Thursday 31 December 2020

A Rose in the Snow


We had a little snow overnight, and again this morning and the last rose on Lady of Shalott was looking a bit sorry for itself.  My beautiful yellow rose over Tara's grave (she was the dog I had when we arrived here) still has half a dozen (frozen!) buds on it. The roses have appreciated being fed well this summer with David Austin rose feed . . .

Keith and I had a walk up the hill, as it snowed lightly, and although we couldn't see the mountains because of low cloud, there were still some lovely views.

Below: looking across the valley.

Above and below:  where we turn around - by the neighbouring farmland at the top of the hill.  Atmospheric this morning.

Also by the top of the hill - looking across the pond.  Towy Valley hidden in the clouds.

One last quick one - low cloud looking across the valley towards Park.


  1. Some lovely photos there for your memory book but a whole more in your heart frozen in time and memory. Are you taking some of the Roses with you. Happy New Year to u and stay safe x

  2. Lady of Shallot is a recent arrival and in a big planter; 2 small yellow patio roses are also coming, but the rest I will have to replace. Danny bought me a David Austin voucher for part of my Christmas present so that will buy one bare-root rose. I am having a delightful time chosing what I will buy.

  3. Views are always more poignant when one is leaving aren't they? But Iam sure there will soon be favourite views where you are going.

  4. Roses give so much pleasure in all their beauty. Plant more in your new house.

  5. As you say, very atmospheric photos. Other-worldly. Hoping your new place has as many lovely views.

    1. When you point the camera at the sun, it shuts down the brightness and you get some interesting effects. Other-wordly indeed! There are lovely views where we are going - from the lane we look across to the hills and mountains of mid-Wales.

  6. Beautiful photos and views - so atmospheric. Hopefully there will be lovely views from round your new home. A beautiful rose :)

    1. Hi RR - it was hard to take a bad photo yesterday. Lovely views where we are going too.

  7. What gorgeous photos.

    God bless.

  8. Not sure I have said it before but your photos of the views are always so wonderful to me.
    A much better New Year for you.

    1. Glad you enjoy them parsnip. I have some good ones for a calendar to be made up as a gift for family next Christmas.

  9. Lovely photos and a record of some great memories I am am sure. Happy new year and a wish that you will be settled into your new home very soon.

    1. Happy New Year to you too MM. When we get there, I shall be happier when I have counted 14 days because of the risk of Covid from moving . . .

  10. Your scenery is breathtaking.

    1. Thank you Debby. Wales is SUCH a beautiful country.
