Monday, 3 March 2025

Back, but exhausted

I will post properly tomorrow,  I have been in a panic as I thought I lost my debit card whilst away, how I don't know as Gabs had my purse in her bag all the time and I didn't use it.  We didn't get home until 12.30 a.m. this morning and I only managed 4 hours sleep . . . and then another half an hour later.  Beyond tired, as I have been Rosie wrangling all day too. Anyway, in tears on phone to Gabs, went back upstairs one final time, and it had fallen on the floor, under the bed . . . RELIEF.

I have taken SO MANY photos that  I am having to buy another external hard drive but am waiting on Tam's partner's recommendation first. 

Just a couple of photos today, but I have to say it was the most AMAZING holiday, and even threw in extra fulfilled dreams along the way!  All will be explained.

The new header, btw, is Mount Nebo, where Moses died - in site of Canaan, the Land of Milk and Honey, which he was never able to reach.  The modern white-roofed building by the trees (an oasis) was where a good friend of Moses lived . . . according to our guide.


  1. Welcome home! Am so pleased you’ve had such a wonderful time J.
    Can’t wait to read about all the things you’ve feasted your eyes on whilst away. Now- rest and savour your own bed and reaclimatise back to Wales lol! X Danette

  2. So pleased you had such a wonderful time. Hope you can catch up on sleep first before sharing all the wonders with us.

  3. I'm so glad that you enjoyed your holiday and that you found the wandering card.

  4. So very pleased that you enjoyed Jordan despite your reservations (all understandable from your previous posts), we went twenty years age and it fulfilled my dream of visiting Petra, loved every minute and cried when I caught sight of the Treasury shining in the sun when we neared the end of the Siq, glorious memories. I look forward to your account of the whole experience and will walk through it with you, please. Jan in Castle Gresley
