Friday 11 October 2024


 Typing this at the Library as I have had no internet at home now for over a week, and it will be net Monday (earliest - depends whether Openreach pull their finger out to get to us).  a lorry backed into our pole and it's 8 feet out of kilter at the top with a bevy of lines hanging down connected to thin air.  I also have NO tv.  As you may remember I couldn't get a good signal for terrestial tv, and still can't.  So am relying on DVDs for company in the evenings, as I sit and sew hexies for the vintage quilt I'm finishing for the lady who handed it to the charity shop.  Sigh.

I will try and keep you updated via the Library computer, but just wanted you to know that I am fine - if very fed up - and missing everyone.  Back anon.  Have a good weekend.


  1. Thank you so much for the update. Very sorry about the loss of signal but delighted you are ok. With all you've had going on I'm sure none of your regulars wanted to hassle you about your absence. Take care. Jill x

  2. So glad you’re ok, though your internet situation must be really infuriating to say the least. I’ve been quite concerned by your absence and am much happier now that you’ve been able to use the library computer. Very best wishes to you, and I’m so sorry you’ve been through such a difficult time over the past months.
    Love Oddny x

  3. Oh that's a relief you're okay. Sorry your internet access isn't, though. Fingers crossed for reconnection on Monday 🤞🤞xx

  4. Good Luck with getting sorted. Worried that you were ill, glad you're ok. Jan Bx

  5. Oh, I am so relieved to see this post. I was beginning to worry that something had happened. Probably have watched too many Midsummer Murders in my day. Immediately my mind went to the visit you were scheduled to have the evening of your last post.

  6. Oh, thank goodness! I mean, not really because you're without internet, but I'm just glad you're okay. I was starting to worry. Hope it all resolves very soon! Thanks so much for letting us know...~Melanie

  7. I was wondering if you were alright. I'm glad it's just an internet issue but isn't it annoying when we lose our window to the world and the tv? A two car crash at Ynyslas took out a telegraph pole the other week but that got fixed pretty quickly. Hope you're back on-line soon.

  8. Hi! Sooo relieved toget an update. Very irksome indeed to lose both TV and internet. I go crazy after an hour w/out internet, tho I don't really watch TV. But the good news is you are safe and well. Thanks for posting.

  9. That is annoying, I can imagine the cut-off feelings. Hope it is fixed by the time you read this.

  10. PS Doesn't your phone work? You can switch to cellular coverage, right?

  11. So glad to see you're well, and your absence due only to loss of connectivity (internet). Hope dear Alfie's much better!

  12. I have only been reading your blog for a few weeks but have been concerned and now relieved that you are alright. I also sent you an email on 21st September about how I found your blog and have been wondering whether you received it. Good luck with catching up with everything.
