Monday 2 December 2019

A recent walk

It was bitterly cold here overnight (first heavy frost of the season).  At the weekend it was warmer and drier so Keith and I ventured up the hill.  This is the big old dead tree on the border of our land (our side!).  We keep hoping it will decide to fall over and give us a huge supply of firewood but no . . . it stands resolute!

No snow on top of Black Mountain at the moment.

Looking across the valley.


Dryslwyn Castle in the distance.

The birds haven't had all these Haws yet (though the tree in our paddock is picked clean).

Looking up the valley a bit.

The Italianate tower still standing at Pant Glas.

Sorry for so few words.  My nerves are on a knife's edge as we had some LOVELY people come and view at the weekend.  First, on Saturday, then they wanted to see the land again on Sunday, but viewed the house again too (Tam in charge as we were out).  I keep praying the Agents will ring with some positive news . . .  


  1. Nerve-jangling days! Will be watching for news!!

    1. Tonight I am just depressed! Waiting for news, one way or another, is wearying.

  2. I am twisted with crossing everything. Thanks for the walk loved it all.

    1. Bless you my dear. This is made worse as we really WANT this lovely couple to be here . . .

  3. Best of luck with the house sale.

    1. Thank you hart. Just a case of wait and see.

  4. Fingers crossed and everything else.

  5. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    Love the photos of the valley.

    God bless.

  6. Still no news? Oh heck, I'm as worried as you!
