Friday 11 October 2024



This is where I sat eating my car picnic today - up on the Eppynt range, looking roughly in a Southerly direction.  This is an Army range and was - like the little Dorset village of Tyneham - taken over by the Army during WWII and never handed back . . .  The little squares of fir trees are to help troops find cover when on exercise up there - as in military manouevres.  Red Flag flying today so they will be up there practicing with live ammo.

Having been told that we were meant to have internet restored yesterday a.m. (and then weren't) and given a "by Monday afternoon" date when I chased it up, I expected to have the weekend still quiet and lonely here.  I was delighted to find a new pole was being put in when I got back to our track.  I couldn't pass them so parked the car up.  When I went down  a little later, blimey, Openreach were there, and putting all the wires up again.  Finally got Internet back about an hour ago, and what a relief it is.  Life here is very quiet without the interaction with the outside world.

Now I have over 100 emails to deal with (in the morning) and I need to catch up on blogs too.  I have a freezing cold walk on Kinder Scout on Youtube, in the background, and it is so good to have a break from the silence of the past week.

Back in the morning.

Someone's getting very steady on her feet!  Doesn't she just wish she could run about and cause mischief :)


  1. It is hard to believe she is becoming mobile. Tam and Jon will need to be on their toes now!

  2. Good to have you back in blogland. Have fun catching up with everyone.

    The TV is on a lot here for company - much too quiet without

  3. Glad to read you are back on line, we shouldn't need to rely on it, but unfortunately everything seems to be done by e-mail and Whats app. Your granddaughter looks a little love and you will have fun when she really gets moving. My granddaughter has resumed piano playing but not gymnastics yet after dislocating her elbow. We have finally signed contracts and are hoping (fingers and toes crossed) to move on the 25th October. We are living surrounded by boxes and are off to the tip, yet again, tomorrow. Hugs Xx

  4. So good to hear from you and read that you are alright! We are so connected now that to go without Internet is such a hassle. Rosie will be running about soon!

  5. It won't be long..she looks raring to go!!

  6. Glad you are okay and back online. I had been worrying and wondering. Hugs.

  7. Lovely to have you back. Looks like Rosie is going to be adventurous.

  8. Oh my well she will be running around soon. By the time my Annie was 10 1/2 months she was careening from the sofa to the coffee table (it’s good to find things to cover the sharp edges of table corners) and elsewhere following us about. Glad to hear you have gotten your internet back.

  9. It's awful when the internet goes out, that feeling of isolation is overwhelming. It's amazing what we take for granted these days. I mean, how does one do things like pay bills when the bank is now over 50 miles away and your internet banking is off line? Anyhoo, good to have you back!

  10. Glad to see you back and working industriously on your quilt. You will be chasing Rosie around soon and moving things out of her reach.

  11. Glad to see you back and working on your quilt. Rosie will soon be running around soon and you chasing her and moving things out of her way.

  12. Glad to see you are back online and hear you are ok. The internet has become such an important part of our lives so you must have felt very lonely. Rosie will be keeping everyone busy soon :)

  13. I was worried that something had happened especially in the light of your post about the vet. Good to read you again. Here in Wiltshire I mainly listen to the radio (BBC3, 4 and 6) and save the tv for the evenings. My morning weekday fix is Chris Evans on Virgin Radio. I've learned so much from him and his crew.

  14. Nice to have you back, if you try to catch up on all the blogs you usually read you'll be busy for days. I only have to miss one day and I find myself having missed all the news and having to try and whizz through as many as I can. Gosh she's standing so well now isn't she, you will all really have your hands full from now on.

  15. I'm glad you're okay and back online. Lovely photo of the view, tho oddly brown? Usually your hills are emerald green?
    Be sure to get pictures of the hexie quilt when done, to show us.

    Isn't Rosie darling! Standing, wow, at what 7 months? 8? She'll be cruising around soon.



  16. Isn't horrid without the internet once you're used to using it all the time, glad to see you back.

  17. It's amazing how lost we feel when we are without the internet. I have got so that I just take my connection for granted. If my internet wi-fi goes I have no mobile phone because there is no signal here and all my television comes through wi-fi. I am glad you are back on line again. Thanks for the comment today.

  18. Hurrah welcome back! X Danette
