Extreme tiredness is a horrid thing. It usually takes me 3 days to get over a long working weekend Fair like this. Having been browbeaten by that awful woman seems to have put a factor of "times ten" on this . . . Being so tired means that I cannot harness the power of logical thought to deal with the situation, or to put it behind me. I was in bed 11 hours last night, but awake for an hour or so in the middle of the night. I have done the chores that had to be done here, and also been grocery shopping as the car has to go and be checked tomorrow, and don/t now how long I will lose it for. I may well not be able to go to my quilting group on Wednesday, nor see my friend Nia on Thursday. Here's some photos anyway.
As you can see, a double stand (and a bit at one end) just wasn't enough room. I have 7 tables full at Builth! House rule is no stock out in the aisle, as it gets in the way of people with wheelchairs or mobility scooters, or pushchairs. So I had to sit out there instead, in all the germs, because cowbag next door had taken my sitting space.
I've been offered this stand next time, as it has more room, but judging by the cover he's got up, it suffers a lot with condensation from the glasshouse roof . . . At the moment, I never want to do another Fair again . . .
Right, I am off for my holiday jab in an hour. Last week I had the jitters about it, and this week I would definitely rather jump off a cliff than go on holiday, which is not a good thought to have.
Thank you for all your kind comments. This weekend has pushed the grieving progress back months.
You sound like some one who would not be pushed around by people so I can only assume the old bag caught you on a bad day, pity you did not get a photo of Cowbag (not heard that name in a while) we could all have had a laugh. I know your grieving is still fresh in your mind, I can only give my sympathies to you. It's bad enough going through loosing our dog god know how it feels for your partner. Just to make you smile out new puppy is all teeth, into everything and giving us sleepless nights. Another month and she will be finding out what Builth is like and Landod for that matter
ReplyDeleteNo, normally there would have been a proper retort from me, but it was so unexpected, and I had done nothing wrong, and I was already on the verge of tears and whatever I said, she just talked through anyway! I am so sorry to hear you have lost your old dog. A new puppy really helps you to move on though, as they are such fun (needle teefs and all!) What breed is she Billy? Bet she will love in in Wales.
DeleteTake it easy in your own time. You did nothing wrong and you are right so you can relax and move on. I encountered a troll today and deleted. We each have our own lives and we live them and we know what is right. xx
ReplyDeleteThank you Rachel. When I have caught up with sleep I will be able to put it behind me, but being here alone doesn't help matters. Even the kittens are asleep! Just talking to the nurse who was giving me my holiday jabs helped. As did a boughten curry (naughty of me but I am not at my best today) and anyway, have had a lifetime of mostly avoiding boughten main meals. That's my excuse anyway!
DeleteGrief is a horrible beast to deal with. Someone once said to me that it is the price we pay for love. Acknowledging that helped me to put it in perspective and not feel quite so hopeless when I felt overwhelmed by it. x
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed the price we pay for love. I was saying to a friend at the weekend, if I'd been married to a "barsteward", grieving would have been almost non-existent. I am trying to get my head straightened out again after such a backward lurch at the weekend. I will hold on to your thought.
DeleteAre you taking multi vitamins and minerals?
ReplyDeleteI found that has really helped..better than just magnesium, although Pirate did use epsom salts foot baths successfully for better sleep and getting rid of leg cramps as well.
Worth hanging on to a spot in the fairs at that location..even with a not ideal space..it will be easier to request a better spot in the future
Yup - multivitamin pill and Vit. D daily. Will try Epsom salts to help me sleep perhaps.
DeleteI have a better stand area next time where I can spread out more. I will probably ask for more room as I will need it for the Militaria, although of course it will up the cost.
Hope there are no side effects from the vaccination.
ReplyDeleteKeep on keeping on is the only way and put off the thought of another fair for a while.
Surprisingly, none! Had a bit of a headache last night but took Panadol and it soon went. I don't even have a sore arm (arms, as one jab in each).
DeleteI will indeed keep on keeping on. Being so tired is the main problem, as I can't rationalise when I am this shattered. Next Fair is May.
You are a champ to keep us up to date when you are feeling worn out. Hope you can snuggle up for the rest of the day.
ReplyDeleteJust sharing, helps. Oh goodness, I have NEVER been so glad to get into bed as I was on Sunday night - it felt like I was floating!
Delete((Hugs)). I do hope the tiredness leaves you soon. Remember you did nothing wrong, the nasty witch was the one who was in the wrong.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
I have been resting as much as possible, and sleeping on the sofa for an hour or so, which helps. I had done NOTHING wrong, but when someone just talks at you all the time you are trying to put your point across - it's a waste of breath!
DeleteI, for one, enjoyed looking at all the things displayed in your stall!! They were so cool! Thank you for the show, and I hope you feel better now.
ReplyDeleteHi Ruth, glad you liked them. Other dealers tell me I have a good eye, which is the ultimate compliment. The only thing selling at this fair was jewellery (some quite expensive pieces too) and the felted sheep pictures that J and her daughter next door to me were selling. Perhaps I should do felted horses?!!
