Thursday, 20 March 2025

Talk about MINIATURE!!


I got my Asda order delivered today.  I wondered what the delivery man meant when he said I showed great restraint with my ice cream - until I unpacked the crate and found this DIDDY carton!  50g.  And I thought I was getting a special offer bargain!! Ah well, I shall have to exercise restraint to make it last more than three mouthfuls! The bowl is a standard breakfast bowl - NOT a mixing bowl, btw!!

I have been busy outside again today, and dug a hole on one side of the bank for the Dwarf Aster I was given by my friend Chris a couple of months back.  Then I set to and began weeding that area as grass was beginning to take over.  Three hours later . . . plus I did some more moss and grass removal in front of the stables.  

I gave myself a proper lunch hour, and sat in the sun with a new book (Come Hell or High Water by JD Kirk).  Then I took myself off for a cross country walk, along part of the Viaduct (long distance? trackway).  Anyway, it's down our track, turn left and up across the fields to the old church, and then back home via the lanes.  Photos:

Through the copse, across the stream and that tallest of the fir trees edges my top triangle paddock (the orchard).

I sat on a warm bank and ate a Peppermint Aero . . .

The view across the next field.  Rhayader and the Elan valley are about 15 miles beyond those hills.

My home is off to the left once you get down the steep hill.

I stopped to chat to the lass who was in the lambing pens. She had 3 sets of triplets! Mums were going to be able to feed them themselves too -

no need for one to be bottle fed as is often the case.  The mums here were blue-faced Leicesters.  I noticed some Texels and Suffolks in one of their other fields though.

Final photo.  I was glad to get home and rest :)

Tea tonight was a "bungit" - a chopped onion, a very small pack of Aldi minced beef, a grated carrot, a small grated potato, long grain rice, a hefty sprinkling of medium curry powder, and some Oxo stock.  Very tasty and enough for 3 meals.


  1. Lovely post, what a beautiful if busy spring day you had. The ice cream is hilarious, they're watching your waistline for you. My grocery guy brought me daffodils. They are lovely if a tad shriveled. Said "Product of Great Britain " on the tag. 2.99 a dozen. Usually daffs are from Ireland, same price tho.

    1. I bought two little bunches of "daffs" reduced to 34p each in Aldi last week. They didn't last long, but gave a colourful focus to the kitchen for a few days. Amazing yours travelled all the way from the UK.

  2. Replies
    1. Tam and I used to do this walk together. It's about 2 1/2 miles I think. Lovely views everywhere.

  3. Gardening would be a lot easier if the grass would just regrow on the bald spots in the lawn rather than escaping and taking over the borders. Also, if the things you wanted to seed around actually did, while the 'thugs' behaved themselves and didn't!

    1. I have a moss problem here! Due to the "damp" winters. If everything behaved out there, we'd have no challenge though!

  4. You had a lovely walk, your scenery is so gorgeous. Now that is a very small ice cream.

    God bless.

    1. Such a small icecream, hardly worth selling - except to gullible online customers like me! The scenery around here is amazing.

  5. "Landscape plotted and pieced--fold, fallow and plough." Interesting the bits of emerging green against the dun colors of late winter.
    Your gardening chores put me to shame!

    1. That sums it up. Good to have the green coming through now, though not in my garden beds please!

      I am paying for the gardening/walking today and just had to hit the sore spots (lower back and hips) with the Ibuprofen gel, which works well.

  6. What a lovely walk and a busy day.
    I'd no idea there were ice creams so tiny - enjoy!

  7. Me neither Sue. I have never seen them in the shops. I wonder how many other people have been caught out the same way!

  8. Lucky you to live in Wales with all that scenery. Shame about the ice cream but we have all done it at sometime.

  9. It is so beautiful around here. I only have to look out of the bedroom windows . . .

    Ice cream now eaten so I shall be able to forget my error!

  10. I often find online shopping results in little surprises, like the time I bought a bag of inexpensive, misshapen carrots that turned out to be about 9lbs in weight!

  11. I had several "little surprises" - titchy icecream, different bread, unsmoked bacon, different sausages, fewer apples. 9 lbs carrots - that's a lot of carrot cake!

  12. Blue Faced Leicesters are a lovely breed of sheep aren't they. Our farmer friend in Wales, at the kennels where the dogs went regularly, bred them and they were always a friendly lot. That ice-cream tub is so cute. I used to save any small food containers for my youngest son to play shop or cooking with. I would stuff little cardboard boxes with paper to make them a bit more durable. All he needed was a toy shop till that we picked up from a car boot sale and a cardboard box with black circles stuck on top and a side that opened to make his hob and oven.

  13. I shall save it for Rosie, when she gets to the "shops" stage. Does your son still cook?!
