Tuesday, 11 February 2025

A little bit of childhood never leaves us


I bought this for Rosie from a Charity Shop today (for when she is older of course).  I read these Brambly Hedge books to my girls, who loved them.  The detailed illustrations still lead me into a dream world of little Victorian mice, and wonderfully laid out kitchens and fully stocked larders, with more than a nod to Beatrix Potter's characters.  I could daydream my way through these stories still, about 6 years old in my head . . .

I took myself off to the Nursery near Crossgates, in the hope they would have some deep red Hellebores, but no such luck - colours were pale or a washed out deep red.  Instead I bought an Aubretia and these seeds above.  I need to re-sew the wild flower area by the orchard (hah, and plant my latest apple tree, the Cox, too).  I had a wander round the garden after I had been down the track to bring back my recycling boxes. It was good to get some fresh air in my lungs and to see what needed doing first in the tidying up plans.

I have decided not to go to my Quilting group this week as not feeling 100% (it's a long drive, about 100 miles round trip), and if it's not raining I need to be outside and tidy out in the garden.  

Tea tonight was a stir fry - I get the Aldi Oriental stir fry pack, a sweet chilli sauce and I added a big chicken breast as it's doing two meals.  I added a portion of rice and very tasty it was too.

Nothing much to report, and it was a resting and reading day yesterday.

P.S.  Finished another JD Kirk book today (read it flat out, as resting) and am now about to start on An Isolated Incident by him too.

I'm back sewing Peter Rabbit and have been greatly enjoying the Colin Firth/Jennifer Ehle BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. I find it very comforting, and at the moment anything that brings me comfort is welcome.  


  1. I loved the Alison Utley books about Fuzzy Peg and I named our visiting hedgehog, Fuzzy Peg.

    1. Me too. Just adore her writing, especially her countryside books, and I have a small collection of them.

  2. Dinner looks delish! And the garden ramble and new seeds just speaks of spring. Good you had a rest day too.

    I loved Beatrix Potter books, and now even as an adult adore Brambly Hedge. I saved all my Beatrix Potter books for years, from my childhood. Books like this, or nature guides, were a treasured gift in my family as a child. But then my kids did not like the stories at all. I was pretty sad, I was not able to transmit to my rather urban/ beach kids the joy of the woods and fields I grew up in. Fail for mom. I sold most of my books on eBay, which I now rather regret. And have been picking up Brambly Hedge books on used book sites.

    What happened w your car? No new diesel gizmos?


    1. What a shame your children didn't like the Beatrix Potter books. I loved The Borrowers too, as a child.

      Car had a service, oil change etc and the new glow plugs fitted.

    2. Oh The Borrowers, how I loved those books.

      Glad the car is all repaired and safe for you.

  3. What a wonderful picture on that book. I have never heard of that series.
    Your stir fry looks very good.

    God bless.

  4. My daughter adored the Brambly Hedge books. My hidey hole for home-made jams and chutneys was christened the store stump, after the food store in the books. She is now 30, but we still refer to it the store stump.

    1. I have some Alison Uttley Little Grey Rabbit books too. Smiling at your Store Stump!!

  5. My children loved those Brambly Hedge books too! They are so charming. You've reminded me I need to buy some flower seeds soon - sweet pea, nasturtium and pot marigold!

    1. Forgot Sweet Peas. Will get some soon. Nibletts in town has a good seed selection so Idon't have to go to the garden centre.

  6. It gives you an idea of the story inside. Just magical.

  7. I used to love the Brambly Hedge, Alison Uttley and Shirley Hughes books as much for the illustrations as for the stories. In fact Jason used to have to prompt me to turn the page over and carry on reading, as I would get lost in the detail of the pictures.

    1. They are such calm books and I always loved anything about nature.