DeleteYou are in no way through your grieving process, so the abhorrent behaviour of that despicable woman was exacerbated, making you suffer more than you would have had you not been in this vulnerable state. No amount of apologising can rectify how she made you feel, and if she was a decent person it would never have occurred. By now, she must realise that she's trodden on the toes of someone who is a loved and respected member at the heart of the community, a mistake that may well come back to bite her later on. Dust yourself off and turn it over to karma.
ReplyDeleteI know how much worse she made things. I just didn't have the oomph to stand up to her. I am hoping karma will deal with her soonest.
DeleteI hope that you can curl up and cuddle cats today. It sounds like you need a break. I have to know though, did that horse picture sell?
ReplyDeleteThe girls have been very loving, and cwtched up close to me at night - though they made me SO HOT last night! and I was throwing covers off. I still have the horse picture. Think it should sell at Builth. I have to work out how to assemble the big easel though - brain wasn't together enough for it at the weekend. I need to get some darker gold gilt cream for the frame though.
DeleteYou can be so proud of yourself for carrying on and doing this event. I know it was so hard, physically and emotionally.
ReplyDeleteIt does look crowded, narrow aisles etc, looks like the organizer oversold booth space.
I see you still have the beautiful painted crock I love. And that booth of blue transferware is stunning, I'\d not know what to choose. Enjoyed poring over all booth pics, yours and others, thanks.
I think the aisles are about 6 feet wide, but sometimes when it is very busy it is really overcrowded. There are stalls both sides of the aisles and always have been. Yes, the painted crock will take a while to sell as it is damaged, but then as I say to people, if it didn't have a crack, it would have a much bigger price!
DeleteThe blue transferware is an amazing display - I used to collect smaller pieces and still have an enormous flow blue meat dish in the attic (chip on edge) but nowhere to display it, sadly.
It really took a lot of courage to do this Fair (of course, made worse by the Cowbag!)
Being down is natural, come the holiday and you will start to feel a bit happier. It is a lovely venue with all those plants.
ReplyDeleteOnce I am IN Jordan, I will feel happier. Right now, it just looms on the horizon and terrifies me. Thank heavens I have Gabby as my sidekick as she's done a lot of travelling. This is absolutely the best venue for a Fair that you could have and it used to appear regularly on Bargain Hunt (indeed, when I was on BH). They will be at Brita's small Fair at Llandeilo in May.
DeleteThe worst thing that I found about doing the fairs was the getting up at silly o clock, to travel. The fairs were al most always some distance away.
ReplyDeleteWhere was your fair held?
It’s easy for me to say it but try to forget the old bag..she’s not worth wasting your energy on !
Have a good day!
Oh gosh yes, on the couple of occasions we sold at Malvern we had to leave home about 2 a.m. to then go and sit in a field, waiting to be let through to the selling area. My Fair this weekend was just outside Carmarthen - the Botanical Gardens.
DeleteEven your words ring with your upset and lack of energy. Be nice to yourself over the next few days and try, if you can, too get the forthcoming holiday switched around in your head to something that will help you relax and turn things around a bit.
ReplyDeleteI think you are so brave continuing to sell at such big fairs and with so much stock on your own. I have surprised myself at how much I have turned away from antique fairs, and even car boot sales.
I used to love the whole process of finding and buying stock and selling at the fairs, but selling off all my stock at low prices and freeing myself was the best thing I ever did ... and I made a lot of dealers very happy with their bargains.
I'm not surprised I came across as so down and upset. I am better today, having popped round to my friend Pam up the road for a natter, and then had phone calls from two of my dearest friends of 50 and 60+ years standing, and that has cheered me up no end.
DeleteIt's hard doing the big Fairs with SUCH a lot of stock, but I am trying to clear the old stuff as I am only buying a few bits now, as they take my fancy. I still try to achieve sensible prices for it as I do need the money, as when Keith died, 2/3 of our income went with him. Trying not to touch my savings unless I have to, although I will have a few more special holidays on the principle that there are no pockets in shrouds . . .
13 years down the line I can honestly say that I still mainly dread going away on holiday whether I'm with friends or on my own. However once at my destination I usually have a very good time. When you lose someone there are only two options, one being to carry on so well done you!
ReplyDeleteThank you my lovely, I am reassured by the fact it isn't just me feeling this way. Keith was always at my side throughout our marriage and life without him is a challenge nearly every day. I know I will love it once I'm there, so am trying to change it round in my head to look forward to the holiday!
DeleteYup, I will carry on carrying on!
Would you think of going over to selling online?
ReplyDeleteIt sounds exhausting now although I do understand how important it is to keep in touch with old friends.
Perhaps attending the fairs every so often but more as a visitor/ helper?
I have sold bits and bobs in the past, but don't like to auction it on Ebay as I can't afford to find that actually, that 99p starting bid is all I'll get! So I do a fixed price sale. I will put the quilts on there I think, as I can see what they sell for and price accordingly. I think the problem with the 2 day fairs is that they are actually 3 + days, what with sorting stuff out to take, loading it up, setting it up on the Friday, so about 4 or 5 days are spoken for. Plus there are time limits - the Saturday at Builth is 7 a.m. till 6 p.m. at your stand. Sunday slightly less 8 - 4ish. Until this Fair last weekend, I'd only done two a year.