Sunday, 9 March 2025

Wednesday 26th February - Little Petra


The  coach stopped at a viewpoint so we could take photographs.  These are the mountains were Petra is.

This old chap (he was 90) is playing a Rababa, and he sang in his cracked old voice.  He was saying he was cold - that brought the tips in!  Gabby said, I think they just wheel him out whenever a coach comes in and then he goes back in the warm.  On our way back he was tucking into breakfast in the tent . . .

To get to the viewpoint, there were steps.  We rashly thought they were all like this.  Wrong!

They got worse.  Below, Henrietta (a lovely American Chinese lady) was telling us which steps were slippy . . . That's me in the quilted coat.

There were, of course, cats . . .

Up at the top, amazing views.  There was also a gift shop .

Henrietta was intrepid - nothing to stop you going over the edge and a couple of hundred feet down . . .

My journal for the day:  First to Little Petra (more cute tiny cats, who are fed Feta cheese by the stallholders there).  We were given no warning, but found there was a very steep and worn and ancient flight of steps which took us up to an amazing viewpoint across the Petra gorge.  There were several "shops" along the way and I bought a pretty pink and lilac pashmina for just 4 J. dinar (£4 ish). On the way back I got a nice little silver coloured Arab horse for 5 J.D. (bargained and got 2 JD knocked off).

The steps were fairly challenging -different heights, and sometimes it was easier to climb some less-cut steps to the side.  The lovely bossy Chinese lady (Henrietta) was telling us, "that step's slippy", "hold onto that" etc, bless her.  Her sister is called Heidi and is 80 and had a hip replacement but still had a quick ride yesterday, 100yds or so - on the little ratbag of a pony I rode.  Brave lady.

Our legs ached after that!  I nearly forgot to mention the little old (90 yrs) man who was singing and playing a "Rababa".  

Then on to Wadi Rum (tomorrow's post).

1 comment:

  1. Great photos. The walking looks challenging to say the least! x
