Thursday 26 September 2024

A small triumph or two


As it was raining on and off this afternoon (and now heavily and steadily), I went up to my sewing room for a couple of hours, rummaged through fabrics I had left over from making the patchwork curtains for the Summerhouse, and found some to complement my screen print from Llwyn Celyn the other day.  I think they blend with each other perfectly.  The top photo shows it sat on the russet-coloured glazed cotton backing material I'm using.  The photo below on the carpet just shows the colours more clearly.  The dark holly green of the Christmas fabric on the outer border ties it together nicely.

Above, Blackberry, Ivy and a greener wild Strawberry leaf from my walk this morning.  The colours tie in perfectly with the cushion front, especially that middle border :)  After going across to see my friend Pam and take her some magazines, I did a 2 mile walk up the side of the valley whilst it was still dry.  It was good to be out again, and I saw a friend out riding her skewbald cob - hoping to get home before the heavens opened.  

I've made (and eaten) a chicken and home grown tomato curry for tea, and frozen two portions for meals as needed,  and I'm going to make Minestrone soup tomorrow with one of the (cheap) Gammon steaks I bought. The other I've frozen to be made into a tasty Risotto when I fancy it.

I've sat and read a bit more of Barbara Erskine's The Story Spinner and am really enjoying it.  I've not had a chance to touch it whilst Tam and Rosie were here.

I have also made an appointment to get all my banking with the same Bank, rather than accounts with 3 different ones!  One bank has been the one I've used all my life, then the credit card went with another bank because that was the local one when I was at Uni, so it needs sorting out.  We've also requested a copy of the Will because the Bank need it so they can make over the balance of Keith's current account to my name.  That will be easier if I'm with his bank.

I also had a grab it whilst you can moment and have taken advantage of the Audible offer of 4 mths at £2.99 a month, this mainly because having looked at what is on offer on Borrowbox, the books I had enjoyed reading in the past and now wanted to listen to again as they are doorstep sized reads, weren't listed.  £12 isn't the end of the world and is covered by only having one newspaper a week now.

I've been worried about Alfie cat for a couple of days as he seemed very stiff coming downstairs yesterday and today when I picked him up to go on the chair beside me, he squawked in pain.  I just lifted him again, very carefully, and found his chest wet - an abscess had broken open, so I've got some salted boiled water cooling to clean the area with.  He will be more comfortable now it's burst.

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