Forgive my absence (in advance) as I am going absolutely flat out with the preparation for the Fair but have 3 very long days of it so I shan't be able to write anything or check in. Think 12 1/2 hour days out of the house. Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. See you next week, which will also be very busy with 4 necessary meetings for me.
Thursday 28 April 2022
Wednesday 27 April 2022
The amazing font at Castle Frome church, Herefordshire
This church was easy to find - I just left Ledbury on the Bromyard road, and then found the turning for it. A quiet spot and once there was a nearby wooden motte and bailey castle on the high ground east of the church and which was also the site of a Roman Camp (evidenced by the Hellebore still growing here - a plant always found at Roman sites because it was used as a purgitive.) Bishop's Frome and Canon Frome villages got their names from being administered by the Canons of Llantony Abbey until the dissolution of the monasteries. In the Domesday Book, Castle Frome was Brismerfrum. (Many thanks to the little potted history of Castle Frome which I bought in the church for 50p.)
My photographs cannot even begin to match this superb one from the cover of Malcolm Thurlby's book "The Herefordshire School of Romanesque Sculpture".
This church had a very comforting atmosphere. I sat down for a while to think of what was happening in reality in my life right now, and my eyes filled with tears. Worry rather than self-pity.
This week I booked Keith in at the GP's again and we discussed the way forward - with worryingly-long waiting lists to see Consultants, we have decided on an initial private appointment with a Neurologist to try and get a proper assessment (although I think use it or lose it is to blame to some degree). I realize we are very fortunate to be in a position to do this but it is only because we have a small nest egg from selling our last home, otherwise we would be at the bottom of the queue. So, we shall see.
I have a very busy weekend ahead with a 3 day Fair - first day setting up but we can't leave until 7 p.m. when they lock the doors. Then 6.30 Saturday and we can't start packing up until 5 on the Sunday. Fortunately Tam is doing it with me as Keith hasn't the stamina right now. I will be worrying about him at home all the time I am away, in case he should have a fall. Friday night's meal will be courtesy of the Chippy . . . Worried about the Fair on all sorts of levels but I am sure it will work out OK, and we shall be wearing masks as so many people from across the country go there to buy and sell.
On a positive note, I have cleared the area where a veg bed of sorts was - the wooden edging was surrounded by about 20 years of ivy growth in a continuous loop and took some clearing. I have gone back to the edge of the hedge now but still need to clear behind the stump, which will have a Clematis planted by it to grow over. I have a couple in pots which haven't thrived so will put them in later.
The gardener came yesterday to cut the lawn. I asked him to cut down the flowering cherry tree because it had obviously got long past its best - about half a dozen bits of bloom. Being on a dry bank with its roots in rubble has done it no favours. The Pieris will have more room now. I was expecting the lawn to be done in an hour especially as he has a petrol mower. It all went quiet out there and I found him cutting all the borders (ok they needed it) with edging shears. At the end of 3 hours (!) he said that the quickest bit was cutting the lawn. Well, yes, that was what I had wanted him to do. The rest I could manage in my own time. I'm afraid I will have to do it all myself in future as his fitness levels are lower than mine and it took him 3 hours to dig over quite a small area last time!
Have a good weekend all.
Friday 22 April 2022
Now, THAT'S what I CALL a view!
Our neighbour has some diseased fir trees and is also having solar panels installed, so the tree surgeons have been called in. This is the view now the biggest tree has been taken down. (Last bits being sorted now, as I can still hear the chain saw in action.) This is looking in the direction of the hills between Llandod and Newbridge. We are thrilled to bits.
Half way through. It's taken them all day. Glad we weren't paying!
Today I am grateful for:
This wonderful view.
Another new rose planted (a birthday one from Tam, Belle de Crecy)
Speaking to two of our three children on the phone.
Sorting out my broadband/phone bill and negotiating a much cheaper package
Not having to cook at teatime as Keith had a late Optician's appt, so we had take-out fish and chips.
Wednesday 20 April 2022
A stroll round Ledbury - and Titian's "The Last Supper"
As I was on my own, I stopped in Ledbury for a stroll around (and the purchase of a bottle each of excellent Dunkerton's cider and perry). Here is the amazing Market House, dating from 1668.
Tuesday 19 April 2022
Yesterday was the first Malvern I had been able to go to for months - the winter really doesn't encourage visits there! No fun driving all that way in the pitch dark. It takes an hour and 40 minutes from here. Keith stayed at home as he was definitely not up to walking all that way - I clocked up 25,000 steps by the end of the day - that's nearly 10 miles!
I didn't buy much, didn't see any of the Carmarthen contingency, but there were a few dealers there we're friends with, not that I got time to chat to them all as some were busy with customers. Although the car parks were soon full, it didn't seem that busy in the Fleamarket - mainly because there were so many stalls to divide people up.
At the end I took a stroll through the Avon Hall. I'd been wearing my mask most of the day, unless I was where they had put the vans a long way apart so the aisles were very wide and not very populated by customers. Mask on to go in here though. I got Keith some of his favourite dark chocolate coated preserved ginger in here. I also brought him a Sothebys Arms and Armour catalogue for information. You can never have too much knowledge.