
I also went up on the bank and began to clear dried stalks, moss, grass and wild strawberries from there. However much I clear the wild strawberries, they always return!
My new neighbour's friend returned today for the summer, and popped up to see me. It was good to chat, and quite made my day. He has been to Jordan, to the places we're going, and was very reassuring, bless him. I've given him my spare house key in case he needs it. When I wasn't sleeping well, I always worried so much if I was away all day, just in case - perish the thought - there should ever be a fire. Now I'm sleeping better it is less of a worry, but a relief to know if he needs access for safety measures, he's got a key. He is going to come and feed the cats for me if I am ever away overnight (though I doubt the boys will come indoors, but he can at least leave them food). I feel reassured that the cottages have occupants again as they have been empty for weeks and weeks - next door neighbour comes and goes according to work.

I've done a bit more of my family tree scroll - back to the 1750s apart from on my main family name line, where I cannot know for certain which of two William and Mary's are mine - one were more local, but I don't get a feel about them, and the others link back to Cheriton Bishop, which is where the next generation married from .. .
Chicken curry from the freezer tonight (and tomorrow night). I cooked a double portion of rice so tomorrow night's meal is all set up.
Gosh, 7 p.m. already. Better do the washing up!