I had barely got in the door at the Fair this morning, before I was set upon by the woman who had the stall next door who accused me of stealing half her stall! She had taken both the chairs between our stalls and pushed her tables up to mine, so I had nowhere to sit (except out in the aisle, which was busy with customers of course). I just told her that my name had been on those tables, I hadn't moved anything and I was where I was designated to be.
It then got worse, as I told the organiser's husband I was sorry I was sat out in the aisle but next door had moved her tables so I had no choice. He went off to tell his wife (I'd not mentioned it earlier as she was obviously very busy). Anyway, then she came up to me and said she had told the Cowbag that she was where she was supposed to be and told me to move my quilts (on old clothes horses) out a bit and sit in the space. I hadn't used all of the space between me and the other side as I thought it was theirs. Then it all hit me and the nice next door stand folk noticed me cracking up and said to come round the corner with them. Her mum got me tea and daughter went to tell Cowbag that she had upset me, as I was recently widowed and already finding the first Fair back there without Keith a real challenge.
Cowbag later came up and give her her due, apologised, but as Keith's mum used to say, you can't cut my throat and put a sticking plaster on it.
On top of all that, I sold just three items, and am not even half way to covering my pitch fee. People were just out for the day, not to spend any money. The Damnation Quilt was the first thing to go though, so at least I don't have that nagging me by its presence.
I will confess to having slugged down a glass of wine the moment the cats were fed, as I am just absolutely in pieces at the moment. I will be blardy glad when it is Monday. Car started 2nd go this morning. Hope it still obliges tomorrow . . .
Oh no! People can be so mean. I'm so sorry this happened, was hoping for a positive fair experience. Maybe eBay is the way to go forward? Wine was needed and well deserved btw.
ReplyDelete[pls get the car checked! You must stay safe].
I don't like Ebay - have a few good books listed on it, but that's all. Had a couple of bad experiences with nasty people on there too . . .
DeleteWine was taken and much enjoyed (and needed).
I will get the car checked this week - it's probably the starter motor and was either going to start - or not!
Sorry to hear you're having such an awful and disappointing time. Sending a hug x
ReplyDeleteI have to say it was not my happiest weekend . . .
DeleteHow rotten for you but unfortunately, there’s always one! I used to do the vintage fairs and generally everyone was ok but now and again, you’d get the odd, ‘difficult’ stallholder.
ReplyDeleteI don’t know what it is with people but I honestly think they’ve got worse in recent times. I had a really nasty customer only recently, I sold some fabric and I always put in freebies and go above and beyond! It was a selection of Christmas fabrics and I’d included some red and green gingham which I thought would work well with the other pieces. She objected…and left a negative feedback without even contacting me. When I politely said that she should’ve contacted me, she gave me a gobful and refused my offer to send something more. She was so nasty that it really upset me.
I think you were very grave to venture out alone. Hopefully, you can stall in a different place next time? Sending you good wishes. 😁
She was definitely the rotten egg - what a nasty piece of work. Note she didn't have a go at the organiser - she picked on me for "taking her space". I don't set the blardy Fair up do I? No more than she does.
DeleteSorry you had a nasty customer too. Plus, all that criticism utterly unnecessary, especially as you went above and beyond.
My stall is up high next time, on a "mound" overlooking the (former goldfish) pond. A good spot and the couple next to me said they were there last time and didn't get overlooked, even though it's not on the main aisles.
Apologies..that was meant to say…you were very brave! Sal
ReplyDeleteI don't know about brave Sal - yesterday morning all I wanted to do was drive down there, pack it all up and push off, but I could hear Keith's voice telling me not to blardy dare do that!
DeletePersonally I would give her 2 fingers. People are so horrible these days and feel entitled to have everything their way. I'm glad your other stall neighbours were so lovely. Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow. Hugs Xx
ReplyDeleteWell Gill, you do realize she had been "doing this Fair 20 years" - so it obviously gave her the right to be rude and despicable. Personally, I don't think it's been going that long . . .
DeleteBloody woman! Am glad that in the other side were some nice decent people who looked after you x Some days just are a trial to get through aren’t they x Every time I’ve read ‘The Damnation Quilt’ I have laughed out loud! Poor quilt - it obviously sat in the original makers UFO pile for too long! Glad it’s gone on now! Danette xx
ReplyDeleteOh, J and her daughter H were truly LOVELY. Glad the naming of the quilt made you smile. Believe me, in my head it was a bit more Anglo Saxon by name!
DeleteNo wonder you were upset. Thank goodness for those nice people next to you showing a bit of compassion and common sense. At least the damnation quilt is out of your hair now.
ReplyDeleteThe cowbag is apparently (she told me) a teacher. Thank god my kids never had anyone like her in charge of them. A good teacher is not a bully.
DeleteGlad to see the back of the Damnation quilt anyway.
I am so sorry that your first venture was not a good experience. ((Hugs)).
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
It's a Fair Keith and I did for years, but that made it so much harder to go back on my own.
