It's just as well we enjoyed our Summer in April and May this year, as since St Swithun's Day the weather has provided a drop or more of rain on most days. We managed a seaside glimpse last Wednesday when we drove down to visit our middle daughter G in Swansea, where she now works and lives. With little money for "goodies" this month, she asked me to do some baking and so I made double batches of Cornish Fairing biscuits (gingernuts, basically) and Nig Nogs which have oats, dessicated coconut and syrup in. So I got those baked before breakfast. I also cooked up some more Damsons and these are now made into puree and incorporated in Damson Ice Cream . . . We had a bread and cheese style lunch and chatted. It was so good to see her again and catch up on all her news.
Anyway, after visiting the excellent Charity Shop just down the road from her house, where I got a circular knitting needle in a size I needed, and about 2 metres of Aida material for x-stitch in white, cream and a small piece of blue (£1), we bid her farewell and had a little drive around Swansea Bay to the Mumbles. We stopped at Bracelet Bay (the far end, beyond the lighthouse) for 5 minutes, just to take photos, before heading back to home.
We had a proper breath of sea air at Pendine the next day, but I shall write that up later.
Your Nig Nogs look like our ANZAC biscuits - butter rolled oats, flour, coconut, golden syrup and brown sugar.