Friday 11 October 2024


 Typing this at the Library as I have had no internet at home now for over a week, and it will be net Monday (earliest - depends whether Openreach pull their finger out to get to us).  a lorry backed into our pole and it's 8 feet out of kilter at the top with a bevy of lines hanging down connected to thin air.  I also have NO tv.  As you may remember I couldn't get a good signal for terrestial tv, and still can't.  So am relying on DVDs for company in the evenings, as I sit and sew hexies for the vintage quilt I'm finishing for the lady who handed it to the charity shop.  Sigh.

I will try and keep you updated via the Library computer, but just wanted you to know that I am fine - if very fed up - and missing everyone.  Back anon.  Have a good weekend.

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