DeleteLizzy D’s suggestion of using eBay as a possible alternative to manning a stall is a good one.
ReplyDeleteEBay is a good option, but there's mean crazy people there too. I had buyers give me bad reviews for Too Expensive FREE shipping. And so many other issues. Etsy customers tend to be nicer but the algorithm booted me off bec I paused my shop too long [due to illness]. Worth a try tho, imho. lizzy
DeleteIndeed both, I think Etsy would be better. May give it a chance.
DeleteSome people are just born mean. Horrible when you get attacked out of the blue. I try to count my blessings when people are like that including the fact that despite many hardships I've not become a miserable old cow. Ultimately you met kindness from the people on the other side, try to dwell on that rather than the other thing. Remind yourself how strong you are, attending fairs even though you are still feeling wobbly, surviving all the stress of appalling healthcare support and the loss of your beloved husband. And make sure you always have a bottle of wine handy. Goodbye to the damnation quilt which I found very entertaining but I know you are glad to see it go out the door.
ReplyDeleteOh Susan, she is one of they alright! I bet she was the class bully back in the day. My antiques tribe yesterday were wonderful - it was so good to talk to them all again, and I got lots of hugs. I saw a quilting friend too, who was delighted I was there, and bought me a mug of tea and a Welshcake, bless her.
DeleteIt is hard trying to be strong (when inside really all I want to do is hide away at home). I shall make sure there is always wine in the fridge - even if it is just a teensy 2-glass bottle!)
Sorry you had such a bad day. She sounds awful (and I love the sticking plaster line, i will have to remember that,)
ReplyDeleteGlad it's behind me, put it that way. The sticking plaster line absolutely spot on.
DeleteSorry you had such a bad day. She sounds awful (I love that sticking plaster line, I will have to remember it.)
ReplyDeleteThat sounds awful of the other stall lady. There's always someone like that. Sorry you had to deal with her and that sales were poor. But good that quilt is gone!
ReplyDeleteWell, at least I did that "first Fair after" and survived, despite it being so dire and upsetting. Onwards and upwards now.
DeleteOh, I feel for you. That sounds absolutely ghastly - I agree, people seem to have lost that level of self control that used to smooth social intercourse. It is so upsetting, and occasionally has left me totally shocked and unable to respond. Is it that there is a general 'tightening of the wallet'', or do you think there might have been another show/fair that had sucked up the cash before the one you were attending? Whatever the answer, it's sad your efforts weren't successful, and that wine - more than one, actually, was medicinal, wasn't it!
ReplyDeleteNo, it's the timing of it with the first paypacket after Christmas having paid all the bills! Never a good time to hold it, but it's what the Council allows - we used to do 4 fairs a year there, but since Covid they only allow them to be held in November and February when footfall is quiet and they haven't got the people coming through the gate at £12 or whatever a head.
DeleteHope Cowbag gets her comeuppance. I'm appalled by bad manners, impatience and downright rudeness. Social media has much to answer for with people thinking they have every right to get a response immediately whilst thinking they are in charge of everything. Rise above it BB and make sure there's a large glass awaiting when you get home. J in Wiltshire.
ReplyDeleteMe too - B said that cowbag had said she'd never do the Fair again, so I jolly well hope that is the case. You may have read I had that wine (finished the two glasses left in the bottle).
DeleteWhat an awful day,that woman sounds a real piece of work. Some people seem to really enjoy throwing their weight about when they think they are right.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you know how hard it was for me to cope, as the early days of widowhood take all the strength and fight out of you and you just want to hide away and heal. This was like having my arm ripped off. "A real piece of work" sums her up totally. Something my mum used to say.
DeleteI used to have similar problems when I did Craft Shows. Always someone wants to steal a bit more space, more than they paid for. I used to build height into my allotted six foot table. I used boxes at the back to make steps, and built a frame attached with D clamps and heavy duty market stall clips, so I could hang things on a bar. I'm sure you know all the tricks. Don't let it put you off. Next time will be better.
ReplyDeleteI'll put some photos of my stand up on today's post (have to unload first). I have several display units which I put my glass and china on, so that gives more upward space. This Fair has all the stalls laid out, according to the size people have paid for and she had no right to move her tables into my sitting space.
DeleteI have to say, I am still feeling very fragile today (because I'm tired) and the thought of doing my big Fair on the showground in May is not exactly filling me with joy right now. I shan't be doing it alone though - hoping D and her daughter will still be able to come up and have fun with it all that weekend.
Hugs. I hope today is better. Marjorie
ReplyDeleteYesterday did improve - thanks Marjorie.
DeleteOh, that's a hard day alright. I have to say that I'm always taken aback by people who get bitching in your face. It takes me by surprise and I never know what to say. It always comes to me later though. Usually too late. Hope that this day will be better for you.
ReplyDeleteI was completely wrong-footed, as I'd never had it happen before and wasn't expecting it, needless to say. I am not responsible for the layout - that is down to B, who you pay your money to for the pitch. As I told her yesterday.