Saturday 12 October 2024

Playing catch up


A view of the Brecon Beacons yesterday.  I will try and answer some of your comments tomorrow, but I am off to Malvern after all (Fleamarket) and I have had Danny and little "I" visiting today so have had a busy day.  It was lovely to see them again and Lulu was down with "I" all day, she loves her.  Anyway, Danny managed to get around the aerial problem I have here (which stops me getting Freeview).  I can now get Freeview, as long as it's not live viewing.  I can cope with that.  I also have Channel 5 again (hurray) and am watching All Creatures Great and Small (thanks for the prompt Danette).  I've just been watching a couple of back programmes of DNA Journey, which I really enjoyed.  I am looking forward to doing some family history research again next week.

I will try and answer emails on my gmail account (one I rarely check, apologies) and the reason the scenery is browner in the header photo is that it is largely moor grass, with bracken too, rather than tended grazing.  Back tomorrow.


  1. Ooh well done Danny, I’ve just finished series 1 of ACGAS and am so looking forward to starting series 2! Hope today has been wonderful and you saw /found some lovely bits x Danette ps we only fairly recently had a proper aerial fitted here , before that we streamed but as you know rural Wi-Fi isn’t the best lol. Now I get fed up with the ‘smart television’ set - I long for the old days of just press a button and it comes on, we have to wait for it even with the aerial which I don’t understand lol x

    1. I have a smart tv - hard to find owt else in the shops. It worked well with Sky, but I no longer have that. ACGAS so soothing. I wish I could have just press a button and you are at a programme list . . . as Sky was!

  2. Yay for Danny. Just yesterday, I was reading your blog and wondering about little I! She sounds like a such a sweet child.

    1. Yes, she's a sweetheart and I have missed her.

  3. Morning BB, you’re back! I thought of you yesterday as we spent the afternoon at the Weald and Downland museum for a special weekend of hedgerow and foraging activities. At one point it poured with rain and luckily we were in Bayleaf farmhouse (the beautiful Tudor farmhouse) where the Tudor Group were based. A friendly lady from Hereford was spinning with a distaff (nope me neither) which I found fascinating as you could tuck the distaff into your Kirtle and keep a free hand to get on with something else. Her clothes were amazing too, made from beautiful woollen cloth lined with woad dyed linen, a stiff linen bodice, a kirtle and separate sleeves and a close-fitting linen bonnet. We talked about Ryeland sheep (didn’t realise they were a Herefordshire breed) as they produce such fine wool and one day I will beg a fleece from J down our lane who keeps Ryeland (and Leicester Longwool and Southdown) sheep. Apparently Elizabeth I insisted her stockings were knitted from Ryeland wool. We also talked about the fulling process because our village still has its original 15th century fulling mill. No wonder clothes were kept for generations and treasured and looked after. I was pleased I was wearing my homemade olive green cords made from organic cotton with a handknitted jumper (made from Organic Spanish wool I’m afraid, and the Tudor lady reminded me that the Spanish were instrumental in the decline of the English wool trade), a handknitted cowl (charity shopped Rowan wool) and a handknitted Fair Isle tam o’shanter from Shetland wool. The whole slightly let down by my down-filled jacket, but at least that was sourced secondhand by my son. Unfortunately as we were walking back to the house from the car S tripped and fell and has yet another nasty bash to his face. He bled copiously and it took half an hour to stem the flow. Fortunately I keep a good first aid kit of sterile non sticky bandages and patched him up but he was shaky for the rest of the evening and I had to help him a lot. I’m going to wake him up now with a cup of tea and biscuit and hope for the best today. This is his third fall this year, one requiring stitches. He is becoming more and more of a worry, but all I can do is carry on putting one foot in front of another and try not to get too down. Hope you’re having a lovely time at Malvern and find some treasure which I’m looking forward to you sharing. Sarah x

    1. Oh, envious at the sound of that. It's somewhere I have long wanted to go, but know I never shall. Not much to be foraged round here this year - I've had a few blackberries and that was it. I made some toothsome Blackberry &Apple Muffins using a few on Saturday, but gave nearly all of them to Danny to take back with him. Tam's friend's mum used to have Ryeland sheep - their fleece was so soft. Didn't now that about Queen Elizabeth 1 insisting on her stockings being knitted from their wool but I'm now surprised. I used to wear cords a lot but these days have to make do with Rosie jeggings from Matalan (I know, but needs must and they are practical). Didn't know that the Spanish were at the root of the decline in the English wool trade either.

      I am so sorry that S had another fall. Keith did his level best to avoid them but his balance just got worse and it was always a worry. Yes, all you can do is support him and keep putting one foot in front of the other, but it is so upsetting when you know things will only continually get worse.

      Oh, the TREASURE that came home with me. You would love it I'm sure, but I need to do some real research on it as it's not run of the mill stuff. It's eclectic even by my standards!

  4. I'm glad Danny got your TV sorted. It's annoying when things get complicated.
    I remember watching All Creatures first time round - goodness that was a long time ago. Haven't watched this new version - maybe something for winter days

    1. It's made a difference. Good to have Channel 5 now, but the whole thing is SO cumbersome to manouvre around. Do watch the new version because they have done the original proud and it's so relaxing to watch.
